Snapping Point [37]

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Kushida: This is a pleasant surprise. You never ask me out, Y/N.

After Class 1-D wrapped up, other students began to make their way to the track to practice. As planned, I took Kushida and Suzune with me as we sat down and spied on them from a distance.

Y/N: I never really invite anybody out. Well, nobody except Suzune.

Kushida: You should. Watching the other classes is kind of exciting, isn't it?

Y/N: I don't know about "exciting", but it's definitely interesting to see where the other classes stand.

Kushida looked back at me as Suzune started to tap her feet to express her growing impatience.

Kushida: Doesn't this remind you of back then? In the first semester when we had to get answers from a senior student?

Y/N: I guess that was pretty similar, huh? At least in the fact that we were spying on others.

Kushida: Yeah...

She looked over at Suzune.

Kushida: You can be pretty nasty though, Y/N.

Y/N: Pardon..?

Kushida: I mean, you know Horikita-san doesn't like me much, right?

Y/N: Ooooh, well, this was actually Horikita's idea. I'm just going along for the ride.

Kushida: Really? It's nice of you to cooperate for her sake, then, Y/N.

Y/N: Yours too. Besides, if I said no, she'd be all annoying about it later.

Suzune finally broke her silence.

Suzune: You've got some guts to say that when I'm right here.

Y/N: I'm joking. Not really...

Suzune: Kushida-san, I've got no interest in you.


Y/N: What a mean thing to say...

Kushida: What a mean thing to say!

Y/N: Jinx-

Suzune: I wanted to ask you one thing. The one who leaked VIP information to Ryuen on the ship... Was it you?

**She didn't even try to ease into it. I told her to find an opening, not just create one through brute force... Whatever... I'll backseat this conversation.**

Kushida was taken back and seemed confused at where that question was coming from, but Suzune was adamant.

Suzune: You don't have to admit it. It's in the past, after all.

Kushida: What are you-

Suzune: But as a member of your class, I'm not sure I can trust you anymore.

Kushida: I don't know why you suspect me, but I want to work to reach Class A with the rest of you. You'll trust me, won't you?

Suzune: Very well.

The sound of overwhelming doubt was prevalent in Suzune's voice as she went back to watching the other class.

Kushida: I can't wait for the sports festival!

Suzune stood up.

Suzune: I quit. I'm starting to feel like just thinking is a waste of time.

Kushida: Ahaha, that's right. Our mission is to conduct reconnaissance and get information, right?

Y/N: Yep.

Suzune headed off anyway. Neither of us bothered stopping her, though, because she was right. We weren't even paying attention to the other class's practice.

Y/N: That girl...

Kushida looked at me.

Kushida: Are you leaving, too?

Y/N: Hm?

Kushida: You usually avoid being alone with me whenever possible.

We stared at each other. Her words seemed like they'd be coming from her alter-ego, but her tone of voice sounded like the normal Kushida.

**Even now, I still struggle to read her... What does she really mean when she asks that?**

Y/N: You probably won't believe me if I say it, but I don't mean to neglect you, Kushida. It just feels that way because you tend to catch me at bad times...

**I wonder why that is?**

Kushida: Oh, I see.

Despite Kushida's split personality and her threat against me, I wasn't stressing it. As far as I was concerned, Kushida was still one of my friends. I wasn't sure if she felt that same way about me, or if she was just pretending, but I've definitely been pushing her to the side.

**When compared to others like Suzune or HaHa, I tend to treat Kushida like a stranger.**

Y/N: I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or anything.

Kushida: No, it's not like that. I was just... Well, it's okay.

Y/N: It's not.

I looked around to make sure there was nobody in earshot.

Y/N: I'm not even worried about your split personality if you think that's the reason why... I actually find it sort of impressive you can juggle them both so well.

She went silent as she stared at me.

Y/N: Kushida?

She didn't say anything. I stared back, but it felt like she was completely out of it. There was no way for me to predict what side of Kushida I'd be facing in a few moments.

Kushida: N-Nothing.

She tried to change the subject.

Kushida: I'm just happy that Horikita-san has our class in mind. I'll work my hardest to contribute, too.

Y/N: That's good to hear. I'll do my due diligence as well.

She seemed like she was thinking about something.

Kushida: Then let's both do our best! Well, I'm going to head back to my room and freshen up.

