Twelve.......Day Off

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Flashback.......Riley's POV

It was a week to Christmas. Cleb and dad just finished decorating the house, music was playing from the loudspeaker. But I was still decorating the Christmas tree. I wondered how they did it so fast.

"How come you guys finished so fast Cleb?" I asked.
"Maybe you're just the one who's slow.", he said and sat down.
"I'm not slow. I'm just taking my time to make a very beautiful Christmas tree.", I said.
"Doesn't look so beautiful.", he said and I felt angry.

"Dad!!! Cleb's saying the tree isn't beautiful!!!!" I screamed so that Dad would hear me.
"Oh no darling the tree is..." Dad stopped when he saw the tree.

My smile turned sour as I soon realised it wasn't all that beautiful. There were just too many things hanging and it looked crowded.
"It's not beautiful right.", I said and looked down.
"Oh no, it's just too amazing.", Dad said and I noticed Cleb funnily move his eyes.

"Okay, we are just gonna move some decorations a little higher and maybe take some away.", he said and started. With all of us working together s we soon finished.

When we were done, we all stepped back and looked at the tree. It was amazing.
"It's beautiful!!!!" I screamed.
Then a song started playing.

"C'mon let's all dance.", Dad said and I listened in to hear the song.
"I know this song. It's Cleb's favourite." I said in excitement.
"You bet it is.", Cleb said and we started dancing. It was a very fun night.

Present Day

Weeks had gone by and Caleb was still in a coma. His twins, Leah and Lincoln spent two weeks at my place before going back to stay with their mum. They had bought the idea of Caleb going on a trip to Colombia. Sometimes they would ask questions but we would answer them evasively.

Ansel was very helpful throughout the past week. He helped in cheering the kids up and keeping the thought about their father away even though they didn't know what exactly happened to him.

But now they had gone home and sadly Caleb was still in a coma. I had told my dad but made sure he was calm.

I entered the house after greeting Cory. I took off my heels and held them in my hands. I felt so tired. I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes when I felt hands on my shoulders and I knew it was Ansel.

"How was your day?", was all it took for me to start ranting.
"Today was the worst.", I started. "I had a meeting with a client by 2 pm. On my way there, my car broke down. I had to take a bus, but unfortunately, I didn't have my bus card so I had to go purchase a ticket from the station. Getting there, I met a long queue. Fifteen minutes! Fifteen minutes and it was my turn. Finally got it. Got a bus, but got stuck in traffic. A terrible one."

"I called the client to let her know of my situation and she moved the time to three. Sadly, I arrived by three thirty only to get a call from the client postponing the meeting. The stress I went through and she postponed! I sucked it up and called the mechanic to check on my car."

"He called some time later saying the car had been towed and I was needed at the office. Tired and frustrated but I had to go. After going through crappy processes. I got to know that they towed it because I was at the wrong spot. I mean all they had to do was drop a ticket, not outright tow it away like some damaged goods."

"I was trying to explain that it was my car that broke down and it wasn't my intention but I swear those men made it their purpose to frustrate me. Sadly I had to pay and they gave me back my car, my damaged car by the way."

"I left it with the mechanic and followed the bus. I slept and missed my stop! I couldn't take another bus cause it wasn't so far away, but I regret that choice and wish I had because now my legs are sore and I have a splitting headache.", I finished and sighed a long and deep sigh.

"Wow, what a day huh.", he said and I could hear the smile in his voice alone but I didn't reply. My ranting had just made my headache worse. "I'm coming, I'll be right back.", he said and left. Then I heard him mutter and he came back. But before I could say anything he lifted me and he carried me in his arms.

"What are you doing?", I asked tiredly. I was too tired to protest.
"Taking you to the room to make things easier for you.", he said and I just closed my eyes. Soon I was on the bed. He got some painkillers and I gulped it down with water.

He came back with a bowl and a cloth. Then he started massaging my legs. It felt so soothing that I didn't know when I drifted to sleep.

The next day was luckily a Saturday. So I had time to rest. I woke up and went to have my bath. When I was done I saw a tray with food on it. Ansel must have brought it. I thought.

After eating, I headed downstairs. My hair was down in two pigtails. I heard voices. I soon realised it was Jamie and May.

"Jamie. May! What a pleasant surprise. I didn't know you guys were here."

"Yeah we've been here for a while, but Ansel said you were still sleeping.", Jamie said.
"Oh sorry, I was really tired. Yesterday was so stressful.", I said and sat down beside Ansel.

"How bad, on a scale of one to ten?", May asked.
"Nine.", I replied.
"Wow that must have been one heck of a day.", Jamie said.
"I can't even start narrating.", I said. Ansel stretched his arms on the couch and one of his arms was touching my neck.

After a small chit-chat, Jamie excused himself to use the rest room and May went to get some juice. It felt weird the way they left and I was expecting something. I felt Ansel touch my pigtails. He was seated beside me with an arm that draped over my shoulder

"Like what you did this time.", he stated.
"You always like what I do with my hair."
"Pigtail.", he said.

"I'm guessing you just said what came to your mind.", I said.
"No. I do know this one. It's what I always did for my sisters when they were young."

