PERCIVER 35: The Cat VS Dog Debate

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Cats and dogs, two polar opposite animals. People often debate on which is better, though the debate is based more upon opinions, it's quite interesting to find what people like and why they like it.

An example would be the two boys studying at Hogwarts. Prefect, Percy Weasley, a calm, intelligent and sly student a portrayal of a cat and Captain of the Gryfindorr Quidditch team, Oliver Wood, An Athletic, energetic and passionate student of Hogwarts.
Both may seem like polar opposites at first, one a rule following teacher's pet and the other a brutal athlete which will do anything to win. But not everything was quite black and white as people thought it was.

"Great job mate!" Percy said to Oliver hand on his shoulder. "Aw shucks, thanks. I should be thanking you though, without you tutoring me I would've had to drop out of the match." Oliver said as both sat down in the common room. "I'm glad I did, you caught those quaffles like they were nothing." Percy complimented Oliver. Oliver laughed and shrugged. "Guess that's the reason I'm so awesome am I right?" Percy laughed as well patting Oliver's back.
"Still kinda surprised, ya actually like Quidditch." Oliver said. Percy rolled his eyes. "Just cause I don't play it doesn't mean I can't enjoy it." Percy said. "I don't play Quidditch because I mean look at me." Percy said gesturing towards his skinny arms. "What you saying skinny players can't play?" Oliver asked. Percy started ranting of course on how he meant he can't play because of his physicue and how others have different stamina and etc.
"Perce Perce, I get it, Physicue plays a huge part in Quidditch, I too have read books in my life." Oliver said stopping Percy from ranting on any further. "My surprise was that you can read you bloke." Percy insulted as a joke. Oliver laughed. "Sure I don't like reading school books but other books like ya know, lord of the rings or some other muggle books." Oliver answers. "I think I should show you some, they're quite interesting."
"Sure, I think my dad would like it more than me though." Percy said as he got up from the couch. "You're dad is a fanatic of muggle technology. I'm sure I could help him use a mobile phone." Oliver said getting up as well. Percy stretched and yawned. "Well Oliver, Let's go to bed, it's already so late and both of us have our O. W. L. S in a week." Percy says as he walks up the staircase to go their shared dorm room. "Perce, Could you give me some of your notes for Transfiguration?" Oliver asks Percy. "Get your own damn notes you barbaric dog."
"Jeez, fine Mr. Sassy ginger, I'll make my own notes."
Both laughed and talked through the night. Whether it was about Quidditch, books or about how many people have died at Hogwarts and no one knows when and who.
"Oi, Oliver."
Percy stared at the ceiling. Oliver in the bed under his. "Have you ever thought about how students see us?" Percy asked. Oliver thought for a moment. "Probably stereotypes of our characters." Oliver answered. "Like how people think you're an athletic beast who cares about nothing more than Quidditch?" Percy says giggling. "It's not like I don't love and live for Quidditch, it's just I have other things to do, like study but just cause I got low grades in my previous exams, Students thought I was some kind of monkey who only lived to play Quidditch cause apparently athletes aren't 'smart'. "
Percy nodded in agreement. "I'm so stereotyped that even my siblings think I'm just a smart bloke, who only seems to work cause I wanna become a evil person and take over the world. I want to work in the ministry of magic, no doubt about it but it's not like I wanna take over control of the Wizarding world. Everyone just thinks I'm some smart, snarky, evil prefect out to kill anyone for not following a rule. I'm just doing my bloody duty. " Percy says. "Students do hate you a lot."
"Shut up!"
"Well it's 11pm, we should be going to asleep, especially cause I have a lot of tutoring to do with you."
"For the last time, I won't help you cheat."
"Just notes pleeaseee!!"

Question of the day:
What's the best season?

Not a Wizarding question but ya know just a fun question

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