I laughed. This was too good to be true. I'd always wanted to have a game of this with Percy. Now was my shot. It made it even more perfect that he'd been the one to get the game started. I waited eagerly for his reply.
"Truth?" He said nervously. The silly boy probably thought it was the easiest one to get out of. I grinned wickedly. He backed up a little.
"Perseus Jackson," I began. He seemed even more nervous at the mention of his full name. This would be fun. I looked him right in the eye. "Have you ever had a crush on another girl, and if so, who?"
He lost the colour from his face. "Wha - what?"
"You heard me Perseus", I said blankly, trying not to smile evilly.
He gulped. I grinned.
"UmyesitwasRachelbutonlysortaandIlikedyoubettereventhen", he said in one breath.
"Sorry, can you repeat that?" I asked sweetly.
He shook his head violently.
"It's all good," Travis interrupted. "I got the confession on camera."
Percy had a little facepalm moment to himself. We all laughed.
Rachel looked embarrassed. 'Sorry', she mouthed to me, looking extremely aplogetic.
'All good', I mouthed back.
I stuck my tongue out at Percy, who was looking quite green.
Then his face brightened.
"It's my turn now."
"You think that's going to help? Good luck" I told him.
"Umm... since I can't ask the person who gave me one... umm... Jason. Truth, Dare or Name?"
He considered for a minute. "Dare."
Percy grinned. He did a crazy little jig. "You look ridiculous", I told him. That threw him.
"Never mind".
"Um, so Jason, I dare you to fly around camp singing 'I believe I can fly' as loudly as you can."
I looked at my boyfriend. How could he be so evil? My dad listens to that music!
Jason glared daggers at Percy. "Fine." he snapped. He walked out of cabin 3, followed by the rest of us.
He flew into the air.
"I believe I can FLYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He sang.
He made a circuit around camp, still singing, before coming down to our group, who were laughing our Poedexes off.
"What?" He demanded.
I glanced briefly at the Maim Me For My Awful Singing sign attached to the back of his Camp Jupiter shirt (We had assured to all the campers he was friendly, as well as Hazel and Frank) before answering with a giggle "Nothing".
He gave me a weird look. "Okay..." He looked away.
"Your turn", I reminded him.
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