The next day came with a free prize: Percy healed.
Rachel came into my cabin at 9:00 AM and gave me some interesting news. "The prophecy is complete", she said.
"Who was the prophecy about, then?" I hoped it wasn't Jason. That would break my heart.
"Percy", Rachel said matter-of-factly.
I rolled my eyes. "But he's fine". Then my eyes widened. "Wait, he is okay, isn't he?"
Rachel nodded. "Yes, he is. The prophecy's meaning was unclear. It called love a curse".
I looked at her. "So the prophecy says this:
'You say that the time of darkness has gone
But really, you beings have got it all wrong.
Your memories remember
Some things you should not
So a price shall be paid
A hero must be forgot.
And as long as that hero
Remains on this earth
Their friends and their families
Shall suffer his love'.
She nodded. "In a roundabout fashion, yes."
I sighed. "Are you sure?"
She gave me a look. "100% sure".
I breathed out, relaxing.
I calmly planned what I was going to do today. It was Saturday, no lessons, and Friday had been a special day off. Maybe... "Hey, Rachel, Truth, Dare or name in the Poseidon cabin? Come on, I'll round up the others".
"After what happened last time?" she asked incredulously.
"Yep", I said confidently.
She smiled. "Sure, then. Ten minutes?"
I looked at my pyjamas, all tatty and covered in hearts and girly stuff. "Make that Thirty".
She laughed. Okay, see you then".
I quickly had a shower and got dressed, then headed round the cabins. When I reached the Hermes cabin, the Stolls weren't there.
I asked one of the Hermes kids where they were.
"Cleaning duty", he said with a smirk. "Courtesy of the fake prophecy".
I laughed and went to round up the other troops.
Right on 9:35, our group was assembled in cabin 3.
I told the others, "As it was Conner's turn, I think it was likely for him to give his turn to Leo".
"Sweet!" Leo cheered. "Okay, umm, Nico, Truth, dare or name?"
I butted in. "Also I think you shouldn't be allowed to do the same thing twice. So no double name, or that. We'll change back when the Stolls reunite with us, of course", I added, thinking of their dare-record.
Leo nodded. "So, Nico, Truth or Name?"
Nico took a deep breath. "Name".
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