A Lil' Burnt Up

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I've had this idea for a while lol.

I also have a request to do but this has been in my drafts for a while so in the meantime here we go

Genre: none really, kinda crack-y with a dash of fluff

Summary: Party got separated from the rest of the group in a skirmish gone wrong. The good news? They found him. The bad news? He's so stoned on the sun's radiation he can't walk straight. Hilarity ensues.

Jet was the poor, unfortunate soul to find Party first.

After hearing that he'd been sighted somewhere near the border between Zone 4 and 5, they took the car there as quickly as they could. No details had been given about Party's condition; since Jet had the most medical knowledge, they figured they'd be the best to send. They were anticipating the worst, especially Fun, ever the pessimist.

It'd been 12 hours since they'd been separated. It was a blur. An ambush and resultant fight that didn't go in their favor. Party had been sectioned off and ran, while the remaining 3 were forced to retreat.

They scoured the area once it was clear of Dracs but found nothing. The incident had occurred in a dead spot- the only illumination came from moonlight. Turning their headlights on would attract unwanted attention. As the sun rose, they had Dr. D gave an announcement for friendly faces to keep an eye out.

12 hours wasn't horrible. It certainly could be worse. But oh, lord, was it enough.

The Killjoys never spent more than 6 under direct sunlight, and that was pushing it. If they had access to sunblock, they could go longer. The jackets and layers helped too; the less skin, the better.

Jet had experienced mild sun intoxication before. Just enough to get a little woozy and have blurred vision. None of the Fab 4 enjoyed the feeling, certainly not enough to chase it down. It made Kobra projectile vomit and gave Fun such a splitting headache that he couldn't move. None of them were waveheads in the making, that was for sure.

Party had been without shade- or food, or water- for far too long. When Jet found him, he knew they were in for a ride.

He was lying flat on the ground, head turned to the side so he could breathe, his jacket tossed beside him. He'd taken off his right shoe, and a sock; but not the right one, because it was still on his bootless foot. A frothy puddle of drool was collecting on the sand. His mouth hung open, his eyes wider than dinner plates with pupils to match. His skin was almost the same shade as his hair.

"Party?!" Jet rushed to his side, shaking him. At first, he'd assumed he was dead. He blinked one eye at a time, looked up, and grinned.

"Jet!" He slurred. "Hi! Lemme come up there, hol' on. I'm soooo tired. Takin a little nap, you know... you know how it is,"

With the speed of a half-dead slug, he pushed himself off of the ground, sitting up. He was still smiling, eyes unfocused.

"Oh, lord..." Jet realized immediately that he was high out of his fucking mind. "Okay, alright. C'mon, let's get you to the car,"

"No." He flopped backwards again. "I like it here. The sand feels nice. Me and the sun are gonna have a staring contest. I'm totally gonna win,"

"Absolutely not." Before he could commence his staring contest, Jet tied their bandanna around his eyes, to which he shrieked and started flailing.


Jet grabbed his jacket. There was no use putting it back on him now. They picked up his missing footwear, and then the boy himself, slinging him over their shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "THE SUN'S TAKING ME! IT'S CARRYING ME AWAY! NOOOOOO!"

"Party, I'm not the sun."


"Can you stop screaming in my ear? It's me. Jet Star. It's dark because I blindfolded you, so you don't damage your eyes. I'm taking you to the car and we're going to go home so we can see what the hell there is to do about this,"

Immediately, his voice dropped 500 octaves. "Jet Star... the sun is a star, you know." He burst into a fit of giggles. "The suuuunn, it's a star... it's a real big... fat... star..." he sang. Apparently he was going for an experimental vibe, because there was no real melody or rhythm. Jet bit their lip, trying to be mature and not burst into laughter.

They took him to the Dead Pegasus first, where Dr. D coaxed him into drinking some electrolytes. He had a severe case of sun intoxication. Most recreational users just sought the depressant relaxation, not opting to expose themselves to the point of delirium. Even long-term waveheads tended to be so tolerant that they couldn't reach that point.

Despite all that, he determined that Party would be okay. The psychological symptoms would last for at least 12 hours. After that, he needed to avoid sunlight for a while, all while being extensively monitored.

He was dehydrated, heat exhausted, and starving; those were the main concerns. If they could manage the symptoms, he'd be fine.

Jet hauled Party home and gave everyone the prognosis. Kobra helped him change. At one point, Party held up his hand for a fist bump, and when he tried to give it, he jumped away and rolled across the floor. Jet had to take over because Kobra was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe.

They slapped some ointment on his arms, neck, and face, which had received the worst of it, and gave him sips of water. But now came the question of who'd be the sitter until he climbed down.

