**"Silencer" huh..?**
《 Silencer 》
I stared at my phone and reread the email a few times just to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
**So I can remove one person's ability to vote..? I don't know how I should feel about this quite yet, but this might actually be pretty overpowered if I can use it properly-**
As I was thinking, I heard a knock at the door to my room.
???: Y/N? Are you up, Y/N?
It was Maya's voice.
Y/N: Satou? I'm up, hang on.
I went over to open the door for her. She came inside with a smile as she was carrying a box. A box that had my name on it.
Maya: Here you go, Y/N! This is for you.
Y/N: What is this..?
Maya: The teachers came by this morning and dropped all these boxes off. There was one for each of us.
Y/N: Hmm... What's in it?
Maya: I don't know. They're locked by our fingerprints, so I couldn't open yours.
I stared at her sideways.
Y/N: You tried to, though..?
Maya: Wha?!- No! Maybe... I'm sorry...
Y/N: Alright. We've got to draw the line somewhere as far as privacy goes, but I'll let this one slide...
I took the box and examined it.
Y/N: We each got one, right? What was in your box?
Maya: A gun!
Y/N: A what?!
Maya had a cheerful smile on her face and said it so casually like there was nothing wrong with what she said at all.
Y/N: A gun..?
Maya: Mhm!
Y/N: How can you look so cute while telling me you have a gun?!
She started to blush as she pondered on the word "cute".
Y/N: Focus, Satou... What's the school thinking giving you something like that..?
Maya: Sorry, I should've been a little more specific. It's a paintball gun.
I let out a slight sigh of relief.
Y/N: Okay, that makes me feel a little better, but... Why..?
I started to think. The only logical explanation I could think of for why the school themselves would hand deliver a paintball gun to any student was-
Y/N: What role did you get, Satou?
Maya: Murderer!
Y/N: What the hell... You just told me like that..?
She nodded her head as she took out her phone and showed me her email. Lo and behold, she was one of the murderers.
Y/N: I... I guess I can't argue with that proof.
**What is wrong with this girl? Does she not realize that just because we're both in Class D does not make us allies for the test... Why would she jeopardize herself like this..?**
Y/N: Uhm, Satou... Have you told Okura or Kushida what your role is?
Maya: No, I haven't. Nobody has asked.
Y/N: Okay, then for your sake-
**And mine...**
Y/N: -don't tell anybody else...
Maya: Alright. If you say so!
I stared at her with a blank expression.
**Is this girl stupid, or does she really just trust me... Maybe both... Regardless, her blind trust in me might be beneficial... I don't know yet.**
Y/N: Hey, Maya, can I see the gun by chance?
Maya: It's back in my room. I can go grab it, sure.
Y/N: Hang on... You can show it to me later. I think it's only fair I show you what's in my box considering that you told me what's in yours.
Her eyes lit up.
Maya: Really? Show me, show me!
**This could be stupid considering that me and Maya are on opposing sides for this test... Whatever, I guess I ought to keep her trust... Whatever is in this box will likely correspond with my role**
I proceeded to scan my fingerprint and open my box. As it opened, Maya and I were both surprised by what was inside.
Maya: It's!
Y/N: Nothing..?
I stared at Maya.
Y/N: You sure you didn't get into my box..?
Maya: N-No! I didn't. I promise!
Y/N: Alright...
**Why is it empty?**
I thought to myself for a moment before I came to a conclusion.
**Some roles get special tools while some do not. Why would my "Silencer" role need anything in particular? I guess some of these gift boxes are just dummy boxes... It would look *very* suspicious if only murderers and the like got boxes. It's just to keep everyone's role confidential...**
Y/N: I believe you.
I tossed the box onto my bed.
???: Satou-san? Y/N?
I had left the door open before, and Kushida appeared. I could hear Mika from down the hall yelling in Kushida's direction.
Mika: Are they awake, Kushida? Not doing anything lewd, are they? I mean, mama ain't no snitch!
Kushida: No, no, they're awake.
Mika's voice faded out as Kushida entered the room.
Kushida: Sorry, coming in.
Y/N: Mornin' Kushida.
Kushida: Good morning!
As Kushida approached us, she subtly glanced over at the box on my bed. It was very brief, but I caught her.
Kushida: I was coming to let you know I made breakfast. Okura-san helped as well.
