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In a week she was slightly better. Even though she teared up at random times of the day she felt alright when she didn't think about it. She felt lost, she had never had a break up before let alone this bad she had no clue how to go about handling it. It's not like she could ask anyone too, no one could help her supernatural case. Only Tsuki understood but Kira didn't try to talk to her since she didn't want her to relive her trauma.

One evening Kira was going through references on her computer when her bell rang. When she opened the door she was appalled to find Gouenji there.

"How dare you come back here?!" She screamed frantically as she tried to slam the door in front of his face. But he pushed it back and walked in anyway.

"Please just let me apologise to you." He said.

"Why don't you go apologise to everyone else?!" She yelled, "Why me?!"

"Because you're the only one in a position to listen." He answered in exasperation, "If I apologise to you I will feel like I have right some wrongs."

"Well I don't care to help you clear your conscience." She crossed her arms and looked away.

"Yes you do. I know you do." He came closer and firmly held her by her arms, "I can feel it. You still love me."

"No, I don't! I hate you!" She screamed while continuing to look away, "I hate you! I hate you!"

"Then look at me and say that!" He exclaimed as he shook her lightly.

"Why? So you can work your green-eyed magic on me and get me back? Never!" She answered dryly.

"I promise I won't. Not that I have to." He answered, "I can tell you are in love with me. That's why I came back. To give it another try."

He continued to hold her firmly, waiting for her to look at him. When she realised the extent of his resolve she slowly and cautiously turned her gaze towards him.

He kept his promise and now she was looking back at his brown eyes. He had a look of anguish on his face and she couldn't help but think about how it made him even more handsome. His lips quivered almost unnoticeably as a result of breathing hard under the stress of the situation. The next moment she did something even she was appalled by.

She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. He was taken aback by it too but he melted into it soon.

"I hate you," She repeated gravely every time she broke apart to breathe but each time she went back for more. When she broke apart for good, she still glared at him with anger,

"There you go. You've made me lose my mind after all." She said and slapped him.

"I deserve that." He remarked and sighed.

"Go!" She barked.

He did leave that day, but only to come back several times. Some days she yelled at him and some days she kissed him, but she always followed it with a "I hate you."

"Why are you so hell bent on getting me back? Does it bother you that I got out of your hold before time?" She spoke hurtful words to him unabashedly. They had been verbally grappling for hours and now they just settled quietly. Gouenji was sitting on the edge of her bed at first and then he fell backwards, lying haphazardly while she sat with one knee up, resting her palms and chin on it.

"I'm tired of seeing the same thing over and over again." He spoke dejectedly, completely ignoring Kira's comment or even her presence for that matter, he seemed to just be letting it out in the air, "tired of seeing the same thing over and over again, tired of visiting hospitals and doctors and seeing distressed families. "

"Boo fucking hoo. " Kira answered coldly, "I'm sure it's hard on you." Her sarcasm was cutting.

"Stay with me." He turned his head towards her and placed his hand on hers. She immediately jerked it away from his hold.

"Why would I do that?" She scoffed.

"Because I think you can stop this. Just stay with me. I promise you again, I won't use my tricks ever again. I don't have to." He spoke with conviction.

"You're awfully sure of yourself, you know that?" She turned to look at him.

"I am sure of you." He answered.

"Just shut up! I know this is one of your tricks." She snapped, "I don't love you anymore."

"Then why do you keep kissing me?" He asked as he sat up promptly.

Kira fumbled for a response but then deepened her frown. In her exasperation, she went to slap him again, telling him he had no right to question her. But this time he held her wrist right before impact.

"You know I'm right. You love me." He smiled, "If your hate could outdo your love, I'd have withered away long ago."

Kira stared at him, glaring daggers, breathing heavy with anger. Finally, she spoke,

"Leave. And don't come back again." She seethed.

His face fell as he felt the surety of her words. He had thought between kissing him and slapping him at some point she would end up leaning more towards the kissing side and all would be good again. But now as he heard her final words and the hurt and anger in her eyes, he knew it wouldn't happen. She would not stay with him even if it meant saving someone else. She would not consider it.

"Okay." He said and when he left that day, he did not return.

Kira remained unmoved long after he left. And then slowly tears began flowing down her cheek and continued to do so without stopping.  

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