"Fun, you need to watch Party." Jet declared. Fun had been sitting in a booth, bouncing his leg nervously. He wanted to help, but he also didn't know how, opting to stay out of the way.

He looked up. "Huh?"

Jet shrugged helplessly. "He keeps asking for you, and I don't think he'll chill the fuck out unless he sees you," they sighed, rubbing their temple.

He furrowed his brow. "...Me? Really?"

Jet's face shifted a few times, and they seemed like they wanted to explain something, but ultimately gave up. "Please, Fun. I can't take much more of this, and I don't think Kobra's mature enough not to mess with him and make things worse,"

"Uh, alright. I'll try my best," he agreed, standing up. "Get some rest. You look tired,"

Jet nodded wearily. "Thank you. If you need any help, you can come get me. He's in his room,"

Fun wasn't quite sure what to expect as he opened the door, bracing himself for numerous hours of annoyance. The curtains were drawn tight and his light was off. He was sprawled on his bed, dressed in a loose-fitting shirt and some boxers.

"Ghouls! It's you! Oh my gosh!" He squealed, jumping to his feel. Immediately, he faceplanted. "Ow..."

Fun rushed to help him to his feet. He grabbed one of Party's hands and used his other arm to support him, hauling him upwards. He leaned heavily against Fun, not quite aware yet that he was supposed to be standing. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around Fun's waist, whining a little. "That hurted,"

Fun's heart skipped a beat. "Come on. Back to bed. I'm not strong enough for this,"

He stumbled as Fun led him back towards the mattress. He successfully laid Party down, but as he went to step away, he grabbed his hand. "H-hey, wait," he pleaded. "Wait a minute. Don't go."

Fun felt his face flush and cursed himself for it. He turned away so Party wouldn't see. "I'm your chaperone. We're stuck together," he tried to sound matter-of-fact, but his voice quivered a bit. "So I won't be leaving anytime soon."

"Stupid. That's not what I meant, idiot." He rolled away in protest. "I like it when... when you're close to me and you, like, touch me and stuff. With your hands," he felt the need to clarify.

As opposed to what other part of my body??? Whatever, doesn't matter. "You don't know what you're saying, Pois," he declared, for both of their sakes. "Don't waste your voice."

"Yeah I do. I missed you. You're so cool. You're even cooler than the sand," he sighed dreamily.

"Sand? That's not a high bar," Fun laughed a little. He took a seat on Party's stool, scooting it closer. "I missed you, too. We're glad you're home."

"I really missed you, though." He retorted. "I'm glad Jet found me because if I got cooked by the sun without getting to see you again, I would've been bummed. You make me want to run around screaming. Like a happy type scream."

"You should stop talking," he declared. "You're gonna dehydrate yourself more if you keep spouting nonsense."

"It's not nonsense!" Party whined, sitting up and turning towards Fun with a comically pouty look. "I want you. I'd kiss you if I could. Right now. Really! But my mouth tastes all gross so I won't," he stated assertively.

This time, he couldn't hide how flustered he was. Party stared at him, wide-eyed. "Your face is all red," he gasped. "Did the sun get you, too?!"

"Party, you really need to shut up," he declared, squeezing his eyes shut and rubbing his temples. "I can only hope you'll forget everything that's happened in the last 12 hours."

"I hope not." He collapsed backwards, legs momentarily flying in the air as he stared at the roof. "I, like, kinda got to hug you, basically. That was pretty cool. Would you hug me again, Ghouls?"

Of course I would. "If I say yes, will you go to bed?"

"Maybe." He giggled. "If you come tuck me in,"




"Okay." He relented. "I'm tired, anyway. I got in a fight with this asshole dung beetle who kept giving me eyes. I won, by the way,"

"I'm sure you did," Fun suppressed a laugh.

Party closed his eyes and breathed a long, heavy sigh. "I've liked you for a long time, Fun. I know you think I'm just being crazy and maybe I am but I wish I could make you mine. More than anything."

Fun swallowed. He couldn't entertain this, because he had no way of knowing if there was any meaning to any of it. Hell, he'd gone on some rant earlier about how BL/IND were using unicorns as spies. He hated the idea of possibly ruining their relationship by commiserating nonsense born from a non-sober brain.

He wanted to believe that maybe he wasn't talking out of his ass- but that was a chance he wouldn't take. "Just go to sleep, okay?"

"I'll be dreaming about you,"

"...if you say so."

Before long, Party was out cold, snoring. Fun tentatively approached, sitting on the floor and moving Party's hair out of his sunburnt face. "Oh, Party." He mumbled. "Just what are we gonna do with you?"

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