Y/N: Alright, then. I think we've seen enough today.

**Even though we literally didn't get any information on the other classes.**

Kushida got up and started to leave.

Kushida: Bye, Y/N.

Y/N: Later.

I watched her as she headed off. After a moment, she stopped walking and looked back at me.

Kushida: Invite me out again more often.

Y/N: Perhaps.

She smiled and kept walking.

**I don't even know how to deal with her right now. Traitor or not, Kushida's target isn't Class D. No, it's Suzune specifically. I don't know why that is, and neither one of them seem willing to give insight.**

But I knew one thing for sure. Even if I had no disdain for Kushida, and even if I still saw her as a friend... As long as I had feelings for Suzune, I wasn't going to let Kushida get away with anything that could damage Suzune's reputation.

**Now I kind of understand Hirata's predicament with Kei... I hate having to be in the middle of two friends that can't see eye-to-eye... If I had to choose, though, whose side am I picking? It's obviously Suzune, right?**

But in order to break Suzune's ego, the answer to that question may not have been as obvious as it seemed.

{Days Later}

The day of the sports festival was finally here. It took a lot of preparation and practice, but we finally had our Class 1-D roster set, and we were feeling good about things. As we all made our way to the track for the competition, I thought about something that happened only yesterday.

**Before officially submitting our class roster, I saw Kushida take a picture of it. We promised as a class that we wouldn't take pictures of anything we decided on. Kushida thought nobody saw it, but she secured her own guilt.**

Although I was fairly certain that Kushida was a traitor even before that moment. As we entered the competition zone, we saw the area booming. There were many spectators made up of school faculty and others who worked on campus.

**It's like the Olympics out here!**

Just as quickly as the opening ceremony passed, the sports festival began. I was feeling good about competing, but the same clearly couldn't be said for everybody in the class.  With so many students here, and with so many spectators, some of my classmates retreated into a shell. As the events got started, I looked around for Sakura.

**This environment is probably killing Airi. I should check up on her.**

I found her under our tent being comforted by Haruka.

Y/N: Yo.

Haruka: Y-Aka, perfect timing!

Y/N: What's wrong?

I could guess what the issue was, but I didn't want to just assume.

Haruka: Airi-chan's having a nervous breakdown. I've been trying to reassure her, but I'm participating in the next event, so I have to go get ready soon.

I sat down next to her.

Y/N: Airi, tell me what's wrong.

Sakura: I-I'm... T-There's so many... I don't think I can do it.

Y/N: You don't? But you've practiced so much.

Sakura: I-I was in over my head.

Y/N: No, you're just in your own head. You can do it if you don't think so much.

Sakura: C-Can somebody fill in for me? Hasebe-san?

Haruka shook her head.

Haruka: Not this time.

Y/N: Come on, Airi, there's nothing to be so afraid of. I've been watching you, and nobody worked harder than you for this event.

Sakura: Y-You were watching me?

Haruka: Y-Aka's right. It's time to show everybody the fruits of your labor-

???: Hey, Hasebe-san! It's almost time.

Another student called out to Haruka who was competing next.

Haruka: I've got to go. Wish me good luck!

Y/N: Go gettem.

We watched Haruka walk off. There was stiffness in her steps. She was clearly nervous, but she had the courage to still try.

Y/N: Do you see that, Airi?

Sakura: What?

Y/N: HaHa's nervous, too. Look.

I pointed at her as she walked with her hands in her pockets.

Y/N: She's so nervous that it's adorable. You're not the only one afraid, Airi. It's not just Hasebe, either. Look around.

She looked around at everybody else. There were others fiddling their fingers or tapping their feet. Lots of us were restless and nervous.

Y/N: The only thing that makes you any different than people like HaHa is courage.

Sakura: O-Oh...

Y/N: Sorry, let me rephrase that... Haruka knows very well that failure is possible, but each failure is a step toward success. It's better to fail while trying so you can grow than it is to not try at all and fail with nothing to show for it. Do you get it?

She stared at me and slowly nodded her head.

Y/N: I'm just saying, you wouldn't have been trusted to do something like this if people didn't believe you could do it. The only one doubting you is yourself.

I stood up and patted her on the head.

Y/N: And don't worry about the spectators. Just pretend they're not here, because they're all gonna be watching me.

