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How You Met- You are a daughter of Pluto Hazel's and Nico's  half sister  and you have been at Camp Jupiter for a long time. You knew Octavian since he first came as you two are the same age you two didn't really get along but you two also didn't hate each other.
"I'm F/N what's your name?" You asked.
"Octavian." The boy with blue eyes said.
"Hopefully we can become friends." You said.
"Unlikely." He answered.
You rolled your eyes.

Getting Close- You and Octavian were talking one day. You knew Hazel didn't like him but you tolerated him.
"How is your day?" You asked.
"Fine  kinda stressful but you get used to it." Octavian said his blue eyes looking your E/C eyes.
"Any new visions?" You asked.
"No but I must be going talk to you later." Octavian said.
"Talk to you later." You said.

You Realize You Like Him-
"Describe how you feel about this guy." Hazel said.
"Well this guy makes me feel happy and I have a weird feeling in my stomach and I blush when I'm around him and when we part I feel sad." I said.
"You like this person who is he?" Hazel asked.
"Octavian." You said.
Hazel's eyes widened.
"Octavian out of all people it's him tell me your joking." She said.
"I'm not." You said.

He Realizes he likes You-  (Octavian's POV)
I was thinking about F/N she has always been on my mind since the day I met her.
"Are you okay?" Reyna asked.
"Yes perfect." I said.
"Looks like someone has a crush on F/N." Reyna said.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"It's obvious she's the only one you tolerate." Reyna said.
"True." I agreed.

He Asks You to be his Girlfriend-
You saw Octavian and he saw you. You smiled and he smiled. He walked towards you and he was blushing.
"F/N I like you a lot will you go out with me?" He asked.
"Yes I like you too." You said blushing.
He smiled. "I can't believe you said yes I would of thought you liked someone else." He admitted.
"I like you and only you." You said.

First Kiss-  You and Octavian were hanging out at dinner.
"I can't believe everyone doesn't know." You said.
"We can fix that." Octavian said.
"What do you- You said. Suddenly Octavian kissed you and you kissed back.
Everyone's eyes widened.
"I think they know now." Octavian whispered.
"Me too." You said blushing.

His Nickname for you-  Darling because you are his darling
Your Nickname for him- My lil prophet- because he doesn't really like to be called that because he isn't little

He Saves You- You were outside of Camp Jupiter and you were trapped because of a monster.
You looked up hoping for a miracle and you saw the monster disappear revealing your boyfriend who looks relieved, scared, worried all at the same time.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine." You said.
"Let's get you to see the doctor." Octavian said.

Date Night-  You put on a purple dress with matching flats.
"I can't believe your dating Octavian." Hazel said.
"I am." You said.
You saw Octavian.
"You look so pretty." Octavian said.
"You look so handsome." You said.
You took his hand and you two began walking.
"Want to go get hot chocolate?" Octavian asked.
"Sure." You said.
You two went and got hot chocolate.
"F/N you have hot chocolate on your face." Octavian said.
"Where?" You asked.
"Here." Octavian said and kissed you and you kissed back.
"Best date ever." You thought.

Who's Jealous of Your Relationship- No one because they are scared of Octavian and they know it won't end well if they like you or if they like Octavian.  But one girl does like Octavian but hides it.

You have a Mini Fight- "F/N you need to be careful!" Octavian yelled.
"I don't have to!" You yelled.
Octavian sighed and walked to you.
"I just don't want to see you hurt." He said.
"I don't want you to get hurt but I need to  do stuff." You said.
"You will but please be safe." Octavian said.

One word he uses to describe you-
Interesting because you always intrigue him.

You Get Jealous- You saw Octavian talking to a daughter of Ceres girl. This girl you didn't like and now especially since she is flirting with Octavian. You walked up to them.
"Hi." You said with a fake smile.
You kissed Octavian and he kissed back.
The daughter of Ceres left.
"You are jealous." Octavian said.
"No." You said looking away.
"Yes you are and it's adorable." Octavian said.

Cheating and Break Up-
You were walking around.
"She will never know." You heard someone say.
"Yes I will and we are over." You said.
"F/N this isn't-" Octavian started.
"We are done!" You cried.

Who Comforts You- Hazel she's your sister and she knows exactly what to say and she is your best friend. 

He gets sense into him- (Octavian's POV)
"I can't believe you cheated." Reyna said.
"I know." I said.
"You should apologize if you want to get back together and I know you do." Reyna said.
"I do and she probably doesn't want to see me." I said sadly.
"She does she loves you and only you." Reyna said.
"I'll go find her." I said.

Back Together- You were training just to get the emotion out.  You saw from the corner of your eye Octavian.
"What do you want?" You asked.
"I'm sorry F/N  I really am I love you so much please give me another chance." Octavian said.
"I love you too." You said and hugged him.

How Campers Feel about the Relationship-
Hazel:"F/N could do better but if she's happy I'm happy."
Nico:"I don't get what she sees in him but she is my sister and I'm happy if she is happy."
Reyna:"They seem really in love Octavian seems to really love her."
Frank:"F/N is so nice Octavian is Octavian opposites attract."

How Gods Feel about the Relationship-
Pluto:"I'm glad my favorite child is happy."
Apollo:"I'm glad he found his light."
Venus:"It's so adorable she is his princess."
Juno:"They seem super in love."

He Gets your godly parent Permission: (Octavian's POV)
I made an offering to Pluto.
"Yes Legacy of Apollo?" I heard.
"May I have your permission to propose to F/N?" I asked.
"She's my daughter and my favorite child I wasn't really there in her life but I can tell you are her light and she is your light so yes you can." Pluto said.
"Thank you." I said.

He Proposes- You were walking with Octavian and he was nervous.
He stopped suddenly and got on one knee.
"F/N you are my light I love you so much will you marry me?" He asked.
You covered your mouth tears were streaming down your face. "Yes!" You yelled and hugged him.
He smiled and slipped the ring on your finger and kissed you.
"I'm so glad you said yes." Octavian said.
"I would say yes and yes and yes every time." You said.

Wedding Day-






You were getting ready for your wedding with Octavian.
"Are you ready?" Hazel asked.
"I am I'm so excited." You said with a smile.
"I'm glad because it's your time to shine like a diamond." Hazel said and handed you a bouquet and hugged you.
"You got this." Hazel said.
You took the bouquet with a smile and you walked down. You saw Octavian blushing and smiling and you were blushing and smiling.
"If anyone objects speak now or forever hold your peace." Juno said.
No one objected.
"Do you Octavian take F/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Juno asked.
"I do." Octavian said.
"Do you F/N take Octavian to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Juno asked.
"I do." You said with a smile.
"I pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride." Juno announced.
Octavian kissed you and you kissed back everyone cheered.

<Reception Speeches>
"I can't believe my sister got married it seems just like yesterday we were gossiping about crushes and now she is married to the love of her life. Opposites attract and I can't be happier for the new newly weds." Hazel said.

"Octavian got married  I can't believe it but I'm so happy he got married. I only wish the best for them. They are an amazing couple. May the gods bless their marriage." Reyna said.

Pregnant- You stared at the test.
"I'm pregnant." You said.
"F/N you're pregnant?!" Nico said almost yelling.
"Be quiet I haven't told Octavian yet." You said.
"When are you?" He asked.
"Today." You said.
"Promise?" He asked.
"Promise." You said.

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