Chapter 17

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A few days later...

Ryder and the pups have been having their quiet lives back in Adventure Bay. It's been a few days already since they left Dogfynn City. No new rescues had been done lately, and they were relieved because none of them were in the mood to do anything.

Chase had been sleepless all night, and Rocky noticed this. He approached his friend gently without surprising him.

"Hey, Chase..." Rocky greeted, "You doing okay?"

"Uh, not really. Didn't get much sleep last night," Chase replied, "That dream keeps coming back."

"You mean that weird dream with the picture frame?" Rocky guessed.

"Yeah, that again."

Rocky went into deep thought for a second and suddenly remembered what he and Liberty talked about last time.

"Something got me thinking..." he brought up.


"What if the reason why we couldn't find out answers is..." Rocky started, "Because we're searching for the wrong person?"

"What do you mean?" Chase asked in confusion.

"Maybe we should be looking for information about Kathy instead of Mr. Bennett, you think so?" Rocky suggested.

His idea got Chase thinking. They never thought about it before, and it seemed like an idea that might work.

"You have a point..." he said, "Maybe we should try searching for those instead."

"Also, we can get some help from Mayor Goodway. I think she kept some of Kathy's records in the town hall," Rocky added.

"Great, then let's head there, then!" Chase invited.

Suddenly, they were interrupted when they heard Ryder getting frustrated at himself while working on his ATV. The German Shepherd and mixed-breed pup exchanged glances.

"He's been tinkering on that since we came home," Chase muttered, with a sigh.

"I know," Rocky answered, "How about you just go? I'll try to lend Ryder a paw."

"Sure, that's fine..."

Chase went down on his own to downtown to find Mayor Goodway. He reached the Town Hall and parked right in front of it. But before he could fully open the door, he heard a conversation from behind it. He couldn't help but listen first before entering. Mayor Goodway was talking to someone. Someone who sounded familiar.

"Do you know how Ryder is related to Kathy?"

"Oh, Ryder? Him? Related to Kathy?"

Chase questioned himself in his mind as he listened.

"Oh, my dog... Mr. Bennett? What in the world is he doing all the way here? Also, he seemed suspicious of things too. But how did he find out? Perhaps Carlos found out about our little mystery? Maybe Tracker said something he wasn't supposed to say again. Oh, if he really did, then that pup is in trouble when we meet again."

He turned back to the conversation that he was listening to.

"Well, uhm, no... Not really. They're just, uhm, good friends. Yes yes, really good friends. Kathy is really good with kids so she got along well with the children here, especially Ryder." Mayor Goodway replied.

Mr. Bennett turns around by the door, scaring Chase as he shuts the door immediately.

"Was someone at the door?" Mayor Goodway asked.

"I don't know. Probably just the wind," Mr. Bennett answered.

Chase dashed right back into his cruiser and sped off back to the Lookout. He knew Ryder would not want to face Mr. Bennett so he thought that they should hide.

"GUYS! WE GOTTA HIDE, NOW!" Chase yelped as soon as he got back and found the others.

"Chase, what's going on?" Ryder asked.

"Mr. Bennett is here," Chase replied.

"WHAT?!" they all yelped in reply.


Ryder dropped his wrench on the ground in surprise. The rest of the pups begin to panic.

"Come on, Pups. Over here," Ryder said as he led all of the pups inside the Lookout toward the elevator.

All the pups trotted their way in. Marshall, who was last as always to the elevator, slips on Ryder's wrench and tumbles toward Ryder and the pups.

"Marshall, watch out!" Skye yelled.



"I think I wrenched my foot back there," Marshall muttered, "Nah, I was kidding."

"Oh, Marshall..." Chase chuckled.

Everyone began laughing at the joke as the elevator closed and rose to the top.

Mr. Bennett had finished talking to Mayor Goodway. But before he could leave, he noticed the Lookout tower. So he drove toward it to check it out. He saw that it almost looked as if nobody was home. Cap'n Turbot noticed him and greeted him friendly.

"Hello there! I see you're looking for our furry friends, the Paw Patrol," Cap'n Turbot greeted.

"Oh, hi...uhm, yes! This is where they live, right?" Mr. Bennett replied.

"Yes yes. But it seems like they're not home. I'll call Ryder," Cap'n Turbot answered, "Even though I mostly call him for an emergency."

Ryder and the pups were hiding at the top of the Lookout, trying to keep as quiet as possible.

"Chase, where is he?" Rocky asked.

"By my calculations, he could be right in front of the Lookout," Chase guessed.

"I'll go check through the periscope," Rubble said.

"RUBBLE, NO!" they all yelled at him.

Everyone covered their mouths, realizing they were all too loud.

"Jeez, did you all have to shout like that?" Rubble said.

"Sorry..." Marshall whispered.

"Sorry, Rubble. They might see the periscope moving, which could mean we're inside, dude," Zuma said.

"Oh. I forgot," Rubble realized it was a bad idea, "Sorry..."

Suddenly, the pups yelped at once when Ryder's Pup pad rang loudly. He saw that it was Cap'n Turbot.

"Umm... Should I answer it?" Ryder asked them before picking up the call.

"Wait!" Rocky exclaimed. 

He crept up to the balcony and peeked down at the backyard. He scanned the backyard and saw Mr. Bennett with Cap'n Turbot, looking at his phone.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god..." Rocky panicked, running back inside.

"What's wrong, Rocky?" Skye asked.

"I saw Mr. Bennett outside. He's with Cap'n Turbot. Don't answer the call!" Rocky shouted.

"Shhh, lower your voice," Ryder told him, "And okay, I won't answer it."

Cap'n Turbot was still ringing Ryder on his phone. But there was no answer, and it left Cap'n Turbot confused.

"Strange, he didn't answer. He usually answers my calls," Cap'n Turbot said, "They're probably doing rescues right now."

"Oh okay, too bad... But thanks anyway," Mr. Bennett replied.

"No problem. Happy to help, friend," Cap'n Turbot answered.

The two parted ways while Rocky was watching them from the balcony. Once Cap'n Turbot was out of sight and Mr. Bennett drove away in his car, he sighed in relief.

"Phew! They're both gone. That was a close one."

Everyone else inside sighed in relief as well.

"Should we head back down now?" Marshall asked.

"Sure..." Ryder agreed, "Let's go."

Chase finally thought of returning to Town Hall and trying to look for the files Rocky mentioned earlier. But this time, he thought of bringing everyone.

"Hi Ryder," Chase greeted.

"What's up, Chase?" Ryder asked.

"Rocky's been telling me something," Chase began, "Because... It's been a while and we still couldn't find answers to our questions. He thinks maybe we're looking at the wrong person."

"Well, then who's the right person?" Ryder wondered.

"Maybe we should look at your mom's documents?" Chase suggested, "Also, Mayor Goodway may happen to have kept some of them."

Ryder thought about Chase's suggestion for a moment. He had a point. They never checked on Kathy's information. Maybe the answer is just right in front of their noses.

"You have a point, Chase," Ryder agreed, "We should go and look."

"Should we bring Rocky or should we invite everyone?" Chase asked.

"It's just by town hall, so I think we can bring everyone else," Ryder answered.

"Alright, Ryder. I'll go talk to them," Chase said.

"Thanks, Chase..."

Chase ran off to get the rest of the pups. They were going to continue with their search with what they still have. Ryder and Chase both had a feeling. A feeling that they're getting really close now.

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