Sakura: W-Watching you?

Y/N: Yeah. I'm going to be so awesome that all eyes will be on me!

She smiled and I took my hand off her head.

Y/N: I'll be watching you, though. I know you'll make me proud. See you later, okay?

Her face went red as I started to walk off in search of Hirata. For what it's worth, I think my words got through to her. I made sure to give her a little push at the end. Event after event passed, and so far, we've been losing in every single one. Class C, specifically Ryuen, has been coming out on top.

**Hmm... It's almost as if somebody leaked our Class participation list to him. Who ever could do that..?**

I spotted Hirata and Kei. I went over to them just as Sudo began to give a morale-boosting speech.

Sudo: It's been goin' pretty well so far!

**That's just not true. We hold the advantage because the other classes are carrying. Our class is getting obliterated...**

Sudo: Now let's win this sports festival! Show me what all your training's been for! I'm gonna sweep all the events I'm part of! And I don't want to see any of you guys placing last.

I looked past him to the track as he kept going. The women's 200m dash had begun and Haruka was participating in that one. I watched her closely as she ran. She wasn't in first place, but she wasn't in last either. Regardless, she was trying her best and showing the fruits of her work. I couldn't help but smile.

Sudo: Hang in there like your life depends on it! You hear me!? Anyways, you guys see how hard I'm owning this?

He paused and looked over at Suzune to see if she was listening. Our class may have been doing poorly, but Sudo himself was performing exceptionally. Suzune wasn't listening, though. She was stretching and her focus was on something off in the distance. The tent where her brother's class was.

Sudo: Take a page out of my book and really put your backs into it!

Kei: What the heck? He's like a little kid showing off in front of his crush.

Y/N: No kidding.

Hirata: Y/N, it looks like things have been going just as expected, huh?

Y/N: Pretty much.

Kei: What do you mean?

Y/N: I told you Class D would produce a traitor, right?

Kei: You did, but...

Y/N: You didn't think it was just a coincidence that we're losing every event, did you?

I didn't tell anybody about what I saw Kushida doing, but Suzune, Kei, and Hirata were all aware that there was in fact a traitor. They just didn't know exactly who it was.

Hirata: Why would somebody do this..?

Y/N: I don't know, but... I just wanted to make sure you were aware. That's all.

I left it at that as the festival continued. Event after event Class 1-D found ourselves in poor matchups. Even with Class 1-A on our side, the matches were so unfavorable for Class 1-D that they might as well have been a 3v1 rather than a 2v2. I was fine with losing, though, because that was sort of the whole point.

???: Look at that, was it a collision?!

I directed my attention in the direction of the commotion. Suzune and another girl were both on the ground injured.

Sudo: Horikita-san!

A bunch of us ran over to see what had happened.

Sudo: Is she okay?! I'll get a first-aid kit.

Hirata: I'll tell the teachers!

I didn't say anything as I looked down at Suzune. She had been performing well during the sports festival so far, so Class C might've seen injuring her as the only way to shut her down. That's where I drew the line, though.

**I said I'd let her lose to mess with her ego... I didn't say anything about actually letting her get hurt.**

I looked around for Kushida. Sudo returned with a first aid kit and I slipped away to find Kushida. I couldn't find her, though, so after a while, I returned to find Suzune sitting by herself with her head down. Her ankle was wrapped up. I walked over to where she was at.

Y/N: Hey, Suzune... Does it hurt?

Suzune: It won't affect my performance.

Y/N: That's not what I asked.

I reached down and touched her ankle. She winced in pain.

Suzune: Don't you touch-

Y/N: Who did you collide with?

Suzune: If I just rest it a little-

Y/N: Who did you collide with, Suzune..?

Suzune: Kinoshita-san from Class C.

**Class C... Of course it was...**

Suzune: I can't help but feel like she did it on purpose.

I was angry. Even if this Kinoshita person didn't do it on purpose, the fact remained that Ryuen put her into the same event as Suzune on purpose. He knew something might happen. The only way this was all possible was because of Kushida.

Suzune: Regardless, you should keep your focus on your own events. Not me.

Y/N: Be quiet, you... I've been doing alright. How can I focus on my events when you're like this?

Suzune: I'll be fine.

She kept her head down. I crouched down in front of her and looked up at her.

