Midterm Scheme [6]

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I texted Kushida and asked her if she would go out with me to get lunch. I didn't know what Suzune, Kushida, or anybody else had planned, but I had an idea just crazy enough that it might work. I sat there in wait before Kushida arrived.

Kushida: Y/N, hey!

Y/N: There you are. Thanks for coming.

Kushida: Mhm. I think this is the first time you've ever invited me somewhere!

Y/N: Sorry, I'm not great at inviting people to places...

Kushida: You must have a reason, then, right?

Y/N: I do, but... Can you promise not to tell another soul about this?

Kushida: Sure!

Y/N: "Sure" wasn't convincing enough...

I stuck out my pinky finger.

Y/N: Pinky promise...

She accepted the gesture.

Kushida: I promise. Now you're getting me a little bit worried, though. Is this something super serious?

Y/N: It is serious, but it's nothing you need to be worried about. Follow me.

I got up and she followed behind me. We were stalking one of our Upperclassmen who I was able to figure out was in Class D of his grade. He had waited in the lunch line before grabbing the free meals the school provided. They were edible, and tolerable, but definitely not ideal. That was the leverage I needed. I watched him as he headed off to sit down at a table.

Y/N: Come on, Kushida. Let's go.

Kushida: Right.

We went over to the table he was at. I whispered to Kushida before we sat down.

Y/N: Sit directly across the table from him. That's important.

Kushida: I don't get it, but I'll do it!

We sat down at the table. I pulled out the chair next to him and Kushida sat directly across from him.

Y/N: Hey.

Boy: Hm?

Y/N: I'm Y/N from Class 1-D. You're in Class D too, right?

Boy: Yeah.

Y/N: How does this lunch taste? It looks, uh...

Boy: What do you want?

**Right... Forget the small talk.**

Y/N: I wanted to talk to you about something. It'll be worthwhile.

Boy: Talk?

Y/N: Do you have the questions from your first-year midterms? I want you to give them to me.

He started to sweat.

Boy: Why are you coming to me about this?

Y/N: Because I saw you first. Besides, you're eating the free lunch, so I'm assuming you're low on points if not completely out. I'm willing to pay for this information.

He looked down, then back at me.

Boy: How much will you pay?

Y/N: How does 10,000 points sound?

Boy: There's risk in this for me, too. I'd need 30,000 points, at the very least.

Y/N: That's a stretch...

Boy: No deal, then.

Kushida jumped up out of her seat and leaned across the table.

Kushida: Wait a minute! A friend of ours might be expelled. Please!

**That's exactly what I needed you for, Kushida. You're cute and you're vocal. Keep getting this boy to drop his guard.**

She was so good at her job, that she even had me distracted for a moment.

Y/N: 10,000.

Boy: 25,000.

Y/N: 10,000...

Boy: 20,000.

Y/N: 10,000 is the offer...

Boy: 15,000! I couldn't possibly go lower.

Y/N: You drive a hard bargain... Fine, 15k points. Could you just include your quizzes from the first term in this exchange?

Boy: Okay.

Kushida: Thank you very much!

We waited there as the boy went through his email logs to find the results of his quizzes. He found what we agreed on, and I sent him 15,000 points in exchange. Kushida and I left and headed outside. We sat on a bench outside.

Kushida: Do you think it'll be okay?

Y/N: There's a chance that I just wasted 15,000 points. If these questions don't align, that is.

Kushida: I meant, like... Buying the answers. Isn't this cheating?

Y/N: It's within school rules, so don't think about it too much.

Kushida: I suppose so...

Y/N: Thanks for coming, by the way. You were a big help.

Kushida: Hmm? I didn't do anything, though.

I jokingly patted her head.

Y/N: Yes you did. Let's just see this "cheat sheet" as insurance against the expulsion of Sudo and the others. Shall we take a look at it?

Kushida: Yes.

I took out my phone and checked the messages I received from him. Once compared to one of my old quiz papers, I was able to confirm that the test he took years prior was the exact same test we took now. 

Y/N: They're the same. Right down to the letter.

Kushida: Wow! What about the midterm, then?

Y/N: I think it's fair for us to assume the same. At least to some extent?

Kushida: Let's show it to everyone! Not just Sudo and the others.

Y/N: Not yet.

Kushida: Why not?

Y/N: Let's wait until the last minute. Right before the midterms. If we wait until then, you know what our classmates will do, right?

She was getting it now.

Kushida: They'll desperately work to memorize the answers!

Y/N: Bingo.

Kushida: Y/N, are you sharper than you let on?

