*INHALE* How did we get to 300 reads???? I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! I CAN'T THANK ALL OF YOU ENOUGH!!! YOU ARE AMAZING! Anyways today's one shot will have a maybe have mild swearings, i hope you don't mind.
"Okay, get ready, we'll go out there and win!" Oliver said trying to encourage his team, They step out for their match with Ravenclaw, 'Okay ok--" Fred and George rolled their eyes " We get it wood, we're ready!" George said while flying out to the field. "Okay was just making sure." Oliver said flying over to the goals,
Fred and George took their places along with the seeker, Harry James Potter, Lee could be seen in the commentary box along with professor McGonagall. "Hello everyone, today's match is with Gryfindorr-" Lee said pointing finger guns towards the Gryfindorr stand, "And Ravenclaw!" He said pointing towards the Ravenclaw stands,
"At Gryfindorr we have Captain and keeper, Oliver wood along with George and Fred Weasley, beaters and chasers, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinett and Katie bell, and Seeker Harry potter!" The Gryfindorr stand cheered, Lee introduced all the Ravenclaw players and then the Match started, it was an intense match, Oliver was sweating due to the pressure of the Gryfindorr stands and winning this match to make it to the finals, Oliver saved as many quaffles as he could, "George hits the blugder back to-" Lee was commentating the game, Oliver was listening to everything that Lee was saying until he saw Percy Weasley cheering for Oliver in the stands, he would usually not come because of his duties as prefect and all the classes that he tooks work from. Now that he was here,Oliver couldn't help but become un- focused, "Ravenclaw gets a goal." Oliver heard becoming alert again that a Ravenclaw chaser got a hoop in. Angelina went over to Oliver and said "Oliver what the hell?! Ravenclaw is catching up! You better not ruin this for us!" Angelina said flying back to her place, He quickly looked over to see that Percy was gone.. 'Did he leave?' Oliver thought then quickly snapping out of it and getting his head back in the game, Oliver saved a whole lot of other goals, this match seemed like it was gonna last for a long time the seekers had lost where snitch went and continued looking. "It's Gryfindorr currently has 100 points while Ravenclaw is catching up with 70." Oliver couldn't help but keep thinking about Percy, where had he gone? Oliver was extremely tired and nervous about this match, it had been so long where was Harry, he wanted to just end this game now, Very suddenly Oliver's thoughts came true "I got the snitch!" Harry shouted with the snitch in his hand. The Gryfindorr stand cheered loudly, All the Ravenclaw's became disappointed and boo'd.
Oliver looked over and again saw Percy this time a bit closer to him, Oliver blinked and he was again gone, he was probably hallucinating things he thought, he went to the Gryfindorr locker room, seeing everyone cheering Harry, "Great job, Harry, I thought that game was never gonna end honestly." George said, Everyone else agreed, they all were extremely tired and finally got the chance to relax, "You did great, Harry!" Oliver said smiling over to Harry, Harry thanked him going to change into his normal robes. Oliver went to do the same, he still couldn't stop thinking about Percy, why was he hallucinating him? He quickly changed into his robes and went into the Gryfindorr common room, he saw Percy right out side, "Percy!" Oliver said going over to him. "Huh? Ummm Oliver are your eyes okay?" Lee asked looking at him. Oliver was taken by surprise, 'What the hell?...' Oliver thought, "Oh sorry for a second I thought you were Percy.." Lee looked awkwardly and said "okay I guess.." Lee walked away going into the portrait hole, Oliver went in as well, everyone was there celebrating but Oliver didn't see Percy anywhere, he looked around through the crowds of students congratulating Oliver, Oliver went inside their dormitory and no Percy but just his bag, "Where is he, one second he's here the other he isn't." Oliver went to Fred and George and asked them about where Percy was and they said they didn't know, he went to his younger brother,Ron and he answered the same thing, Oliver grew more and more worried, he went down to the great hall and looked around for him, he saw many people there complaining about the match and some doing other things but he still wasn't able to find Percy, He had looked all over the castle and still no sign of him, Suddenly he saw Percy with some Slytherins...
Oliver wasn't very fond of Slytherins, he never liked them like most Gryfindorrs, Percy was talking and looking like he was protesting, Oliver ran over there and saw.... "Marcus?!" Oliver said looking at both of them, Marcus smiled and said, "Oh look Percy your lover is here to save you." Percy growled in anger his glasses were a bit cracked and he said "Shut up!" Oliver shouted looking over to Marcus, "What did you do?! Why can't you Slytherins ever just shut up and leave us ALONE!" Marcus scoffed and laughed a bit. "You Gryfindorrs look hilarious sometimes, I should let you know you're house has least points for the house cup and oh Oliver didn't you lose Gryfindorr exactly 60 points last week?" Oliver clenched his fists, wanting so badly to hit Marcus, Percy held him back though, "I know you won't be able to do that, I should be going now," Marcus said leaving,
"Bloody piece of shit." Oliver muttered under his breath, "H-hey.." Percy said slowly getting up, "Sorry about that,Marcus cornered me while i was coming back to congratulate you.." Oliver turned around and smiled and said, "It's okay at least your fine now.." Percy giggled a bit, Oliver looked confusingly at him, "W-What?" Percy just said "Oh it's nothing you just look so cute," Oliver gulped blushing a bit, "U-um thanks i guess." Percy rolled his eyes and put his hands behind Oliver's neck and pulled him into a kiss, who knew a three second kiss was enough to make Oliver into a shy mess, "Wasn't that a big enough hint i like you, Wood?" Oliver's face was as red as tomato he couldn't process anything, Percy gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving to go to the Gryfindorr common room, Oliver snapped out of his thoughts and looked over seeing Percy walk away, he smiled and said " Wait for me, i'm coming as well," Percy stopped looking back seeing Oliver run towards him, "So why didn't you come to the match today?" Oliver asked, "I may've had a few issues like, a few incomplete assignments maybe..." Oliver laughed a bit and put his arm around Percy's shoulder while they walked towards the common room, they both talked all the way towards the common room, 'He's so adorable, no wonder i was thinking about him all the time this morning..' Oliver thought as Percy yawned and put his head on Oliver's shoulder,
OMG...... I'M SO FREAKING TIRED RIGHT NOW!!!! this is so far the longest one shot I've written it's almost 1220 words, i'm dead, anyways today's question is!!
My answer probably Fred Weasley! he didn't deserve to die!!
anyways have a nice day everyone!!
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