ACT 4 - "Blind, Not Heartless"

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And so the fight would start. Undyne would continue throwing out her spears as the human dodged and blocked them, G!Sans still throwing out bone zones at them. Although they appeared to be a blue color now. Weird, he didn't use blue bones. He wanted to use his regular bones, nevermind about that. Undyne jabbed the spear into the human's left eye but they barely dodged with the spear only piercing a bit of the human's hair off, the human had a chance to attack back but G!Sans followed up with Undyne's attack by summoning a bone behind the human, however the human instinctively ducked down which made the bone miss, however this gave Undyne a chance to attack the human, jabbing their spear down onto the human's arm, critical hit. The human stumbled back in pain, they took out an ITEM. In which they used it, they then healed their injury just by eating a Legendary Hero. G!Sans and Undyne had the exact same thoughts in that moment, the human was a dirty little rascal indeed.

Back to where P!Sans was, he was still at his post. He was about to sleep yet again, "A little nap wouldn't hurt..." P!Sans spoke while yawning as he was about to fall asleep, suddenly he was interrupted when someone spoke to him. "...H-Hello?" The ghost spoke with curiosity and nervousness. "Another interrupted nap yet again, heh." P!Sans thought to themselves as they got up from their napping position, "Well well, looks like we've got a ghost here. Whaddya want?" P!Sans asked in a polite and playful way. "W-Well... i wanted to ask something if that's okay..." The ghost asked permission first. "Sure! a little chit-chat should be good." P!Sans stated. "So um... i saw you picking up Echo Flowers back there... i was gonna go to you but then you disappeared... sort of like me but it was in an instant..." The ghost spoke, "Huh? i never went to go pick up some Echo Flower. Must've gotten me mistaken for another skeleton, heh." P!Sans spoke, while he was clearly confused. He tried to brush it off with a joke. "Well, they looked exactly like you... besides the fact they were colored blue..." The ghost spoke again. "Hm... i see, well thanks for informing me ghost!" P!Sans said, first an Echo Flower telling him about an alliance with the speaker sounding exactly like him and then a blue version of him picking up an Echo Flower earlier? P!Sans was starting to piece things together. "Okay... bye..." The ghost said as he faded away. After the ghost disappeared, P!Sans then started to think a bit. "Speaker sounds like me... person who looks like me getting an Echo Flower... Hm, this probably sounds a bit rubbish to be honest. But what if that's a version of me... from an alternate timeline?" P!Sans thought.

Back to the fight between the human and Undyne, and technically G!Sans as well. So far the human hasn't gave up yet, they've already died only once, but for Undyne. It was as if they never did, only G!Sans could keep count of how many times they died. "Giving a tough fight... and i'll keep it that way." G!Sans thought to themselves as Undyne charged at the human with their spear once more, G!Sans performing a synchronized attack with her by also summoning multiple bones in every angle, which of course had no guarantee to hit anyone except the human. The attack failed, and in the end Undyne was left with a blind spot. Which gave the human the opportunity to strike, and kill her. And so they did, Undyne laid there, melting away, still trying to go on, but in the end. She died. G!Sans was obviously disappointed and distraught by this, so much so that he was beginning to have second thoughts on his decision earlier. He just wished he could kill them over and over again in the most brutal way imaginable. And so the human moved forward, as if nothing ever happened. They were now... heading to Hotlands.

G!Sans took quick note of this, teleporting to somewhere in Hotlands. However he might have done it a little too fast, he didn't think clearly where he wanted to teleport, his thoughts were sort of mismatching. And so he teleported in a fairly large building, but the lights were completely off. He was confused, suddenly. He heard a door open and close behind him, and then the lights turned on. And there stood a yellow monster behind G!Sans, the silence that once was immediately broke. "Oh. Oh my god. I didn't expect you to show up so soon-" Alphys said completely embarassed but she was quick to stop her sentence once she realized who she was talking to. "H-Huh? wait... Sans?!" Alphys spoke, somewhat shocked. "What're you doing here all of the sudden?!" Alphys said, now panicking. "A-And why are you all blue?" Alphys questioned. G!Sans was not expecting this turn of events but since he was in the flesh now, he had no choice. "Listen listen, i'm not Sans. But i also am, i'm not the Sans of THIS timeline, but some sort of timeline traveler now i guess, not official, yet." G!Sans spoke. Once Alphys heard what G!Sans said, she was completely shocked. "Alternate timelines? so they are true!" Alphys spoke, now excited. "Yeah i guess but i don't have a lot of info if you were planning to ask me that. I just traveled to this one to stop a uh. "Calamity" someone would say." G!Sans replied. "A calamity? This seems dangerous, is there anything i can do to help?!" Alphys said, quite concerned.

"...Hm, could you evacuate the monsters to somewhere safe? all the monsters in the Underground, all of em." G!Sans spoke, it was such a sudden and heavy demand that it really got Alphys worried, but she did comply. "Uh, alright. But that would take a while, can i ask w-why?" Alphys asked with concern. "Uh... are you aware of the human?" G!Sans asked, he felt quite awkward since he was the only one that knew up until now, "Y-Yes! in fact, i've been spying and watching them for a while now." Alphys replied, confused. "...How do i say this... their a murderer, so far from what i've seen they've killed a fair amount of monsters already... this is why i need you to evacuate the rest of the monsters." G!Sans spoke suddenly, in a serious tone. "I wish i didn't have to say it but there you go." G!Sans stated, Alphys was quite shocked and worried about this, mainly worried. "I-I'll get straight the evacuation uh... what should i call you?!" Alphys said, panicked but was still polite enough to ask, "Just uh... just call me Geno, don't ask why. It's a personal reason." G!Sans replied back, "Alright Geno! i'll get straight to the announcement!" Alphys said panicking as they went into a room quickly. "Wait, before you do." G!Sans said as they stopped Alphys. "If they ever get in here, don't leave that room." G!Sans spoke, with Alphys nodding consecutively.

"Now for the other job..." G!Sans said as they teleported out of the lab, now relocating outside of the lab, specifically on the roof. Where the human would come. "I know i kept the promise to myself and all but... what if i took a teeny tiny break from it?" G!Sans stated as they then teleported in front of the human, striking a superhero pose on the ground, the human was quite surprised. Usually Sans would appear near the end of their journey, however the human was intrigued. Finally something fresh, they thought. The two locked eyes with each other, the human's eyes were full of chaos and thirst for blood while G!Sans' were full of vengeance and hatred for the human.

"You better save THIS file a million times... cause a million times you will feel hell." G!Sans spoke seriously.

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