City Of Crime & Knight

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「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
*At the darkest part of the dirty and grim Gotham City, we see two random criminals in the middle of robbing a random building and was putting the stolen items in the car, though as the two were stealing stuff, they were having a nice and simple conversation, as if they weren't doing anything wrong*

*Said the guy with a bald head, breaking windows*

"Yeah Man?"
*Replies the man with a mohawk, stealing as much junk food as he could*

"Do you ever wonder, 'Why are we here'?"
*Mister Bald Guy couldn't help but ask as he took some six pack of hard cold beers*

"It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it?"
*Sir Mohawk Man couldn't but suddenly get philosophical, all the while stealing a big TV*

"Why Are We Here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence? Or is there really a God, watching everything, you know, with a plan for us and stuff."
*Crazy Hair then took a moment to look up at the night sky and just watch the Star from above*

"I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night..."
*Once the guy with hair finished talking, there was a moment of pause and silence between the two*

"What? No, I meant why are we here robbing a store?"
*The No Hair Man was now very confused on what his friend was talking about*

"Uh... OH... Yeah..."
*The Mohawk suddenly got embarrassed and tries to pretend he said nothing and quickly closes the trunk*

"What's all this stuff about God?"

"Uh, um, nothing!"

"..... Wanna talk about it?"

*Without saying much more, the two criminals decided to just drop the subject and was about to enter the car and leave, but was quickly stopped when a large muscular man, in some type bat suit, came crashing in and crushed the roof of the car with his weight and force, which startled the two and held up their pipes or piece of wood*

"Holy Crap, IT'S THE BAT!"
*Those were the Bald Man's last words before he got kicked in the head, making him fall and fell unconscious, the Mohawk Guy had no time to react to this as he grabbed by the neck and was pin against the brick wall*

"Where Are They?!"
*The Batman lets out a threatening growl, using his overwhelming present and pressure to scare the Criminal shirtless*

"I Don't Know!"
*The Crazy Hair Dude was so scared and confused on what's happening*

"You better not be lying..."
*Batman raised a fist and was about to continue his, 'Interrogation', but before he could, he was interrupted by a nearby explosion, which made the Vigilante and Criminal look up and saw a nearby get destroyed*

"What in the world was tha-"
*Before the Mohawk Man could ask the important question, he was quickly knocked out by the Caped Crusader, he was dropped on the floor and the Dark Knight just ignores the unconscious body and looked at the nearby destruction with a scowling expression, meanwhile, at some different area of the city filled with empty building, we see a familiar looking boy crash landing hard on the ground, making a small creator*

*Kumagawa layed on the ground, looking beyond beat up and dirty, but his injuries didn't keep him down, as he slowly sat back up, and just in time to see a blue hair girl landing a few feet away from him, looking a bit less beat, and ready to keep fighting*

"Get up, I know you can keep fighting."
*Medaka spoke, not in a mocking way, but just stating facts, to which were true as we see the Minus stand back up to his feet, with little effort*

"You and your beliefs in my abilities, it's so encouraging... It sickens me."
*Kumagawa glares at her, while pulling out two more long thin sharp <SCREWS>, ready to continue fighting*

"Once I reform you, I'm gonna help you to be less yourself."
*Medaka then pulls out a handful of colorful bouncy balls, while wearing a determined smile*

"I wanna see you truly happy and filled with life, and not just wearing a hollow smile."
*Medaka then throws the balls, making them bounce in extreme speeds, and making them hit the boy in all angles, no doubt breaking his bones and causing some internal bleeding*

'Your ideals and ambitions, to see me change into a better person.'
*But no matter how much Kumagawa is getting hurt, he refused to fall down*

'It's so annoying, so pointless, so aggravating!'
*Kumagawa then stomp on the ground, making it break more, and his fists clenched his <SCREWS>*

*As soon as Kumagawa yells in anger, suddenly all the balls that were hitting his body disappear, making the blue hair girl go wide eyes a bit in surprise, to which gave him a small opening to dashed forward and attempts to stab her, but her <AUTO-PILOT> help her to dodge the attack, and then kicked him away, sending him flying and crashing into a building*

"So, you still had your <ALL FICTION>, you truly are a liar till the end, huh?"
*Though before Medaka could look disappointed, she quickly tensed up when she suddenly felt a very extreme disturbing yet angry aura*

"I hate you so much Anshin'in-San..."
*Then <SCREWS> came out from the ground and walls, and tried to stabbed into Miss Kurokami, to which she jumped into the air in order to avoid the deadly weapons*

"I Don't Need Your Help In Winning Against Medaka!"
*Medaka, before she could realized, was stabbed in the stomach by the black uniform boy*

"I will kill you with my own skills, ability and will..."
*The Abnormal quickly went <WAR GOD MODE>, which made her hair go a bright red and increased her ability, and she throws a powerful punch, sending Kumagawa away crashing, but she didn't end it there, as she begins to chase and continue her onslaught, to which when the Good Loser recovered, returned the favor, resulting in so much destruction and property, like when Medaka using her many <COPIED TRAMPLE SKILLS> to many creative yet crazy affects, and even Kumagawa had some new/old abilities that are used in unusual ways and to his advantage, like to make things disappear <ALL FICTION>, reappear <NON FICTION>, both <APRIL FICTION>, and be created <IMAGINATION MANIFESTATION>, they both did a lot of epic and unimaginable feats, which soon ends with them standing a few feet away from each other, badly beaten beyond beliefs, clothes completely torn, injuries that should've killed them, and were very out of breath/very tired, yet the two were still standing at the end of it all, refusing to back or fall down*

"I always hate you, Medaka-Chan, yet love you at the same time."
*Kumagawa wore a light true smiles, as if very happy for what they've been doing*

"I'm glad to hear that, Kumagawa-Kun, I love and hate you two."
*Medaka felt the same way, also very happy for what the two did, fighting and trying to make each other submit, it was very satisfying, and once the two said this, they both decided it was time to end it, with the Abnormal going into <ALTERED GOD MODE>, and the Minus using <BOOK MAKER>, and once the two were ready, they both let out a loud war cry and were about to charge each other, to finally choose who will give up and decided who will actually win this long time rivalry... But, it was then cut short when two bat shape ninja stars were thrown at the side of their head, knocking them off balanced and stumbled/tumbled on the ground, the two shook their heads, getting rid of some of the dizziness and quickly look up to see a familiar man in a Bat Suit landing a few feet away from them*

"You two need to stop and come with me, I have a lot of questions to ask you both."
*Batman wore his intimating expression and got ready to fight the two if they refused to listen to his orders, both Kumagawa and Medaka looked at each other and at the Vigilante with a very confused face*

Ok, to be honest, my 2nd excuse that Kumagawa abilities will be a little bit stronger than normal is that well, Medaka will be meeting a lot of weirdos with weirdo power's, which will unfortunately make her stronger, no matter how you look at it, and if I just used normal Kumagawa, he will no doubt be left in the dust while Medaka gets even stronger, which will be boring and sad because their relationship involves them being rival's, and if they were no longer rivals then there would be no story, do you know what I mean? Remember this is a STORY, not a WHAT IF scenario, I prefer fun to read then being power scaling accurate, not to mention this is focus on them reaction to the world, not dominating it.
(But with that said, I would still like to hear your thoughts and ideas on how I should continue this~)

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