"You can braid hair?", I asked utterly surprised turning to face him and my hair shifting out of his grasp.
"Hmm hmm."
"Now that I didn't know."

"Anika always loved it, but Angel would always hate it saying it made her look like a kid.", he said smiling at the memory.
"I miss those girls.", he said and sighed.

"Anyways.", he said shifting to face me completely. "Would you like to go out today?", he asked.
"Oh, so that's what this is all about. Jamie going to the toilet, May going to get some juice.", I said and laughed lightly.

"Fine, you figured it out, but don't let them know. They wanted to ask you, but I wanted to ask you privately, so in case you didn't wanna go.", he said and I laughed.
"Wow, nice try. Okay then, I'll go.", I said.

Not long they came back. I tried to hide the fact that I knew what they were up to and my smile at the way they were trying to behave normal.

"So how would you guys like to go out?", Ansel asked.

"Lovely.", Jamie said.
"I have just the place.", May said.
"Fine then we'll get ready and follow you guys in our car.", Ansel said and we both left.

Soon we were ready. I changed into a pair of blue denim jeans. I wore a white inner top and a blue jacket that had white dots. I looked at my hair and decided to let it fall, which I rarely do. I wore white sneakers and headed down.

When I got down, they all looked at me.
"Nice matchup.", May said.
"Your wife sure knows how to dress.", Jamie said and patted Ansel on the back. Then they headed out.

"Are you going to just stand there and stare or are we gonna go.", I said to Ansel after they had left.
"Yeah, sure. You just look..beautiful.", he said.
"Thank you.", I said and we left.

We first went to a park and had a picnic, where Jamie and May admitted that if I hadn't wanted to come along, they would have forced me so the food wouldn't go to waste.

We talked about so many things and I got to know about Jamie and Ansel but more of Ansel. We ended up at a bar. We talked, met some people and laughed about a lot of things. Later on May and Jamie were somewhere. They happened to know a lot of people here.

A slow song started playing. "Would you like to dance?", he asked.
"Oh no. I'm good.", I said.
"That's Riley for you. She can't dance.", May said from behind. Jamie wasn't with her.
"But we've corrected that.", Ansel said and May's brows shot up.

"Yeah I taught her how to dance.", he said and stood up. He took my hand and I reluctantly stood up. May then whooped.
"Go girl!", she said excitedly
I knew the song and remembered when my dad was trying to teach me to dance. This was the song we danced to, Dance With My Father.

We started to dance and the space between our bodies slowly closed up till our bodies were pressed together. I had this tingling feeling all over. I looked up to his eyes and there was something in them. They looked darker than usual.

He started leaning closer, till his lips were inches from mine. Lost in the moment I leaned in a bit and just as our lips were about to touch, the music ended.

Then I realized where we were and everyone was clapping and whooping for us. I immediately pulled back, realizing what was about to happen. I would've almost kissed Ansel.

Feeling flushed, I excused myself before heading for the toilet. I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself.


I couldn't be falling for Ansel. Hard as it was to admit, we are married just for the money. Yes, I admit I am with him for his money, I admit, but I can't fall in love with...

"Why do you torture your heart Riley.", I heard May say and I looked at her from the mirror. I sighed and turned back to face her. "I guess you're just having a bad case of love. But your case is simple. You're the one making it tough."

"Oh May.", I sighed deeply and covered my face.
"You have to let go of the past Riley. You're just too afraid. I know. You're afraid the same thing would happen again. Afraid he would leave you. Afraid your heart would get broken again.", she said and I looked at her with tears welling in my eyes.

"That's just because you're looking at the bad side of things. Look at the bright side. What if he doesn't break your heart, but instead builds it? What if he doesn't leave you, but stays? What if instead of the same thing happening, something better happens.", she paused.

"How will I know.", my voice sounding so stressed.

"You'll never know until you try.", she said. She always knew what to say and when to say it. I hugged her and we stayed that way for a while before we were sure I could head back.

Monday came by and I got ready for work. I got to work and noticed Parker's behaviour towards Paloma had changed. He seemed different, more affectionate.

So I called her privately.
"Paloma, I just can't stand and watch you do this to Parker."
"Do what?", she asked.
"Oh don't play dumb. He got you a freaking gold necklace with your name on it."

"Yeah I know it's nice.", she said fiddling with the necklace.
"Okay, now your behaving bitchy."

"Bitchy. Why not go and figure out your love life and stop trying to change my figured love life.", she said.
"Yes seriously. You're trying to help me find happiness in my life when you haven't found happiness in yours.", she said and I felt a sharp tinge of pain.

Just then, Parker walked in.
"Is everything okay?", he asked.
"Perfect.", Paloma said pointedly before leaving. He gave me a look before leaving. Sighing, I left and decided to go home.

I was in the car. Mekhi was driving me home from work when I got a call. I checked it was Jessie and I immediately answered.
"Riley!!!", she screamed over the phone causing me to jerk back from the phone. "Come over to the hospital now. Caleb has woken up."

"I'm coming right now.", I said and hung up. "Mekhi, take me to Lakeview Hospital. You know the place?", I asked.
"Yes ma'am.", he said and turned in the direction of the hospital.

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The Sparkling Authoress

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