Y/N: I'm just a little bit cunning is all. By the way, Kushida, there is actually one more thing I wanted from you when I called you out here. Another favor between friends, okay?

Kushida: Hm?

Y/N: When the class inevitably asks how these answers were obtained, could you tell them you were the one who got them?

Kushida: Sure... But are you okay with that?

Y/N: I don't want to become a stand-out in class, and I know you're already well-respected by everybody. I think it'd be great for you to take the glory.

Kushida: Okay. If that's what you want.

Y/N: Thanks for being so easygoing. Glad I can trust you, Kushida.

Kushida: I guess this will be our little secret, then!

I wiggled my pinky finger around.

Y/N: We promised.


After class, Kushida proceeded as planned and handed out review packets containing the midterm answers that we received the other day. Everybody happily took them. Everybody except one particular student who has been relatively quiet, yet still has a massive aura and presence in the classroom. Rokusuke Koenji.

Kushida: Koenji-kun, here.

Koenji: I beg your pardon, but I need no such thing. And I have a date to get to. Now, if you'll excuse me.

He waved as he left the classroom. I didn't know what it was about that guy, but he wasn't normal. Even in a class full of defective students, there was something especially mysterious about him. I kept my thoughts to myself and just carried on my day.

{Test Results Day}

It was the day we were receiving our exam scores. Our teacher, Chabashira, posted the exam results on the board. Our scores were all much higher than our usual tests, for obvious reasons. The class all celebrated and went over to thank Kushida for providing the study guides. Suzune had her gaze fixed on me, but I tried to pretend I wasn't bothered by her staring. It got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore.

Y/N: What!?

Suzune: Y/N, exactly what did you do?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Suzune: Don't play dumb...

I looked at Kushida.

Y/N: Kushida's more suited for the role is all.

Suzune: Not much of a compliment. I don't understand your way of thinking-

Chabashira reentered the room and everybody settled down.

Chabashira: To be honest, I'm impressed. I never thought you'd be able to get such high scores. I acknowledge your efforts, however...

She grabbed a red marker and drew a line between two names on the results sheet. A dividing line separating Sudo Ken from everybody else.

Chabashira: You got a failing score, Sudo.

**Oh no...**

Sudo: What?! You're kidding! How did I fail?!

Chabashira: The threshold for failure on this midterm exam was 40. The average score on the midterm test was 79.6. Divide that by two, and we have 39.8. Round that up and you would need a score of 40 or higher to pass.

Sudo: Forty...

She placed the marker down and headed for the door to leave again.

Chabashira: We only knew each other for a short time, but I appreciate your efforts. I'll issue your notice of expulsion after class.

Sudo: I'm gonna be... expelled?

Hirata jumped up. It was nothing out of character for him to try and defend a classmate.

Hirata: Wait a minute! Isn't there any way to save him?

Chabashira: A failing score means you're finished

Kushida: Isn't there anything we can do? We can't let Sudo-kun be expelled...

Chabashira: Rules are rules. Give it up.

Nobody else had the capability to chime in anymore after that.

Chabashira: Homeroom is now over. Sudo, I'll be waiting in the staff office after classes.

I watched her as she left the room. Everybody remained silent. Nobody knew what to do or what to say. I got up and went to check the front board. I checked everybody's scores and made sure there weren't any errors in the calculations. Something caught me by surprise, though. Suzune Horikita scored lower than her usual test grades. Low enough to the point where it couldn't have just been a minor drop-off. I looked back at her.

**She lowered her own test scores as a backup plan in case everybody couldn't perform well. By lowering her score, she lowered the average, too. If she would've told me that she was doing that, then maybe I could've done it too and saved Sudo...**

Y/N: Are you kidding me..?

All eyes were on me. I had forgotten the mood and silence in the class. I let my thoughts slip out.

Kushida: Y/N?

Y/N: Sorry, I've got to use the restroom.

I headed out of the classroom and looked down the halls. I just barely caught Chabashira as she was turning a corner. I decided to follow her from a distance to see where she was going.

**Suzune will never admit it, but what she did is as clear as day. I won't let her efforts be wasted if I can do anything about it.**

I trailed Chabashira but felt that somebody was also trailing me. I wanted to give off the impression that I didn't notice them, so I just kept walking. Eventually, I made my way out onto the school rooftop where Chabashira was taking a break and smoking.

Chabashira: What is it? Class is going to start soon, you know.

Y/N: Is there really nothing that can be done about Sudo Ken?

Chabashira: I told you rules are rules, didn't I?

Y/N: Exactly. And the rules say that-

I showed her my phone.