Y/N: Did you not listen to what I said during the Island Test? You're torturing me here, Suzune.

Suzune: What-

Y/N: You know I hate seeing you like this... I thought I told you to rely on me more often.

Suzune: I'll make it there even if I have to crawl.

Y/N: You'll make it there? Or we'll make it there?

Suzune: I'll make it.

I stood up straight. I didn't say anything else to her before I walked off. In targeting Suzune, Ryuen was getting me to lose my cool. Suzune was still so prideful that she was afraid to ask me for help even though she clearly needed it.

**Relax, Y/N. Just do what needs to be done and get things over with.**

The stubborn Suzune didn't drop out of events. She participated in her next one and ended up getting completely obliterated by Class C. Now, I wasn't the only one who snapped. Sudo was losing his temper more and more by the moment. Seeing Suzune get hurt already pushed him close to the edge. Now, with every Class D loss, he inched closer and closer to his breaking point. The excitement I had before the sports festival was gone. Our class morale had taken a nose-dive after Sudo began to lose his temper.

Sudo: These bastards are cheating!

Y/N: There's no use reporting them.

Sudo: I know that already. Damn it!

He angrily walked off. Kei came over to me.

Kei: Hey, Y/N, are we in trouble?

Y/N: What'd you just call me?

I almost missed it, but Kei called me by my first name. Other than Suzune, Hirata, and Haruka, everybody else called me formally by my last name.

Kei: I started calling Hirata-kun, "Yosuke-kun", so I thought I could do the same for you.

Y/N: I don't mind.

Kei looked over at Suzune who was moping.

Kei: Horikita-san's in really bad shape, huh?

Y/N: They're targeting her.

Kei: You mean it's not a coincidence she keeps getting paired up with tough opponents?

I stared at her sideways as if I couldn't believe she asked such a silly question.

Y/N: Of course not. You already know our class participation list got leaked. They used it to create favorable matchups.

Kei: But at least Sudo-kun's been winning a lot, right?

Y/N: That's only because they don't have a way to stop him. Nobody else in our class is performing well except him. They put their weakest members against Sudo, and everybody else has to go against tougher opponents.

Kei: I see-

Y/N: Especially Suzune... They're trying hard to crush her.

Kei: No way... Class D is probably in last place right now, aren't we? Is there any possible way to win?

I shrugged. I wanted to tell her how I truly felt and say no, but I didn't want to take away whatever remaining morale our class had.

Y/N: We might-

A trash bin went flying across our class's tent.

Sudo: That bastard Ryuen's cheating his @&# off! I'm gonna beat the sh#t out of 'im!

Sudo started heading off toward the Class C tent, but Hirata stopped him.

Hirata: Calm down! If you attack him, that's when it's really over!

Sudo: Shut up! Listen up, Hirata. I'm the leader for the sports festival. You do what I say!

Hirata: I know that, but look around you... How many people will acknowledge you as leader with the way you're acting?

He looked around at the unmotivated members of our class.

Sudo: What's wrong with you guys?! I'm busting my @#$ for this class!

Nobody said a word. Nobody except Yukimura who had enough of Sudo's temper.

Yukimura: Are you really, though? I just think you want to hog the spotlight and prove to everyone how amazing you are.

Sudo: You shut your-

He tried to approach Yukimura, but Hirata held him back.

Hirata: Please look at the bigger picture, Sudo-kun. I know you can do it.

He pushed Hirata off of him. He finally snapped and had enough of letting things slide.

Sudo: I said shut up!

He cocked back his arm and then punched Hirata in the face. It was probably a spur-of-the-moment thing where Sudo let his intrusive thoughts take over.

Yukimura: Hirata!

That wasn't only Sudo's final straw. The punch he delivered to Hirata broke the trust that the rest of the class had in him as a leader. At this point, I could confidently say that Class 1-D was effectively broken. Chabashira arrived at the worst time possible as she heard the commotion.

Chabashira: What's going on back here?

Hirata got back up.

Hirata: Nothing, I just tripped.

Chabashira: It doesn't look that way to me, but if that's the victim's testimony, I won't pry any further.

She left, but the damage was still already done. Hirata pleaded with Sudo to calm down, but he refused.

Sudo: I've had enough. I'm out. Screw the sports festival!

Ike: What will we do without

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