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when she opens her eyes, it must've already been the afternoon. unknowingly, she's slept for a good 3 hours without waking up once. this was a miracle, considering the amount of sleep she got on a daily basis. wheein isn't beside her like she was when yongsun fell asleep.
"wheein?" she rubs her eyes and looks around her apartment for the younger. everything was quiet, there wasn't even a trace that wheein had once been here. she picks up her phone from the table and calls wheein's number.
"wheein?" she asks, her voice laced with worry.
"yes?" comes her voice from the other end.
"where are you?" she breathes a sigh of relief.
"i'm getting us lunch, why?"
"oh. it's nothing, i just wanted to make sure you were okay,"
"i'm fine, unnie. don't worry about me, go back to sleep, alright?" yongsun is about to reply when wheein says, "oh, the food is here, i have to hang up now. see you later, unnie!" the line goes dead, and yongsun looks around the house to find it cleaned, everything put back into its rightful place. wheein must've been so bored while she was sleeping. yongsun scrolls through her phone aimlessly, until she finds a picture of wheein taken last night. she looked so pretty. yongsun still remembers she had taken that photo when wheein was lying down on the grass in the park, the autumn leaves surrounding her as she looked at yongsun with sparkling eyes, so bright they shone in the dark. she was smiling, her nose scrunched up in the most adorable way possible. yongsun smiles as well looking at the picture that had captured a brief moment of pure happiness.
putting her phone away, she was just about to turn the television on when she smelled food. she rushed to open the door, finding herself waiting impatiently while wheein walked towards her, a bag of food in one hand and a bag of drinks in the other. she takes the food and places it on the table, ruffling wheein's hair affectionately as a greeting. the younger smiles and ducks her head down to hide the redness on her cheeks. she still can't believe it. yongsun wanted her. out of all the people she could've had, she chose wheein. wheein, who was just like any other person. wheein, who was so much less than perfect and so worthless in her own eyes. wheein, who would give yongsun the stars and the moon and everything beyond the universe if she could. but she didn't think yongsun would ever care. especially not for her. she was a mess, someone who was barely holding her life together, why would yongsun ever want someone as broken and tattered as her?
"a penny for your thoughts?" yongsun's voice interrupts her train of thoughts. the older puts a hand on her back and gently guides her into the house.
"why me?"
"what do you mean?" yongsun takes the bag of drinks from her hand and places it on the table. peering inside it, she chuckles. "soju? at 2 in the afternoon? you'll never not surprise me," she shakes her head, motioning for wheein to sit.
"it's never too early for a bit of relaxing," she replies, smiling slightly. "i meant, why me? why choose me? you could have so much more with someone else who is so much better than me,"
"after a few drinks," yongsun replies simply. she grins childishly at wheein, starting to eat.


"are you drunk enough to answer my question now?" wheein asks, taking another drink from her third bottle.
"i'm not drunk!" yongsun, who's clearly wasted, says, with an unnecessarily loud voice.
"okay," the younger girl giggles, waiting for her response. yongsun sighs, leaning into wheein's shoulder, pressing a sloppy kiss to her cheek. so she's like this when she's drunk.
"you. why choose you? honestly, i don't know either. it's the little things about you that add up and they make me like you more and more every day. it's every part of you, and who you are that make me fall for you. there are so many things about you that i love, and maybe it's the way you sound like an angel when you sing, or the way you manage to make me smile every day, or the way you care for me, how i know you would hold me even on the coldest days, even under the harshest storms, even if we were sinking to the deepest parts of the ocean. and there are so many more things i could tell you, but i think i'm drunk and i can't think straight right now. but i've meant every word i've ever said to you, no matter how insignificant it may seem. and i hope you know how much you mean to me. you are not worthless, and you may not be perfect, but you're you, and that's good enough for me. you make me so happy, i've been falling into everything of you since the day we met,"
her rambling is cut off by a soft pair of lips on hers, hands cupping her cheeks ever so gently. wheein's forehead leans on hers, and even through her eyelids that are threatening to close, she can see wheein's teary eyes. despite having drunk three bottles of soju, wheein is nowhere near drunk. unlike yongsun, who has gotten drunk from half a bottle of soju, she is fully sober and heard every word yongsun just said. to say they made her like yongsun more was an understatement. she knows neither of them are good with words. yongsun was more open emotionally as compared to wheein, but she still had troubles voicing her feelings. it was just something neither of them had ever felt the need to do. after all, why tell someone about everything you're feeling when there was always a better way to get it off your chest? for wheein, it was through writing and singing. she didn't know about yongsun, but everything that she's just said out loud proves her feelings for wheein, and that was more than enough.
