I woke up at the sound of a groan. It wasn't mine and I realised Ansel must have woken up and would be groaning from his hangover.
I stood up from the couch, which was where I had slept for the night. After our moment yesterday, which I'm sure he won't remember, I left the room.
When I came back he was sleeping his hands apart and his legs apart. The position someone would take when they would want to make a snow angel.
So I decided to just stay on the couch and wait maybe he would change his position and there would be enough space for me, but he didn't so I slept off.
I went to him as he was rubbing his forehead. I picked up the glass of water and the Advil tablet to give him.
He looked at me before taking it.
"Thank you.", he said. He wanted to say something but was cut off with a sneeze.
I touched his neck, it was hot.
"I guess you're coming up with a fever. I'm coming.", I said and went to the bathroom. I put warm water in a bowl and then soaked a cloth in it.
I went and sat on a stool beside the bed. I wrung the water from the cloth and placed it on his head, then with a gentle shove from me, he laid down.
I took the bowl and wanted to leave when his hand held my wrist. I felt some tingles in the area.
I looked down at our point of contact and he pulled away.
"Riley. I'm sorry, I...."
"Is that why you got drunk, to tell me you're sorry? What were you even thinking when you were drinking.", I scolded and his eyes lowered.
"What if Jamie wasn't there and you ended up sleeping somewhere in the street, were you even thinking about what would happen if the press had found you in such a state."
"You have a mini bar in your house Ansel for God's sake, use it. What if someone had taken advantage of the fact that you were drunk, what if someone had kidnapped you.", I said my tone higher and took a deep breath.
Then in a lower voice, "You know, CJ looks up to you. She called you responsible, what would she have thought if she had seen you yesterday.", I said.
"I was worried sick yesterday for you.", I said and he looked up, his eyes wide in shock
"Yes. I was. I'm a bitch, but bitches have feelings you know, we get worried.", I said and his eyes lowered. I took a deep breath to calm down.
"You should go have a bath. I'll tell CJ to prepare soup for you.", I said and left without casting him one glance.
It was afternoon and Ansel was now sleeping. I had checked his temperature and it had gone down.
"Hello.", I heard Paloma's voice over the phone. I was calling her intending to tell her why I won't be coming to work today.
"Hey. Where are you, are you coming today or should I cover for you.", she said.
"Yeah, I won't be coming today.", I said.
I was thinking of what to tell her to tell Martina.
"Why anything wrong?", she asked.
"Ansel is sick so I decided to stay and help him.", I said.
"Oh, I'll tell Martina that, I'm sure she'll understand.", she said.
"Thank you, I appreciate.", I said.
"Okay, bye."
"Yeah bye.", I said and she hung up.
I wanted to head to the living room when my phone rang. Thinking it was Paloma, I answered without checking the ID caller.
"Yes Paloma, you need something else?", I asked.
"It's not your Mexican bestie, it's your American bestie, May.", she said.
"Oh hey. Sorry about that, we had just spoken so I thought it would be her.", I explained.
"Yeah, so what's up? How's marriage life?", she asked.
"Okay.", I said.
"That's a very vague answer. You know I need to know the details. After all, I will soon be joining you in the party of brides.", she said and I chuckled.
"So are you busy in your office?", I asked.
"Nah, I'm waiting for a client at a cafe.", she said.
May was a lawyer, a very reputable one. Many people knew her and she was always getting calls for many cases.
She wasn't perfect so she didn't win all, but she won most, even the toughest and most critical.
She knew her job and knew how best to carry it out. She would get so many calls, sometimes she would have to turn some down because she was currently working on some.
"What about you? Are you at work?", she asked.
"I didn't go today.", I said.
"Oh. And did Ansel go today?", she asked slowly, sounding suspicious.
"No he didn't.", I said and I heard her gasp over the phone.
"Were you two so busy last night you couldn't show up at work?", she asked sounding surprised and I rolled my eyes, even though she couldn't see me.
"May you know that's not possible.", I said.
"You say that now, but you just wait and see. Remember these words, I. Told. You. So. Why, 'cause am gonna say them someday.", she said.