Y/N: Oh, you did? Thanks. I'll help out next time.
Kushida: It's alright. I didn't want to disturb you while you slept, so Okura-san and I just went ahead and made it.
Y/N: Nice. Don't want it to get cold, now do we? Let's head down.
I made sure to see that Kushida left before I did. I didn't know what she was trying to get out of looking at my box, but I wasn't going to let her closer to it.
**Kushida knows good and well that this test is every man for themselves... I wonder if she's a "murderer" as well.**
We left the room and headed down to the kitchen to find Mika keeled over at the table.
Maya: Okura-san?
She sat up.
Mika: Finally you guys are here. I didn't want to start eating without everybody...
Kushida: But, Okura-san... You only had to wait for a few minutes.
Mika: That's a few minutes too many.
We all sat down at the table. Kushida and Mika had cooked up a lot of food for breakfast. Much more than needed for only 4 people.
Y/N: You guys went all out, huh..?
Kushida: Hehe, sorry. Okura-san got really excited.
Mika: My bad... This was like my first time cooking. I got carried away.
Kushida: Well, don't be shy, you guys. Dig in!
Maya: Thank you for the meal!
I looked over at Kushida.
Y/N: Random question... How much food is left for the rest of the week?
Kushida: Oh, don't worry about that. When the teachers came over earlier, I asked about that. They said that our stock can be refilled whenever we need it.
Y/N: I see.
Mika: So, no need to hold back is what I'm hearing.
Y/N: Pretty much.
As we ate and talked, the conversation for some peculiar reason was strictly dodging the contents of this Special Test. All of us had our roles now, but Maya's was the only one I knew. I decided to stop dodging the topic.
Y/N: Guys... I need to ask. How are you all feeling about this exam?
Mika: Interesting question.
I locked eyes with Kushida for a moment, but she didn't say a word.
Maya: I think it might be kind of fun.
Mika: It's like a real-life video game, huh?
Y/N: Yeah.
Kushida: I'm a little worried, though...
Mika: Worried?
Kushida: Well when the teachers told us the rules last night, it really sounded like this test is everybody working for their own benefit. I'm worried some classes might be torn apart by this.
Maya: Wouldn't that be a good thing, though? You know, because then we could rise up to other classes easier.
Kushida: Yeah, that is true, but... It just makes me a little bit sad is all.
I decided to leave that topic there. I wanted to go deeper into it, but I changed my mind. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful as far as progressing the test goes. We hung out, explored the woods, and just enjoyed each other's company. It didn't feel like a Special Exam, but rather just like a normal vacation. Even still, I wasn't about to lower my guard at any point. And there was something I noticed while we were out exploring the woods.
**This test is impossible for the murderers... There was almost nobody else out in the woods. How are you possibly supposed to "kill" anybody..?**
Maybe it's because the test was still fresh in our minds, but nobody from other classes was out and active. It felt like the only time a murderer would have a chance to kill somebody was during the bonfires...
**The bonfire...**
{Later @ Night}
Later that night, we were all summoned to the bonfire as expected. We arrived there to find the air to be a lot thicker. Now that the Exam was in full swing, not as many people were as willing to socialize or enjoy the bonfire, even among just their own classmates.
Mika: Dead crowd...
A lot of the energy in the Salem Group came from Mika, Kushida, and Ichinose, so Mika's arrival to this tense atmosphere was probably a breath of fresh air. Mika started making her rounds talking to people. Ichinose appeared and approached us.
Ichinose: Hey, everyone.
Y/N: Ichinose, hi. Uhh... What's up with this tense atmosphere..?
Ichinose: Well, I'm afraid that nobody trusts each other. Even classmates are keeping secrets from one another.
Kushida: I had a bad feeling this is what was going to happen.
Maya: Well, at least we trust each other, right guys?
I looked at Kushida, then at Mika who was running around like a little kid in a candy store.
Y/N: Yeah...
Ichinose: I'm glad that you all are still as close as ever. I'm pretty envious of Class D sometimes, you know.
Kushida: Ichinose-san, are your classmates not getting along right now?
Ichinose: Oh, no don't worry. They're all still getting along, but... I'd be lying if I said they weren't on their toes constantly. We're certainly not as relaxed as you lot in Class D.
Y/N: Tough...
Mika: Guys! Come over here! We're going to tell scary ghost stories!