"did i just say all of that out loud?" yongsun asks, looking at wheein, confused. "please tell me i didn't,"
"sorry unnie but you did. i liked it, though. i wish i had known this sooner, all of this," wheein strokes yongsun's cheek lovingly. "maybe then it would've been easier to like you from afar,"
"if it helps i wanted to talk to you and at least get your name for the two months we met but never talked, but i was so intimidated by you i never built up the courage to even approach you," yongsun laughs at her past self, remembering how she used to be so nervous around a stranger she barely knew. "you were just so pretty i couldn't find the courage to approach you. you looked like you were from another world, and i wasn't worth your time. when you smiled, it quickly became the highlight of my day. it was so unreal the day i met you. it still is unreal that you're sitting right here, that i get to kiss you and hug you to sleep. i'm rambling again, aren't i?"
"it's cute. i like hearing you say these things. you rarely say the things going through your mind out loud, it's a nice change," wheein presses a soft kiss to her forehead. "you should go to sleep now, i'll clean up," she helps yongsun stand up and leads her to the bedroom, seeing as the latter could barely walk straight by herself. yongsun throws herself onto the bed, no longer moving after her head touches the silky sheets. wheein smiles at the sight in front of her, sometimes she wondered if yongsun was really the older one between them.
it doesn't take that long for wheein to clean up the mess in the living room, seeing as yongsun had only drunk half a bottle. she downs the other half and throws it away, not forgetting to turn off the lights in the living room and hallway. closing the door behind her, she turns to see that yongsun hasn't moved an inch since she left her.
"unnie, i'm going to change your clothes, okay?" yongsun groans and mumbles incoherent words that are muffled by the sheets beneath her. wheein takes that as a yes, flipping the older over so she can change her clothes easily. although they're together, wheein still finds herself blushing when she lifts yongsun's shirt gingerly. it's barely gone past her stomach when wheein snatches her hand back, squeezing her eyes shut as she turns her head away. keep it together, jung wheein! she takes a deep breath and slowly reaches out again. even though she knows yongsun probably won't mind that she saw her upper body, she still feels like she's intruding yongsun's privacy. wheein cringes at herself when she finally touches the hem of yongsun's oversized sweatshirt, lifting it ever so slightly.
"are you shy, wheein-ah?" yongsun's voice startles her, making her jump back in shock. she had been so focused on trying her best to remove yongsun's clothes that she hadn't noticed the older had been looking at her the whole time. maybe she wasn't as intoxicated as she thought. the older sits up, albeit with difficulty.
"i- i'm sorry, it just felt wrong of me to be looking, especially when you probably won't remember any of this in the morning," wheein stutters, her eyes trained on the ground in front of her rather than the gorgeous woman on the bed. "it feels like i'm taking advantage of you in this state,"
"what if i want you to?" at this, wheein nearly chokes on her own saliva. her eyes widen as yongsun beckons her towards the bed. "take it off, wheein-ah," she whispers, eyes seemingly darker than they were before. seeing the look in yongsun's eyes, wheein hesitates before fumbling with her shirt, clumsily but cautiously pulling it over yongsun's head. she looks anywhere but at yongsun, cheeks already heating up.
