Haha Perciver Muggle AU!!
Percy Weasley the president of Hogwarts student Government. All the students were jealous of him, he'd always get the best grades he even got an owl for his birthday cause he got all A+ grades on his recent exam. Percy would always try and avoid social events such as Prom or Any extra curricular activities. You'd either find him hidden in the library studying or scolding one of his millions of brothers. But this perfect Percy, had a small maybe big secret, he secretly liked one of the foot ball players more specifically the muscular and athletic goal keeper.
Percy had never dated before and never planned to but this sudden likeness he had for the player, made him have some change of plans.
Percy walked around the halls patrolling over students like a hawk. He caught some students violating the dress code that they're principal had set for the school. Percy walked through the halls and bumped into his roommate, Oliver Wood. "Catch!" He said as he threw a foot ball to him. "Ew. Oliver get this thing away from me it's been touch by so many feet by now." Percy said as he threw the ball back to Wood. "Heh, sorry." "It's fine." Percy replied as he continued to walk through the halls. Oliver quickly followed him and asked. "Soo... Perce i want to ask you something." Percy looked at him and said "sure ask away." Oliver looked a bit nervous but asked. "Wanna go to a small party with me?" Percy replied straight fowardly "No." Oliver sighed and explained "look I know you don't want to but please! This is a really important event and could possibly be the biggest thing in my career as a whole!" Percy replied "Still no. I don't like parties plus stop being weird and get to the point." Oliver gulped and said "I need you to be my boyfriend." Percy shouted "WHAT!?" To which professor Snape, the chemistry teacher came along and said. "Mr. Weasley, you better keep quiet or else I won't be a afraid to use you as ginger ale for my next expirment." He said snarling and going back to his deongun aka the laboratory. "What the hell do you mean Oliver?!" He asked a bit more quietly. Oliver replied in a much more nervous tone "someone may or may not have started a rumor that we were dating and now the whole school knows and the captain for Puddlemere wants to meet you in our next match and she's my role model." Percy became silent for a second he was mad and disappointed. "Look please I'll do anything!" Percy had two things he could do one accept two reject and sorry forgot to add another option panic.
And Percy chose....... Option one. "Wait you'll really do it!" Oliver said brightly with sparkles in his eyes. "Yeah fine I guess but you owe me." Oliver grinned and asked "well what do you want?" Percy replied "I'll think about it for now let's just get ready the next match. Be thankful principal Dumbledore assigned me to the sports field this week. "Wow it's like he can predict the future!" Percy laughed.
Inside of Percy's mind there were two things he had in this head first internal happy screaming and internal panic screaming. What was he supposed to do this was his first time ever even being in a relationship!
After the last class which was History by professor Binns who always seemed like he could kill someone from just talking about world war two for one second, he left the class room and went to the field and saw the two opposing teams for tommrows match. The team captain for Gryfindorr was of course, Oliver wood with the Slytherin captain, Marcus Flint. They seemed to have been arguing like an old married couple about to get divorced. Two of Oliver's teammates Alicia and Angelina were holding him back. "I'll kill you Flint! I promise that!" Flint just laughed as he left the field. Angelina and Alicia stepped away letting Oliver relax on his own. Oliver took a few deep breaths and turned around to see Percy, clipboard in hand and a pen as well. "Oh hey Perce... Sorry about that." Percy just kissed Oliver the cheek keeping up with the whole relationship thing. Alicia and Angelina got kinda excited when they saw the two. "Wait you're dating!" Oliver quickly responded already paniking from the kiss on the cheek "YEAH!" Alicia and Angelina squeaked as they said "Oh my God that's amazing! I never thought you two would get together but the rumors were right!" Oliver blushed. Percy was also embarrassed but quickly asked him, fixing his throat "So what do you need for tommrows match?" Oliver replied "well we're gonna need to get a few more footballs and lots of other things." Percy quickly wrote down the things they needed. They just walked around the field for a bit, talking about the important things they needed. "Oh and I think we need to get a new referee as well." Percy rose his eye brow and asked "Why what's wrong with Luna lovegood?" Oliver replied "well she's good and all but she keeps on talking to her girlfriend, Ginny a lot and that distracts Ginny and her form the game!" Percy scribbled on the clip board again and said "okay we'll do that, now is there anything else?" Oliver thought for a second and said "well there is one more thing...." Percy looked at him and asked "what Oliver?" Oliver scratched the back of his head and said "well you know about that whole you know meeting my role model thing... Well about that she isn't gonna come due to an emergency and we may've just shown evidence to the whole school we're a couple for no reason." Now Percy was really mad not disappointed but MAD. "OLIVER!!" Oliver squeaked as Precy became kind of scary when he was mad, he was full on red in the face. He was embarrassed, angry.... Lovestru-- I mean Mad! "Oliver why didn't you tell me before I did that?!" Oliver nervously said "W-well it was too late.... Plus I think flint saw us as well." He said mad at himself as well. "What are we gonna do now?" Precy asked as he sighed and sat down on the nearest banch. Oliver sat next to Him and said.. "Well I guess we could be a couple then-- I mean uhhh." Percy was genuinely surprised when Oliver said that. "What no! Well I mean it's........."
"It's what? Perce?"
"It's I guess fine but I mean you don't like me, and n-neither do I of course! But I mean should'nt we try something else before jumping to that." Percy said. He was at a lost of words. He liked Oliver a lot but this was too over whelming and he was about to cry from the panicking. Oliver said getting worried about Percy "l-look..... I know this is bad and I'm sorry. I really wanted to impress someone who'll probably ignore me and I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess." Percy looked over to him and said very quietly.. "I like you." "Hm?"
"I LIKE YOU OLIVER WOOD!" Percy said a bit louder. Oliver looked in surprise.. precy blushed intensely and looked away hiding himself. "I like you too Perce..." Oliver said. Precy still hid his face from embarrassment. Oliver moved a bit closer and said "hey it's okay.. I'm sorry. Well I guess I'll leave then." Oliver said getting up.
"No wait a second."
Percy got up and did the best thing Oliver could ask for. Percy reached for Oliver's collar and pulled him to Percy and kissed him.. the kiss quickly ended with Percy pulling away. "I want you to be my boyfriend. I don't care about those rumors." Oliver grinned like an idiot and hugged Percy. Percy hugged him back. "You still owe me though." Percy said quietly
Haha highschool romance go brr
Anyways today's no related to the one shot question.
What is your least favourite ship?
Omg okay here's my list (not mandatory to have list, I just hate a lot of ships in this fandom)
1. Twincest (cause NO!)
2. Snarry
3. Dramione (I just hate it)
4. Harmione
5. Anything related to Pedophilie or incest!
Why don't some of you like normal ships? I'm okay with threesome ships but like why the ones above?
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