We Love You Spider Man

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「It's Not My Fault」
'Trouble always happens in Gotham, huh Batman?'

A random criminal thug can be seen breaking into a store and stealing everything within. Once they can grab as much as they can, they try to escape.

'Lucky for you, since we're basically neighbors, I might as well help out.'

However, before they could even get into their car and drive away with their newly acquired treasure, they were suddenly entangled by a large amount of sticky white webbing, hindering their escape.

'Mhm, just your everyday help from your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man~'

While the thug struggles to escape, a certain man in a red and blue spider motif suit can be seen hanging upside down and lowering himself before the criminal. This is the legendary Amazing Spider-Man, and he can't help but shake his head in disappointment.

"Same time next week?~"

Spider-Man teased the bad guy, who was about to yell some curse words at hero, but was only met with web to the mouth

"Ok, it's a date then~"

The Spider-Man winks at the thug before swinging away, continuing his job as the good guy to stop any criminals from causing trouble, usually by webbing them up, with occasional punches and kicks here and there, he also takes his time helping anyone in need, mostly saving them from bad guys, but also from things like car crashes, building fires, or just people who are lost and need directions to safety, no matter how big or small the problem is, he will always try his best to fix them without hesitation

"Works never done when you're the Hero~"

After hours of saving lives and stopping crime, Spider-Man took a moment to sit on top of a random rooftop and catch his breath.

"But just like what my Uncle said, 'With great power, comes great responsibility'...~"

Spider-Man sighed softly, taking this opportunity to miss his uncle while being grateful towards him, glad to have someone who made him the man he is today.

"Your Uncle must've been a wise man."

A came from behind the web's head, much to his surprise as he quickly turned around to see none other than Medaka Kurokami herself, who was holding a big bag of snacks and drinks, to which she decided to share some with him

"Oh, thank you Miss."

Spider-Man thanks her for both the snacks and what she said about his uncle. She simply nodded to this and decided to sit next to him and enjoy eating together. The hero didn't mind her company, so he didn't say anything about it. Both just took this moment of peace in silence while snacking. It was a nice change of pace for the both of them.

"... I will admit, I'm not one who likes the concept of 'Superheroes', not to say I would ignore the troubles of the defenseless, but I will not save the weak."

Medaka, after a few moments of silence, decided to speak again, and what she said was definitely unexpected for the wall-crawler.

"However, those are my ideals and philosophy, I would never force anyone to think or act like me, I support individuality."

Medaka then looks at the Web Head with a gentle and warm smile, which made him blush under his mask.

"And with a specific individual like you, I'm glad you exist, so please never give up in your hopes and dreams, because I will always be here to support you and believe what you are doing is the right thing~"

For some reason, hearing such kind words from Medaka made the hero feel better about himself. As if he were finally being recognized for the struggles he goes through and for all his hard work, it truly warmed his heart and made him smile.

"T-Thank you, I think you're-"


Before Spider-Man could say anything to Kurokami and what she had just said, he was suddenly interrupted by Kumagawa Misogi, who had come out of nowhere and tackled the Abnormal Beauty off the roof of the building. This startled the wall crawler, who was about to save them, but after looking over the edge, he noticed that they had suddenly disappeared, adding to his confusion.

"... I think I'm just gonna continue my superhero job..."

Spider-Man shook his head, feeling like this was all in his head and was just stressed. He decided to ignore what he saw and swung away. Though as he went to save more innocent people and stop those who weren't, both the Minus and Plus popped their heads out of the dumpster and watched him leave.

"Kumagawa-Kun! Why Did You Do That?!"

Medaka immediately looked at his Frienemy with intense angry emotions, though he just smiles and acted like he did nothing wrong

"「Because I'm the Minus to your Plus, hehe~」"

Was all that Kumagawa had to say about this, which made Medaka sigh, not really having the energy to deal with his nonsense right now, so instead she looks away and continues to watch the Spider-Man swing further away, a light smile forming on her face as she looks at him with a hopeful expression

'Please continue to be happy, Spider-Man...'
Yes, I took this chance to have Spider-Man be comforted, loved and know that he is appreciated by Medaka, I also don't like how Spider-Man is being treated in comics lately, but that's beside the point, MOVING ON FORWARD! DC and Marvel will be mixed, because it makes no difference and they're too similar, so boo.

(Anyone interested in Spider Man x Medaka Kurokami?~)

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