Chapter 16: Time Gone By

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The setting sun and rising moon cast a deep shadow of orange over the land, and with the stars coming out casting their brightness and the land never looking so beautiful, I couldn't wait any longer. At that last thought, I turn to Fuli, laying beautifully next to me, not quite knowing how to say it...

"What's on your mind, Kion?" Fuli asked with a genuine look of concern.

"Fuli...I" I start, having trouble figuring out what to say, she shifts her body to lay under my arm and I bring my weight on top of her and our nuzzles were only inches apart, finally I take a deep breath,

"All my life, all the blessings and curses I have been given, I've realized how much I want from this life, and how much I want you to always be a part of it..." Fuli's eyes went wide, her face try's to hide the race of emotions I know she is feeling,

"Fuli, will you marry me?" I say as I reverse our positions and she is laying on top.

"Wh- I... Kion!" she innocently screams, her eyes holding so much happiness,

My dream fades back to reality as I stir from my slumber. As I do, I can't help but ponder of the great things I have been blessed to see. There is a certain beauty that has come to my life since I have arrived in the valley. The innocence of children playing in fields, the warriors safeguarding their people, the elders passing there wisdom, letting the old align themselves with the new.

My beliefs of the Great Kings intents have definitely been questioned since I left the Pridelands, but there is indeed something more to this place. One thing that is for certain is that I have had my first undisturbed slumber in many moons since my welcoming, honestly, maybe since my cub hood days.

It is in times of comfort that I have truly learned to be the most grateful. Months have past since my acceptance into the coalition and my life has never been better. My friends, Bunga, Beshte and Ono have fought by my side faithfully, defending the coalition from outsiders. Fighting to protect a common love... reminds me of my role as the leader of the lion guard.

Heshima has mentored me to be the best possible warrior to preserve this last coalition. He often reminded me of the freedoms he experienced in the Pridelands, hoping to return his coalition there someday. Seeing that the dry seasons to the south of us are coming to a close and the herds are migrating, he may soon get that wish.

Fuli, my beloved, 'soon to be' mate. It took us time to grow comfortable with each other, but we complete each other. We took it slow and mostly kept to ourselves, but strangely the rest of the coalition has been supportive of us despite being different species. I've wondered what... some would think of this for some time, but I can't always listen to that voice anymore, I have someone to lean on again and have never felt better.

It's at this thought that I turn to her relaxed figure, laying peacefully next to mine. She suddenly stirred but slowly awakens. "Good morning beautiful." I whisper to her ear while giving a slow lick to her forehead, "Good morning, handsome." She says with her signature grin, looking up to me. She sees my optimistic expression fall, "What's wrong?" She asks with her cute concerned look.

"Nothing, love. Just go back to sleep." She snuggles underneath my neck, and I hold back any shivering sensation it gives me, since her fur is sooo soft. It wasn't long before her gentle purrs indicated that she had fallen asleep again, giving me the cue to get up.

As I leave the den, the full moons light cast over the valley reminded me of my home in which I had left long ago. I wonder how my family is doing, if Kiara has found a mate as I have, if my Father is still King, if the land is still at peace.

I make my way to the other side of the valley, using the light from the great kings to guide my path. I begin preparing a speech in my head, as I know that this will be another tough conversation, but if I can convince him, it will be worth helping him. I eventually reach a rock formation leading into a dark cave, to which I find an old enemy, trapped behind some thick boulders...

"What do you want from me outsider." His voice is cold as ice,

"Azaad, nothing I ever did was meant to harm yo-" he jumps and tries to reach me through the cracks, but fails, not even making me flinch.

"Everything you did harmed me! You took my honor, my place in the coalition, and the one whom my soul loved!"

His breathing is heavy and eyes full of hate as he retracts his arm. Scraping his claws viciously across the rocks. He quickly calmed down and settled away from the entrance, clearly not interested in talking.

"Azaad, I did what I had to to survive out there. Your greed is what cost you everything. It is in that, why Heshima has refused to free you." He doesn't move,

"Then why do you care." He snaps,

"Because I know the road that you are traveling down, and I will say it now. It only leads to worse pain." He turns to me, the moonlight exposing the scars I had left on him since the games, and trying to raise his leg, still broken and with a couple of holes from when I ended the games,

"You know nothing of pain." He turns and lays down.

"You can't fight fire with flame Azaad." He doesn't respond.

I exit the cave, clearly out of things to say. With another failed attempt at speaking to Azaad, I make my way back to my den. This isn't the first time I've attempted to speak with him. With the time I did get to know him he reminded me of my fathers stories of scar when he was younger. I just hope that I can convince him of that before it's too late.

I make heist back to my den, hoping she hasn't stirred in her sleep since I excused myself. As I sneak back in, and my eyes settle on Fuli as I creep up and snuggle next to her, putting my head over hers and she instinctively nuzzles my neck and upper chest with her forehead as my figure brushes up against hers, all the while I wrap my front paws around her body to gently grasp her soft underbelly. I can't help but admire Fuli's existence, her soft plushy fur, her beautiful curves, her strong willed attitude, her genuine and even gentle touch. 'How could I have gotten so lucky to have her in my life?' Her silky touch is all it takes for my eyes to shut as I drift into a blissful slumber, or so I would hope...

'You will see Kion! Others are not as strong minded as you! I will find them, and poison them from the inside out to make sure you suffer!'


'One way or another, I always get what I want.'


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