PERCIVER 20: Stars

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It was a beautiful morning like usual, the birds were chirping, the leaves were green, grass blew with the wind and the Weasley house was in Chaos.
"FRED, GEORGE, STOP DON'T YOU DARE!" Molly could be heard screaming to the twins who were doing some mischvous things and by that I mean trying to scare their brothers. "We're coming mom." The twins said casually coming down from the stairs. Ron came right after them complaining about The twins pranks. "Don't ever try that again Fred and George, you know that was bloody terrible!" The twins just shrugged and said "what it was just a spider." Ron groaned and just followed his brothers. Harry came down next with Ginny. "Oh Harry dear, I know you just came down but could you call Percy and Oliver down?" Molly asked Harry. Harry replied "Oh of course Ms. Weasley." Harry went back up to Percy's room. He knocked. No reply. He knocked again. Still no reply. He knocked again and shouted "Percy, Oliver! We have to go!"
Oliver heard a knock, he slowly rubbed his eyes and got up and heard Harry saying something. "Ah, I'm coming." Harry heard it and just shrugged and said "okay come quick! We have to go to the camping site in 10 minutes!" Oliver shot his eyes open, THEY WERE LATE! "Percy wake up, we're late." Percy just replied "For what? If not food then don't wake me up."
"We're late for the trip."
Percy shot up exactly like Oliver and ran out of his bed and went to his closet. "Quick wear something! Take these!" Percy shouted passing him a jacket, ear muffs and a scarf even though it was summer, Oliver just shut up wore teh jacket and put on some more thing excluding the winter items. They and thankfully packed their items already and they ran downstairs. "WE'RE HERE!" Everyone looked back, seeing the smart boy Weasley and Quidditch fanatic Wood running toward them. "Good your here! Let's go now." Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Ms. Weasley stepped up to the portkey, while Percy, Oliver, Bill and Mr. Weasley teleported over to the camping spot.

~To be continued~
I know this is short but it's been ten days and I don't want this to be delayed any further so I'm so sorry for this short update.
Today's question
Who is your favourite Harry potter villan?
My answer is Bellatrix or Severus Snape In terms of the coolest villan, Bellatrix is the best and I know "BuT SeVeRus iS nOT a ViLLaN!!" He is you can't convince me he's not! He was a abuser just cause his "CRUSH" didn't like him, honestly even I know how to control my emotions more.

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