"You know it's the other way around. I'm the one who always says that to you.", I said,
"Yeah whatever, but if anything new happens, you can tell me.", she said.
Then I remembered what happened between me and Ansel last night before I left the room.
"I'm listening if there's any.", she said and I shook my head. I decided to keep that silly thought in my head.
Realizing that she didn't see my action and would still be waiting for my answer, "No, nothing new. Just the same old patient him and sad me. That's our marriage.", I said.
"You're not sad, you're just....."
"Living without the love of my life in it. Yeah.", I said.
"You know that's not what I meant."
"Yeah, whatever.", I said nonchalantly.
"Anyways, I've gotta go, my client just walked in.", she said.
"Okay bye.", I said and hung up.
I was now in the living room. I was kinda nervous. Ansel's phone had rang when he was asleep so I picked it up. It was Angel and she said she was coming over with her sister Anika.
As I've said before, I have no problem with Anika, but Angel has always hated me.
I was the kind of person who wanted family members to have a good relationship with me.
Since I realised how much she disliked me, it was one of my priorities to have her on good terms with me.
CJ came with apple juice. I thanked her before I gulped it down.
"What's got you nervous now?", she asked sitting beside me.
"Angel and Anika are coming.", I said.
"Oh. So why are you nervous."
"Because, Ansel is not feeling well, and that means it's going to be just three of us, and I and Angel are not on good terms, I don't know why. Now she's gonna have all the opportunity to insult me." I said and rubbed my hands over my face
"Just calm down. I can stay here when they come so you won't be so nervous.", she offered.
"Oh no. Angel can be rude sometimes, and she wouldn't know. I don't want her to say something to you that would hurt.", I said.
"Oh please, Angel has said many rude things to me. At the time I was new here she would always insult me and say I shouldn't seduce the young master. I'm used to it.", she shrugged.
"Thank you, but I think you should sit this one out.", I said and then the door opened. I turned to see both of them.
I looked back at CJ. "Well here goes nothing.", I said standing up.
I turned back.
"Riley!!", Anika said and enveloped in a hug as Angel looked around the house like she was looking for something.
Anika pulled away.
"Where's Ansel?", Angel asked.
"He's down with a fever."
"Hmn.", she said as they both sat down, Anika beside me, while Angel was on another cushion.
"So how have you both been?", Anika asked.
"I wanted to come alone and chit-chat with you. But Angel wanted to tag along and talk with Ansel, but....", she trailed on and I glanced at Angel.
She was typing furiously on her phone. It was obvious she didn't want to be here now that Ansel couldn't come down.
CJ came with two juices. She knew me so well. I was too nervous to think about drinking right now.
The silence wasn't so comfortable so I decided to say something.
"So Anika, how are you and Max?", I asked.
Max was her boyfriend she had been dating for a year. They had met at a business gala, and Ansel had kinda forced her and Angel to come.
He was the secretary to another businessman who knew Ansel well. They hit it off pretty well.
Some run-ins, dates and they were dating, he was a calm guy and I was yet to meet him, though she talked good about him.
She had told me this some days after they were introduced to my family, for the wedding.
"Oh, we're good. Though I'm missing him."
"Then go and visit.", I said.
"Oh yeah I thought about that, but I don't think I can just leave my office and take a plane to Saudi Arabia.", she said and my eyebrows shot up in shock.
"What's he doing there?", I asked.
"On a business trip. He's been there for a week now.", she said.
"So you and my bro huh?", she said.
"We're good.", I said, not knowing what else to say.
"You know I would be so happy if I'm gonna become an aunt.", she said and I laughed lightly at her joke.
"Anika, they've only been married for weeks, please.", Angel said.
"Yeah, maybe in some months.", Anika said with a smile.
"Who knows maybe in a month we might be getting news of divorce papers.", Angel shrugged, like it was something that was expected.
"Angel you always say very mean things to her. Not because she's not your choice for Ansel doesn't mean you should treat her so badly.", Anika said.
Realization dawned on me. Angel was cruel to be because she wanted someone else to marry Ansel and maybe that's why she was also cruel to CJ.
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The Sparkling Authoress
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