Chapter 1

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(I have no idea why I did that picture, I just came across it and it made me laugh 😂)

The alarm clock rang out, right beside Chases ear. The startled teenager snapped awake, flailed around, fumbled for the snooze button, and promptly fell out of bed.

"Urrrg..." Chase groaned from the floor. After getting dressed he grabbed some toast and ran out to his old Jeep that he had recently bought. It finally started up, and Chase drove off towards school.


Marshall got out of his car just in time to see Chase swing into the spot next to him.

"Hey mate!" Said Chase as closed the door, "what subjects do ya have?"

"Hmm, good question!" Chuckled Marshall, reaching for his timetable "aha! Maths, science, geography, English, and woodwork!"

"Woah! Coincidence, much? I've got an identical timetable!"

"Awesome! Let's get going, Mr.Humdinger teaches maths!"


Skye sat in the planes seat, bored out of her mind. Suddenly she brightened up as the rolling countryside outside the window turned into suburbs, and the plane began to descend towards Sydney Airport. After retrieving her luggage she headed to the car that had been hired. In the car Skye called her mum.

"Hey Skye! How was the plane trip?"

"It was pretty decent! Some nice views!"

"That's good to hear!" There apartment we have is number 60........3! (I know what you were thinking!)You'll start school tomorrow!"

"Thanks mum! Love you! Bye!"

"Bye! Love you too!" 

The man pulled up at the big tower that housed Skye and her mums apartment. Unfortunately her mother wasn't here, she was currently in London, preparing to fly to Cairo. Skye unpacked her stuff and decided to go for a walk around the shops.


Rocky woke up on an air mattress in Zumas's apartment. He always stayed at his best friends place when he was feeling particularly lonely or was sick of his rubbish accomodation. Zuma was already up and gave him a bowl of cornflakes. Zuma and everyone else who knew about Rocky and his family had encouraged him to report his financial condition to social services, but Rocky was adamant that a care or foster home would be worse.

Rocky stepped out of the apartment complex and headed towards his home. After unlocking the front door he found his flatmate in a drunken sleep on the couch. Dodging around the teen and his stench, Rocky raced up to his room and got ready for school.


Rubble grabbed his lunch and books, said goodbye to his parents, and ran to school. When he got there he saw Zuma and Rocky walking inside. 

"Hey guys! What's up?" He greeted as he caught up.

"Hey Wubble dude! Did you heaw the Wugby team has our fiwst match of the season this satuwday?" Replied Zuma (the speech impediment is difficult to write!) the trio made their way inside, chatting away, to their first classes, which was advanced maths for Rocky, and normal maths for Zuma and Rubble.


Rocky whistled as he made his way to class, but his merry tune was cut short as a powerful shove from behind sent him sprawling. He turned around to see three stocky bullies looming over him.

Chase and Marshall rounded a corner and saw a scrawny boy in a green jacket looking scared, with three known bullies laughing at him and kicking him. Chase strode forward and hauled one off, throwing him to the floor. The other two spun around and started throwing punches. Chase returned the favour, and although there were three bullies and one Chase, the fight was pretty even, mainly because Chase was taller and bigger then the three. Gradually the bullies were began to take the upper hand, landing an increasing number of punches. Marshall stepped forward to help, but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He looked behind to see a chuckling Hunter.

"Trust Chase to get himself into a three on one fight to defend some random kid." He laughed "I'd better go help him!" Marshall grinned, the bullies had no idea what was coming.

The trio were feeling quite triumphant as it became obvious they were winning, yet Chase suddenly turned from a little worried to smiling broadly. The bullies looked at each other, confused, when someone cleared his throat from behind them. An unfortunate bully turned around just in time to receive a powerful blow, and was sent flying backwards into the wall.

"You all saw that," Hunter said to the remaining duo, who were standing there in shock, "take him, shift it, and count yourselves lucky. NOW!". The final shout galvanised the two into action, and they grabbed their friend under the arms and ran. As soon as they rounded the corner Hunter dropped his scowl and started laughing, but shut up when he saw the time.

"Aw shit," said Marshall "Mr.Humdinger is gonna murder us!"

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