Y/N: -Anything can be bought with Points, right?

Chabashira: Oh?

Y/N: Sell me one point to add to Sudo's results.

She laughed.

Chabashira: You're an interesting one. You want me to sell you test points?

Y/N: Point. Singular. And yeah, why not?

**I have no idea if this was even possible. I'm definitely stretching the "Points can buy anything" rule to the limit.**

Chabashira: Your idea is indeed plausible. However, that doesn't mean you can afford it.

She looked at my phone.

Chabashira: 100,000 points. If you can give me that right here and now, I'll sell you one point.

Y/N: 100,000?! I can't manage that!

I only had a bit over 60,000 points left. 100,000 at this immediate point was impossible.

Y/N: You're cruel, Teacher...

Chabashira: That's a part of the rules, too-

???: I'll pay.

We looked over and saw that Suzune had appeared. It was apparent that she was the one trailing me before.

Y/N: Suzune?

Suzune: There's no telling what punishment will be enacted on a class that loses students to expulsion. I've determined there may be considerable merit in keeping him around.

Chabashira: I knew you people would be interesting. Very well, I'll sell you Sudo's test point. You can let him know his expulsion has been rescinded yourselves.

Y/N: Willing to go 50/50 with me?

Suzune: Yes.

We both sent 50,000 points over and finished the transaction.

Chabashira: In this entire school's history, no Class D has ever ascended to a higher class. Do you still intend to struggle for it?

Suzune: I don't know how Y/N feels, but I will ascend to a higher class.

I started walking off to head back to class.

Chabashira: No answer to my question?

Y/N: I do what I have to do. Nothing more, nothing less. Class A sounds great and all, but I don't know if I really want that type of attention, so... We'll see.

Suzune followed me as I headed off.

Suzune: What's wrong with you? What point was there to enroll in this school if you lack any form of ambition?

Y/N: Ask another time and maybe I'll have an answer for you. I owe you, though. Thanks for saving Sudo.

Suzune: Didn't I tell you? I helped for my own sake. Nothing more.

Y/N: Nothing more? Is that really the only reason?

Suzune: What are you saying?

Y/N: You had a feeling that somebody might fail, so you dropped your own test scores to lower the class average.

She tried to shoot down my allegations.

Suzune: I told you, I did it to get into Class A.

Y/N: Uh-huh... Whatever you say, Suzune.

Suzune: Hey, Y/N... I don't like your attitude.

Y/N: I didn't know how cute you could be when you get defensive.

She reached into her pocket and pulled something out. It was a compass needle.

Suzune: To regret in suffering, or to regret in despair... Which would you prefer?

Y/N: How about neither..?

**The heck is she gripping that compass needle so tightly for-**

She drove the needle into my arm and gave me a quick jab. It didn't hurt much, but it was still completely random.

Y/N: Ow? I said neither...

Suzune: I chose for you.

I grabbed the needle from her.

Y/N: Your turn, then... Arm or leg?

I was just messing with her. I wasn't going to actually get her back, but she needed that thing confiscated. We made it back to class to find everybody sitting down in despair and waiting for class to begin.

Kushida: Y/N! Horikita-san! Where'd you two go?

Y/N: Bathroom.

Suzune walked back over to her seat without saying a word.

Kushida: Um... Oh, you're bleeding, Y/N!

The jab wound was higher up on my arm, but the blood was flowing down my hand.

**Dang it, Suzune... What excuse should I come up with..?**

Y/N: Still? That's why I went to the bathroom. I thought I cleaned it all up. Don't worry.

I went back over to my desk and dropped off Suzune's needle on her desk as I sat down and waited for class to begin. I didn't want to take credit for getting Sudo's expulsion rescinded, and Suzune wasn't speaking.

**I guess we'll drop the news to him after class-**

???: Hey, Y/N

I looked up to see a female student in our class, Mei-Yu Wang leaning toward my desk. Mei-Yu had indigo hair tied up in twin-tails and she had pink-violet eyes. She sat in front of Suzune, and diagonally from me. She was holding something out to me.

Y/N: Hm? What's that?

Mei-Yu: It's a bandaid. You're bleeding, so you should cover that up.

Y/N: Oh, I see. Thank you very much.

Mei-Yu: No problem. We were just passing it down, though. The bandaid is from Hasebe-san.

Y/N: I see.

I looked over at Haruka who was watching me to confirm that her package had made it safely. I smiled and waved the bandaid in her direction to let her know I got it. I mouthed the words, "thank you" and she gave me a thumbs up before our first-period teacher entered the room to get the class started.


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