🖤 2. A Stab in the back 🖤

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Annabeth POV-

I ran out of his cabin. Looking back, I would know that the last time I'd see Percy would be today, crying before slamming the door close.

I went to find my friends, hoping to find comfort with them. I must've been a sight to see as I wandered around the camp looking for them. My hair in a loose ponytail, my face had clear tear tracks, my eyes red and a bit puffy.

I found all of them in the Hades/ Pluto cabin, talking about everything and nothing. I just walked in and laid on Hazel's bed, my face in the pillow, and started crying.

" What happened?" Piper.
" Why are you crying?" Hazel.

They started bombarding me questions. I said the dreadful five words that made them quiet.

" I broke up with Percy".

From the eerie silence Jason spoke out the question that everyone had-" What? Why?"
I told them everything that had happened and asked to be left alone.

Giving me glances of pity and sympathy which I didn't appreciate they left the cabin to myself and my misery.

Percy POV-

I sat down heavily on the bed, my head in my hands, bowed down, tears running down my cheeks. My mood that was once happy and cheery worsened.

I sat there for what seems like hours thinking about what I should do now. Should I just say sorry and go with her or just let it be? I didn't know what to do. I love her? Loved her? but she should let me make my choices and consider them.

I was brought out of my thoughts by pounding on the door. My head jerked up and looked in the mirror. I looked bad, not the normal ' just fought a monster now I've golden dust stuck to me', like I had puffy red eyes, my hair more messy than usual, tear tracks on my jaw.

I opened the door not caring about my appearance, only to have my friends ( Jason, Frank, Hazel, Piper) to barge in. They stood looking at me with sorrow and pity in their eyes.

Finally getting tired of the silence and their pity I spoke my voice hoarse because of crying " What do you want, guys?". While going into the bathroom to wash my face.

" Annabeth told us what happened. Why? Why did you both break up?"

I splashed water on my face and told them that she wanted me to come with her, to be with her while she did her job, but I couldn't just get up and leave USA, so I told her that I am not coming. And she broke up with me.

Thinking that they would be understanding I turned towards them after wiping my face on a towel. Oh I was so wrong.

The things they said rang in my ears.

They started shouting at me.
" You should be understanding and go with her."
" You know this is her dream job"
" I thought that you were a person who would let her do her dream job. Seems I was wrong."

They were still shouting but I tuned out, staring at them in shock, my heart breaking for the second time this day.

Frank was shaking his head disappointment clear on his face, Jason was floating in the air an angry expression on his face, Hazel's curly hair were flying everywhere as she shouted, and Piper, her face was red, shouting with Hazel.

And here I was thinking some time ago that they would offer me some sympathy, but it seems that they've turned on me.
Shaking my head, I shouted at them to get out, just like I had done to Annabeth. Once they got out only one line was ringing in my ears from what they had shouted " Camp will be better off without you".

I quickly changed into -

Ignore the jacket.
Packed some more clothes in my bag, put Riptide in my pocket and quickly wrote a note for Chiron -

Dear Chiron,
I am leaving Camp Half-blood. My so-called friends have made me realise some things. I think the camp will be better off without me. All those years ago I came and brought danger with me too.

I want to thank you for mentoring me for all these years. Give my thank you to Mr. D too.
I don't think I'll be coming back for a while. I'll try to keep in touch with Grover, if you need anything, he'll pass the message. Please give my Thanks and Goodbye to everyone.

Please don't look for me, I don't want to be found.

Percy Jackson.

I left the letter on my neatly made bed, and looked around the cabin one last time.

With a look of determination set on my face I stepped outside of the cabin.

It was dinner time so no one would know that I left till someone would come in my cabin. With that thought I walked into the woods.

Not knowing that their eye colour had changed when they had said those words. Not knowing that they were trapped in their own minds regretting saying those words.

There was a familiar rooomm... of a motorcycle that could be heard, I ran towards the sound and came into a clearing where a man of around 23-25 was on a motorcycle-

The moment I locked my eyes with him I knew my life was gonna change.

So, how was it? I did my best.
Thank you for reading. Next chapter coming soon.
See ya.

It is edited.


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