chapter 4

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A/n- ok before I start this story there's something I wanna ask should I make this a harem story? I wasn't really planning to but should i?


As you were on the rooftop maki got into a stance and I just put you hands in you pockets

Maki- your not getting into a stance?

Y/N- sounds like to much works, hurry up and try to hit me already

She goes for a punch but you dodge it and then went for a another one but dodged it again then she goes fir a leg sweep and you lift the leg that she was aiming for

Y/N- your a monster when I comes to combat

You saw an angry look in her eyes and tilted your head in confusion

Maki- how dare you call me a gorilla cyclops!

Y/N- huh?

Not see it you are elbowed in the face causing blood coming from your nose to drip out of the Mask

Y/N-" weakly " I meant it in a good way "dies"


as you were sitting in the desk are you finished with your work you started to drift off and take a nap more paper was dumped on your desk

Y/N- " stressed " why

You heard the cell phone ring finally looking alive to see some action instead of doing paperwork you are very perplexed that you was about a dog stuck in a tree

Author- why do we have rescue a dog stuck in a tree is not the job for the regular Fire Department

Maki- we get calls mistaking us for fire fighters all the time, what's the big deal? It's not like you're making any headway here

Y/N- 1% of something is better than 100% of this

Maki- go on I'll take care of the rest of this for you

Arthur then gets a smile on his face

Shinra- I take of it, I'll just fly up and grab the dog


Y/N- what am I looking?

Shinra- not a dog, not a dog faced human

Y/N- how?

Shinra then flys up to grab him and then files down

Old dog man- thank you young man

Y/N- how did end up stuck in a tree?

Old dog man- I was the shopping district passing out balloons,then some college kids hip hip hoorayed me

Shinra- why would thay do that?

Old dog man- do you remember the killings carried out by that fire fighter?

Y/N- those?

Old dog man- the mans name was miyamoto he killed 4 people 4 the fun of it , the people resented all fire Departments and sometimes they take out there aggressions out on us

Shinra- so what happened to that fire fighters

Y/N- I think his verdict will be announced today

Old dog man- correct, according to the scuttlebutt he will not be guilty psychiatric reasons


As you sat there your future sight kicked in and saw an inferno talking to Shinra and him falling and stopped moving

Y/N-" growing in pain and holding head"

Shinra- you ok?

Y/N- fine this happens sometimes( an inferno that has a sense of self? If this is true this could permanently change what we now know about infernals)

Sirens- an infernal has appeared appeared emergency vehicles are being deployed we ask for all motorists to please pull to the side of the road to let them pass!

Arthur- emergency dispatch?

Y/N-( looks like I'm about to find out )

Shinra- look the matchbox !

The matchbox has an 8 on the side and not wasting time you run to the street and created a fire bird but as you did that you hear a voice that sent a chill down your spin

Takehisa- Shinra, Arthur, y/n I know you punks are around here wondering the street with out permission, when we get back I'm gonna redefine your understanding of the world punishment

Y/N- maki!what did do?

Still flying Shinra with Arthur on his back catch up with you

Y/N- so Shinra, care settle out bet back at the academy?

Shinra- your on!

Arthur- hi-ho silver!

Y/N- there seriously something wrong with you !

The two of you the burst into a carzy amount of speed to get there as fast as possible then notice the matchbox

Y/N- what's going on?

Takehisa- you guys shouldn't flying in the road?

Shinra- could you fill us in on the infernal?

Takehisa- he's a murder defendant, he being trialed arano district court, you go ahead saving lives should be top priority

Y/N and Shinra- understood!


You made to the court and notice the infernal and Shinra kicked him releasing the civilian

Y/N- are you alright?

Civilian-yes thank you

Y/N- you can start by getting as far from here as possible

You then jumped over to the others

Infernal- wait a minute, those eyes remember you!

Shinra- what are you talking about

Infernal- the boy with the crescent eyes incinerated entire apartment complex killing everyone inside I was there nothing  left but him sitting there with a calm look on his face !

Arthur- y/n?


Infernal- that boy has killed more then I have and he gets to walk free, must be nice" like its lips"

You say nothing and jump twards him and kick him to the ground and cre6a giant shuriken and spin very fast

Infernal- wait I surrender, wouldn't kill me I was found insent, oh wait I'm talking to a murderer myself

He shot a flames at you and you jumped back burning apart your a piece of your mask

Obi- are you hurt


Shinra- what was he talking about

You say nothing and follow him on a fire bird

A/n- and that is for chapter 4 hope you enjoyed it and I see you in the next chapter


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