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It had come as a complete and utter shock. 

One minute I'd been sitting in cabin 3 with Percy, laughing to death about the fake prophecy being issued, when Rachel started billowing green smoke.

Percy started trembling. "She's going to give a prophecy. Write it down or memorize it."

I decide to do both.

Rachel started speaking in an eerie voice.

"You say that the time of darkness has gone

But really, you beings have got it all wrong.

Your memories remember

Some things you should not

So a price shall be paid

A hero must be forgot.

And as long as that hero 

Remains on this earth

Their friends and their families

Shall suffer a curse."

Rachel promptly collapsed, as well as Percy, leaving me wide-eyed, clutching a piece of paper that held a real prophecy issuing a death. 

Of course, that's when the girls and Conner had to show up. 

"What happened?", asked Annabeth in a dodgy way. 

I showed her the paper. 

She looked confused. "No, we decided to use the other one. The four-lined one for the prank. Okay?'

I shook my head. "It's a real one." I panted. 

Rachel stirred. "It is", she confirmed. 

Annabeth looked at Percy. "So why is Seaweed Brain unconscious? Nice try, but I'm 90% sure this is a dare."

"Read it", Rachel hissed, stuffing the paper into Annabeth's hands. 

Annabeth did as she was told, then gasped. She squinted a little, and saw the remaining traces of green smoke drifting around the room. "So you are not lying", she decided. "Which means... we have to explain to Chiron!"

Conner groaned. "We are in sooo  much trouble you realize."

Piper frowned. "We would have had to have told anyway. Better now than later. This is serious. Conner, you go ahead and tell Chiron while we wake Percy. Go on, shoo." That last part was said in charmspeak. 

Conner raced away to tell Chiron. 

All attention turned back to Percy. "How do we wake him?" I asked. 

Annabeth shrugged. "Good question. Normally water wakes him. Let's try that." 

We walked over to the fountain that happened to be in the cabin and scooped up water into small cups that were conveniently on his bed stand. We carried them over to him and dumped them on his head. Normally he would stay dry, but now the water soaked his hair and stained his camp t-shirt. 

"What do we do?" Piper's clear voice made me focus on the task at hand. 

"We should probably take him to the infirmary", Annabeth said strategically. "Then we'll go to Chiron and explain. 

It seemed the best possible option, but would it be enough?

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