Chapter 7

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(At the time of writing, Russia has invaded Ukraine. I condemn their actions and extend my support to all Ukrainians out there. Hold in there mates, things will turn out all right)

Skye woke, rubbing her eyes. After a brief moment of confusion the girl realised she was in a spare bed at Hunters place, now just called the Studio. This wasn't uncommon for most of the gang, as video making sometimes went on late into the night, with the singers and editors, usually Hunter, surviving on caffeine and ginger beer. Heck, Hunter was known to have less than three hours of sleep every night for days on end when they were doing something special, or just particularly busy. 

Fumbling for the alarm clock, Skye gazed, bleary-eyed, at the time. 2:46 AM. She could hear voices and footsteps on the other side of the door, and with a groan, swung her legs off the bed and went to investigate.

Hunter strapped on the vest, then stated shoving knives and guns into the various sheaths and holsters. Chase whistled softly.

"How much weaponry do you need?!" The teen said quietly, trying not to wake anyone else. Unfortunately, it was a little late for that.

"Skye! We were trying not to be loud, sorry if we woke you up!" Said Hunter, spinning around to the sound of soft slippered footsteps.

"Nah it's fine," she said, rubbing her eyes "I don't have anything on tomorrow."

"Why are you up so late?" Asked Chase. Skye just raised an eyebrow, and the boy relented, chuckling. 

"Yeah I suppose you could ask us the same thing. Word has just come through, Hunter is being deployed."

Whatever answer Skye was expecting, that wasn't it. She stiffened up, all signs of tiredness leaving her body.

"What? With special forces!?"

"Nah, the Boy Scouts." Replied Hunter, rolling his eyes with a faint grin.

Skye deadpanned,

"Hilarious..... whereabouts?"

"Ukraine," answer Chase "Russia invaded, not an hour ago."

Skye clapped her hands to her mouth in shock.

"I never thought I'd actually happen... I mean it's been all over the news for a while now, but I never really thought...."

Hunter nodded grimly. 

"Australia is deploying troops to help, which means the Wolfpack, and therefore me." He said. A yawn sounded from behind the Chase, and the trio turned around to see a worried and tired looking Marshall, with Rocky beside him. From their expressions, they had obviously heard everything.

"What's the Wolfpack?" Inquired a curious Marshall. Hunter opened his mouth to reply, but Rocky beat him to it.

"The special forces regiment Hunter belongs to. Kinda like the SAS, but probably better." The short boy explained.

"Damn," whistled Marshall, "If they're better than the Australian SAS, then they're good!"

"In a nutshell!" Replied Chase, as Hunter finished putting on all his gear, and reached for his car keys.

"I'd prefer to stick around to morning, but they want us in Ukraine ASAP, so say goodbye for me!" Said the tall teen, heading towards the door. To a chorus of farewells and 'good lucks!' the door clicked shut. A minute later the roar of the Hummer that Hunter drove rose and faded as he started the armoured vehicle and drove off.

(Because of recent events, this chapter is dedicated to @VladMIX87  a brilliant person, great writer. He lives in Ukraine so extend as much support and well-wishes as possible! Stay safe Vlad!)

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