Maya tensed up at hearing that idea. It seemed like Mika managed to get everybody to relax a little bit. Enough to enjoy the night at least.
Maya: G-Ghost stories..?
Kushida: Don't worry, Satou-san! They're just fun tales. It'll be okay.
Maya: R-Right...
We started walking over to the bonfire, but Ichinose didn't move.
Ichinose: Hey, Y/N?
I stopped and looked back at her.
Y/N: Yo?
Ichinose: Can we talk?
It probably should've felt like a serious moment, but I didn't feel any sense of intensity from her at all.
Y/N: What's wrong?
I turned around and walked back over to her.
Ichinose: That's what I was going to ask you.
Y/N: Hm? Why?
Ichinose: You've just looked a little bit tired recently. Like you're a bit unmotivated. Is everything okay?
Y/N: Unmotivated? Tired? I'm perfectly fine-
**So she noticed, huh? She's really observant... And here I thought I was acting perfectly fine.**
I wasn't "tired" or "unmotivated", but ever since taking down Ryuen, I've been much more relaxed and calm at school. Since I no longer felt the need to contribute to my class too much, I also didn't feel any need to constantly be so tense.
Y/N: I appreciate you worrying about me, Ichinose. I'm alright, though.
Ichinose: You sure? You know I won't judge you if you're hiding anything.
**You're the one hiding something, according to Arisu... I wonder what it is.**
Ichinose: If you are, it doesn't have to do with that encounter you had with president Nagumo, does it?
Y/N: I promise I'm fine, really. Thanks for being concerned, though. If something actually was wrong, then I'm glad you had the courage to ask me.
Ichinose: Of course, any time.
Y/N: But what about you, Ichinose?
Ichinose: Me?
I've seen the way Ichinose looks at me sometimes. It's subtle, but not impossible to spot. I can't tell if there's something stressing her, bothering her, or if it's something different entirely. Perhaps she knew about my run-in with Class C.
Ichinose: I'm alright, thanks for asking. Just looking to get through this odd exam is all.
Y/N: You and me both. I know it's a dumb idea, so I won't ask for your role, but I hope we're on the same side-
Our wristbands both vibrated. We looked down at them to see that we had gotten a notification. An alert letting us know that we would be able to vote in 1 hour.
Y/N: Right... We can vote and stuff.
Ichinose: Mhm. It makes no sense to do so tonight, though. Nothing happened yet.
Y/N: Even still... I noticed something while I was out with my classmates earlier... This exam seems almost impossible to win for the murderers.
Ichinose: Why do you say that?
Y/N: Finding an opportunity to "kill" anybody is extremely difficult. I mean, you could do it during these bonfires, but you'd get caught pretty easily...
Ichinose stared sideways at me for a moment and then smiled.
Ichinose: You're right. It sounds like you've given it quite some thought. So much so that I might even be inclined to think you're one of them. Are you?
I shrugged.
Y/N: Who knows? Are you?
She teased me and shrugged in the same manner.
Ichinose: "Who knows?"
Y/N: Well said...
Ichinose: Hey, uhm... There's actually something else I wanted to talk to you about-
Out of nowhere appeared another girl. A girl who I was a little bit familiar with. Masumi Kamuro from Class A.
Ichinose: Kamuro-san?
Masumi's eyes made their way over to me.
Masumi: I need to talk to you...
Y/N: Hm?
She turned around and started to walk off. I looked over at Ichinose.
Ichinose: She looks serious, you know. It's okay, Y/N. Don't keep her waiting.
Y/N: Ugh, alright... Sorry, Ichinose. Don't forget what you wanted to ask me, though...
I walked off and followed Masumi. She led me off to the edge of the woods, but I stopped and didn't follow her any further. She turned and looked back at me.
Masumi: Why'd you stop?
Y/N: You're one of the murderers, aren't you? I'll have you know, even if you try to take me out right now, there were students who watched me leave with you. Your identity will be immediately compromised if you take me down here...
**Of course, Ichinose was the only one who I can confirm saw us leave. The other students were telling ghost stories by the fire. Ichinose also could be a murderer, so there's no guarantee she'll snitch on Masumi anyway.**
Masumi: Would you just calm down..? That's not what I needed to talk to you about. But if you're so paranoid, then whatever... This is far enough...
She turned around and faced me. She crossed her arms and just stared at me for a bit.
Y/N: Well?!