"um- i-" she stutters before realising yongsun needs a new shirt to change into. hurriedly, she searches through yongsun's closet for something comfortable. grabbing the first hoodie she sees, she heads back to yongsun, eyes never leaving the floor. before she has the chance to put it on yongsun, she's stopped by the latter's hands on her wrist. "u-unnie?"
yongsun doesn't respond, only brings their faces closer. the familiar feeling of sparks bursting in her heart returns when yongsun's lips touch hers. she would never get used to the way yongsun makes her feel. unconsciously, she glances down, right at yongsun's body. it's the first time she's seen her bare stomach, and she's glad the older was wearing a bra, otherwise she would've been a bigger mess than she was right now.
"what's wrong?" she hadn't realised that her lips had stopped moving.
"n-nothing. you're so beautiful," wheein murmurs, her eyes having a mind of their own and roaming over yongsun's toned abs.
"as i've been told, multiple times by you," yongsun smirks, letting go of wheein's wrists. she almost wants to tell wheein to look at her face instead of her body, but decides against it. instead, she leans back on her hands and watches as wheein's eyes travel down the length of her body, from her collarbone, to her chest, to her stomach, where she pauses briefly, gaze hardening. she gulps and licks her lips unconsciously. then she goes back to staring, her gaze now travelling down yongsun's stomach to her thighs, then her calves. wheein curses internally at how yongsun had decided to wear shorts today, of all days. they had ridden up her thighs while yongsun was moving around just now, exposing her thighs. wheein was sure she was going crazy just looking at yongsun's perfect body. she snaps herself out of it, eyes immediately shooting up to yongsun's, only to find the older looking back at her in amusement. her cheeks flush at being caught staring, even redder than usual due to the soju she had drank.
"why did you stop?" yongsun questions, tilting her head to the side.
"s-sorry, i really didn't mean to stare, i just-" wheein stops, her brain trying to form a proper sentence amidst the thoughts of yongsun. yongsun, with her jet black hair and her red lips. yongsun, with her eyes that were so inviting and her abs that made wheein want to kiss her so badly. yongsun, with her defined biceps and her muscular thighs. and here she was, in front of her in all her glory, yongsun who was looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to finish her sentence. "i really, really, really, want to kiss you right now," wheein says under her breath, barely loud enough to be heard.
"what's stopping you?" before she has the chance to reply, yongsun captures her lips in a kiss that lasts until they're both out of breath. they break away, panting. "i saw the way you were looking at me," yongsun states, an eyebrow raised.
"for someone who's supposedly drunk, you sure have a lot to say," wheein retorts, although she's embarrassed at yongsun's comment.
"drunk people always speak the truth," yongsun picks up her hoodie from the floor and puts it on. "and i say that you're totally in love with me," she smiles confidently and lays back down on the bed, motioning for wheein to join her.
"well, you're not wrong," the younger switches off the lights and climbs in beside yongsun. they find each other's bodies in the dark, wheein in yongsun's arms once again.
it feels so right, as if yongsun's arms were made to hug wheein like this.
and they fall asleep like this, wheein thinking of the things she wants to tell yongsun, how she brought her happiness, how she makes her day with a single smile, and how she thinks she's in love with yongsun, and everything of her. and here, yongsun holds wheein, the words she never got the courage to say on the tip of her tongue, how she showed her how beautiful love can be, and how she loves her more than she loves herself, how she would give anything to keep her by her side forever. how she thinks wheein is the one, the one who knows her and understands her without actually needing to know everything about her.
"goodnight, wheein-ah,"
i love you, yongsun adds silently once again into the darkness.
"goodnight, yongsun-unnie,"
i think i love you, wheein adds, wishing she could say these words out loud, but doesn't.

just enjoy it
how my body leads me
with this feeling right now as is
i explore your universe feelin' so fly
whisper with this elated mood
even when the moonlight hides it light,
dance with me
high tension
high tension
high tension
bold gestures
makes you and me into one
and dances
— 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙 𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 | 𝕞𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕞𝕠𝕠

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