Haha..... Yes I'm in great suffering. Also I'm including myself in this cause why not?
Oliver was gonna be having a Quidditch match in three days and Oliver was really worried. He had lots of homework to complete and even more practices to go to after classes ended. He would sometimes have to skip meals to get work done. The Quidditch captain at the time was Ann and she was let's say a bit impatient and could get angry over being 10 minutes late. She wasn't the most pleasant flower in the field.
Gryfindorr would soon be having a match with Slytherin and it would be one of the most special ones cause the winner would be playing against the leading champion of the Quidditch cup, Ravenclaw. Gryfindorr really wanted to win a match, ever since the best seeker Charlie left, Ann became the seeker and she was their only hope for now. So a few hours before the match that was gonna be happening, every Gryfindorr was excited and enthusiastic. Oliver ran to the Changing room feeling really sick.
Percy had been really worried about Oliver with all the Practices and homework he saw him less and less. He would occasionally see him studying or on the Quidditch field but he'd wouldn't talk to him at all. When he saw Oliver running to the Quidditch field while he was fighting with Marcus, Percy couldn't help himself but follow him to the changing room.
Oliver sat in the changing room in his Quidditch robes ready for today's match with Slytherin. Percy had come in earlier to check up on Oliver. Oliver seemed a bit stressed out and tired. Percy was of course worried and kept on asking him if he had had eaten and slept well. Oliver kept saying yes and got a bit annoyed. "I ate and slept, Percy. Quit asking me!" Oliver snapped at Percy who flinched and jumped back a bit. "Oliver! What was that? You're looking terrible right now! You look thin and you have bags under your eyes? Would you play in today's match like this?!" Percy practically shouted to Oliver who just looked away and sighed. "Come on? You weren't talking to me for the past three days? I don't see you in the dormitory until 2am and you look so much thinner? What's this about?" Percy was getting mad at Oliver, he was ignoring him for the past three days and wouldn't even talk to him. "Oliver.. Oliver!" Percy yelled trying to get Oliver to talk to him. Percy had finally had enough and just left Oliver. Oliver felt a bit Guilty and Sad but soon felt sicker than ever. His stomach hurt and he was feeling dizzy. 'Ugh keep it together.' Oliver said to himself getting his broom and walking back to the field where the match would be held. Professor Hooch stood near the Hufflepuff stand and waited for the students to sit down. Oliver came to his team. Ann looked a bit angry and sighed to Oliver, "Finally now come on, we have to get ready, Fred George, there, Oliver, goals and Angelina, Katie and Alicia follow me." All of them set out and took their places. Lee was in the commentators box and introduced everyone playing. Oliver quickly looked over to the stands and Percy was there holding a banner with the other students but he still seemed a bit upset with Oliver. Percy didn't play Quidditch but was more of a normal fan of it and he wanted to support his friend no matter what. Oliver looked away as the game started. Fred and George hit the seeker of Slytherin at the time with a blugder and they lost focus and flew down to catch balance. Ann got the upper hand and saw the snitch in the air. Oliver saved a bunch goals but was starting to feel dizzy. His vision worsen as he wasn't able to catch the goals on time. He tried his best. Slytherin was at 90 points with Gryfindorr at only 50. Oliver was worried and Ann was so close to catching the snitch. Oliver tried his best to keep on trying to save the goals but after a while of this he felt a sudden drowsiness and his eyes started to close a bit his grip losened and his eye sight became much more worse. The snitch had just disappeared with no trace of the snitch and the Keeper's health becoming worse. Oliver knew they wouldn't be able to make it.
"Huh? W-where am I?" Oliver asked his head still dizzy and his a few bruises on his arm. "Oh thanks Merlin. Are you okay? You fell from your broom." Oliver got up a bit and saw Everyone on the team beside him. "Oh... Ugh, it still hurts but I'm fine. Did Slytherin win?" No one was willing to say but Alicia said with a bit of bravery. "Yeah. Slytherin won. Right before you fell [The seeker for Slytherin] caught it." Ann sighed but she said. "Are you okay? You should get some rest, oh before you do Percy would like to see you." Ann said telling everyone to leave. Percy was near the entrance waiting to meet Oliver and to check if he was okay. He'd snuck in some of the food from the great hall to give Oliver. "Hey, Ol." Percy said walking towards Oliver's bed. "Hey..." Oliver replied there was a small silence for a few seconds before Percy sat down on a chair next to Oliver. "So, Are you okay?"Percy asked, Oliver sighed and said "Yeah, I'm sorry for not listening to you." Percy smiled and said. "It's okay here have some food now. You look so bloody thin right now." Oliver laughed and said "what do you like my muscles more?" Percy rolled his eyes and giggled "of course, at least you weren't so unhealthy then." Oliver smiled and had a bite of the food Percy had just snuck in. Percy grinned as he said. "Next time eat and take care of yourself." Oliver grinned back and sat up. "Well maybe you could check up on me once in while. It's not like your always that busy. All you do is homework and then write in your diary." Percy was annoyed and said "we don't talk about my diary, Oliver." Oliver laughed and replied "why not all that was in it was-" Percy put a hand on his mouth and said angrily "Oliver! Shut up!" Oliver put Percy hands off his face and said "come on it's not like you have something that special hidden in there." Percy was embarrassed and just said, "I don't feel comfortable saying I'm bi okay?" Percy said as he shifted in his chair uncomfortably. "Percy... You know it's fine, I'm pretty sure that Dean and Seamus are snogging every night." Oliver said trying to comfort Percy. "you took care of me, Percy. And you see what happened when I didn't listen to your advice. Something will happen if you keep this secret and I don't want you to get hurt." Percy smiled and said "I know I know, I just don't want to burden anyone with my small problems." Oliver got up, even though his leg was bruised and he sat down next to Percy. "Oliver! Get back on your bed. Your bruises haven't healed yet!" Oliver cupped Percy's face and said "Percy. No one's are big or small. It's a problem that you can resolve easily. This is Hogwarts! The school that accepts everyone for who they are. And you can be Bisexual without having to worry." Percy sighed and said "but i-" Oliver put a finger on his lip and said "Shush. No buts.' Percy gulped and said quietly "Um.. Oliver, You're too close." Oliver looked him straight in the eye and said "I know." Percy became more embarrassed and blushed lightly and replied "Well if you don't mind could you move a bit." Oliver smiled and and said "Sure." And moved his lips to Percy's lip. Percy blushed a lot and became at a lost of words. "Oliver." Percy said as Oliver pulled away. "Hm? Yes Percy." Percy said, "ummm.... Do you like me?" Oliver frowned a bit still maintaining a smile and said "Do I show you again?" Percy moved back and said. "N-no! I was just gonna say..." Percy stayed silent for a moment and then said.. "I like you too." Oliver grinned and kissed his cheek. "I like you too, Perce." He said kissing him again
Today's question!
What was your favourite moment in the books? (Movies included.)
I liked when we first met Neville's parents. It was the first and probably the only time we'd get to see Neville with his parents.
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