She sighed.
Masumi: You're my lover.
I froze up for a moment and began to blush as I processed her words.
Y/N: Uhm... Kamuro-san... Listen, I think you're a pretty girl, and I'm very flattered you feel that way about me... I really am, but-
Masumi: What..? Would you get real? That's not what I meant, you cornball...
Y/N: Then choose your words more carefully... What did you mean, then..?
Masumi: My role in this test is "Lover"... It's a Neutral role...
Y/N: Oh, I see...
I stared at her blankly.
Y/N: I don't know why I just lied... I don't see at all. Why would you tell me your role?
Masumi: My role lets me win the Exam so long as my "lover" makes it to the end. You're my randomly chosen "lover", so regardless of if you're a murderer or not, I can still win in the end. So... Tell me your role, and let me help you.
Y/N: No.
Her eyes widened for a moment, and then she squinted with a sour expression.
Masumi: The hell do you mean "no"..? Do you not understand how my role works? I am bound to you whether I like it or not.
Y/N: Who's to say you won't just throw me under the bus when you figure out my role?
Masumi: Because if you lose, then I lose-
Y/N: So? At least at that point, neither of us would win. Your class would firmly sit in the number 1 spot with Class A while my tiny opportunity gets robbed of me.
Masumi: Are you serious..? Then in that case, so long as you're not a murderer, telling me your role will bring you literally no harm, right?
Y/N: Not true. What if one of your classmates is a murderer or some other role that can completely shut me down?
Masumi: You're thinking too much into this...
Y/N: No, I'm just being careful. If you're my "lover", then just sit by and let me do my thing. Alright, love?
She sighed.
Masumi: This test stuck me with one stubborn partner...
Y/N: Guess so. I'll be fine on my own, though. Thanks for the offer.
Masumi: You're making a mistake.
I shrugged as I turned around to head back to the bonfire.
Y/N: Maybe. Don't worry, Kamuro. If I need your help, I'll ask.
Masumi: Don't bother...
She walked off looking salty, but I stood by what I said. Especially knowing that she was so close to Arisu, there was no telling what her true intentions were. Still, it was a bit weird that I would find out her role before even my own classmates. I needed to figure something out.
{Later After Bonfire}
We returned back home after the bonfire, and I had to ask everybody something.
Y/N: Yo, guys... Can we talk for a minute?
Mika: Hm?
I stopped them in their tracks just as we entered the building. This was something I wanted to know, and I didn't plan to stall either.
Y/N: For this exam, we may be able to work together. Kushida, you said that you didn't want classes to fall apart, right?
Kushida: Yeah, I did say that. And I meant it, too.
Y/N: If you meant it, then humor me... Okura, Kushida, Satou... What are your roles..?
Mika: Who knows?
And with that subtle and sly comment, Mika smiled at me as she kept walking.
Kushida: Okura-san?
Mika: Let me sleep on that thought. Maybe I'll tell you in the morning.
The air was thick. Mika was up to something. Maybe it was just because we both shared roots from the SalRo, but I could feel some subtle pressure in the air. With that small, yet out-of-character response from Mika, I just had a gut feeling that she was a murderer. If not, then I was convinced that she had a role in the Neutral affiliation. There is no way she was "Good".
Y/N: Sure... Sleep on it. I did ask sorta suddenly, so... take your time.
**Whatever she's hiding... I need to watch her carefully... Matter of fact, I don't need to "watch" her. She's from the SalRo... I need to act before she can. Even if she's completely innocent in this exam, I'd rather be safe than sorry.**
Y/N: Another random question, Okura, before you head to bed... Do you like dancing?
She looked back as she kept walking.
Mika: Dancing? Hmm... I guess so, yeah. Why?
Y/N: Just curious.
**I do not know what your role truly is, but I'm going to have you dancing in the palm of my hand during the rest of this week regardless...**
At this point, it wasn't about helping my class be great. This was a grudge match between me, and the girl from the SalRo who infiltrated my life. This was personal.
As she left, I looked over at Maya.
Y/N: Satou, can I come up to your room with you? Before the curfew hits?
Maya: S-Sure!
Y/N: Thanks. You guys don't have to tell me your roles, either.
Maya: But-
Y/N: I was out of line asking something like that. My bad...
I left Kushida there confused and dumbfounded as I headed upstairs with Maya. I had no
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