Third Person POV
She ran. That was the only thing she could do, so she ran. She was very exhausted, and the thoughts of giving up and death constantly circled her head. It would be easier right? It would be painful but quick right? Somehow, however, her instinct to live pulled through, so she ran. Hundreds of monsters chased her. Why did she have to be that smelly? She took dozens of baths, but nothing worked.
A grunt pulled her attention. She twisted to look, still running. Damn it. The minotaur just wouldn't quit would it? She'd already killed that thing 13 times in a month. Still running like Thanatos was behind her, (which he was, in a way) she summoned the wind and sharpened it, almost like a blade of air. She checked the edge. As sharp as hell. She winced. Gods that was a bad thought. Twisting, she careened to a stop.
The minotaur roared, apparently excited that she was stopping. She smirked, despite the amount of pain she was in.
"You're going down. And this time, stay there!!!" She yelled. When the monster was about, 2 feet away, she made a neat, slicing motion with her hand. The blade of wind smashed into the Minotaur, cutting it in half. It disentigrated in a shower of golden dust.
She turned and ran, hearing the stampede of monsters that were following her.
"Have to..get there..." She panted. She was too weak to continue, but she did anyway. She couldn't die, even if she wanted to. That blade took more out of her than she thought it would.
A pinprick of hope entered her being as she spotted the camp. She ran faster, willing her tired and injured legs to continue. Something smashed into her back, causing her to crumple and fall. A groan of pain escaped her lips as the last thing she saw was a blonde, handsome guy with electric blue eyes standing in front of her in shock.
"Please.....Help...." She whispered, before succumbing to darkness.
Percy POV
It was a month after defeating Gaia. Gods, I never wanted another quest. I was sitting by the lake with Wise Girl next to me.
"Its perfect isn't it?" I asked her, smiling softly at the setting sun.
"Yes..It would be more perfect if.." Annabeth stopped, a silent tear running down her face.
"Leo was here, yeah I know. I should have done something, I should have been there, I should have" Annabeth stopped me with a kiss
"Seaweed Brain, he chose to do this. The only thing we can do now is search for him as hard as we can"
I sighed. Wise Girl always knew how to cheer me up and lift the mood. I was about to lie down on her lap when someone shouted.
"PERCY!!!!" Jason. I scrambled up and dashed towards his voice. Gods what if something bad happened? What if a monster got passed the barrier? What if...
I screeched to a halt, gasping. Annabeth stopped behind me and let out a little shriek. A girl, around my age, was sprawled on the ground. Her clothes were in tatters. Blood covered her entire body, and her hair was sticky with blood. She was almost bone thin, but I could see the muscle.
"Gods...what happened to her?" Annabeth asked.
"I don't know. I was walking and then heard a crash. I ran here and saw her." Jason rambled.
"Get Will and the others" I said. Her state, what had she been through?
Jason nodded, and sprinted towards the Apollo Cabin.
"Do you think she's a demigod?" I asked Annabeth. She scoffed.
"Of course Seaweed Brain. She must have heard about Camp and rushed here."
She knelt down, and pulled the girl onto her lap. Many of her wounds were serious, and blood was still flowing from them.
I heard a distant roar, and looked towards the sound. Oh gods...
"Yeah Seaweed Brain?"
"You might want to look up"
She looked up, and paled a lot. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. At least an army of monsters were rushing towards Camp. Dracaena, hell hounds, you name it.
"CAMP HALF-BLOOD!!! MONSTER ALERT!!!" I screamed. Had this girl been running from all these monsters? Or did she lead them here?
The horn sounded. All the campers rushed to the edge on Camp, armed.
"Fish face...where are the...?" Thalia started. Oh right I forgot to mention. Thalia and there hunters were at camp for a few days.
Thalia stopped mid-way. Everyone gasped at the hurricane of monsters approaching, slowly but steadily.
"How did they get here? And why so much?" Piper asked. I pointed to the unconscious girl.
"After she fainted, a few minutes later I saw those. She must be extremely powerful to have attracted so many" I said.
Everyone gasped at the depressing state of the girl. Will marched forward.
"I'll take her and do my best" he said. He had to do his best. The girl was at the brink of death.
As soon as Will touched the girl, she let out a scream. It was the most horrifying, painful scream I had ever heard. It held more pain than Annabeth's screams at night because of Tartarus.
Everyone winced and stepped back. I scrambled back, pulling Annie with me
"What happened?" Nico shouted over her scream. It was barely heard.
He got his answer. I looked around. The sky darkened and rumbled. Thunder and lightning shook the sky. Lightning struck anywhere and everywhere. The winds churned and roiled.
"SPARKY!!! ARE YOU DOING THIS???" I shouted.
"NO!!! THIS IS MUCH TOO POWERFUL FOR ME!!!" Jason screamed. Great then...was it Zeus? Could be..
"PERCY!!!LOOK!!!" Annabeth pointed at the lake. I gasped. The lake had risen, and was churning. It flooded the surrounded area, thankfully not Camp. It was like a storm. The girl's scream rose in pitch,and she started thrashing. The ground shook. I stumbled. An earth quake. It was the strongest earth quake I had ever faced. Everyone stumbled and fell to the ground, unable to keep balance. Rocks started jutting out, and Nico scrambled back, narrowly avoiding getting pierced by rock.
"EVERYONE!!!! BACK TO CAMP!!! NOW!!!" I screamed.
Will crawled towards me, and pointed at the girl and then to the monsters.
"What about???" He shouted over the wind and her scream.
"I'll take care of it!!!" I shouted back. Were the gods mad?
Just then, a burst of lightning erupted in fire. The fire burnt everything in its path, which just happened to be the monsters. Only the cyclopes were left, everything else burnt.
At least something good came out of this.
The seven...sorry...six and Nico stayed back.
"HOW DO WE STOP THIS!!!! THIS IS A DISASTER!!" Hazel shouted, trying to dodge rocks while staying upright.
Jason POV
This turned from bad to worse to calamity in a few seconds. Percy was trying to figure out what to do. I tried controlling the wind, but something much more powerful was controlling it.
The poor girl was still thrashing and screaming, tormented by something far worse than what we had been through. At least, I think.
A flash of bright light blinded all of us. I opened my eyes and gaped at Poseidon, god of the sea. We immediately knelt, well, except Percy
"DAD!!! WHATS HAPPENING?" Percy shouted over the scream.
Poseidon looked down at the girl, sadness filled in his eyes. Is she....his daughter? I'm so confused
"Percy, my boy. She's causing this. She's been through as much as you, if not more. Only Annabeth and you can wake her up. That's the only way to stop all this"
She's been through as much as Percy? I don't think so. Tartarus is pretty hard to beat.
Poseidon turned his eyes towards me. I stiffened. Crap, he obviously knew what I was thinking.
"Jason, don't be so hard on her. She's been through Tartarus, three times." He said softly.
Everyone gasped. How is she still sane and alive? Percy and Annabeth and Nico made it out, barely.
Poseidon vanished, leaving us gaping.
Percy and Annabeth exchanged glances, and knelt down near the girl. Percy gently shook her shoulder, while Annabeth started whispering something. I only heard,
"Safe........don't...... Wake......nightmare....."
They took turns shaking her and whispering. Slowly, the girl stopped writhing, and her scream slowly became a moan.
"Its working!!!!!" Hazel exclaimed. I looked around. It was working. The ground stopped shaking, and the fire vanished. The lake recedded, and the storm cleared up.
Piper ran up to me and threw her arms around me.
"They did it Sparky"
"Yeah...they did"
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