"I can't see a damn thing," Clary complains to no one in particular as she adjusts the controls of her X-wing fighter. She's managed to enter the Dagobah system, and even arrive in the planet Dagobah, but upon entering, much to Clary's dismay, she's found herself trapped in fog. She can recall from her previous knowledge on Dagobah that it's a remote planet of swamps and forests; one of the purest places in the galaxy. For a place so pure, Clary thinks bitterly, you should be able to see something.
The longer she flies, the easier it is to navigate through the fog, she realizes. Going slow and steady, Clary glances around warily. She can barely make out the shadow of twisted trees alongside her before spotting an empty clearing. She takes a deep breath, flipping a switch as the X-wing fighter shudders to a slow halt, landing comfortably on the setting. Clary breathes out a sigh of relief, as the mist seems to shroud around her ship. Reluctantly, she turns off the landing lights of the ship. She reaches behind her, grabbing a blaster that's tucked neatly into a box compartment, before shutting the lid, hooking the blaster onto the rim of her belt. She pushes against the canopy of the X-wing's roof and it pops open with a satisfying hum. Grunting, Clary pulls herself out of the ship just in time to hear a loud splash from farther up ahead and a familiar voice call out in dismay.
"R2? R2!"
Relief washes over Clary as she quickly stumbles over a few roots growing out of the ground as she makes her way towards the sound of Luke's voice. She had been worried that she'd landed in the wrong swamp of Dagobah. She slows down once Luke's figure comes into view; he remains standing on the nose of his X-wing, leaning over the ship as he peers into the swamp. "R2, where are you?"
Clary opens her mouth to call out to Luke, but she's interrupted when a periscope pops up, breaking surface from the water. She can barely hear a beep underneath the thick murk as the periscope starts to move towards the shore.
"R2!" he scolds. "You be more careful." He jumps into the water, wading towards the shore. Clary steps back, leaning against one of the twisted dark trees, not wanting to startle neither Luke nor R2-D2, as she watches the periscope continue to make its steady approach towards the shoreline.
"Come on, R2!" Luke calls. Clary can hear another gurgled beep emit from the water, but before the little droid has time to continue forward, she notices a dark shape following close behind. Clary feels her breathing hitch as the dark shadow makes a sudden lurch, hitting against R2 with a loud thunk! The small droid lets out a pathetic electronic scream before disappearing from sight. Almost instantly Luke wields his lightsaber, the familiar hum echoing loudly throughout the swamp; it provides a blue light as Luke steps towards the murky pool.
"R2?" he calls out warily.
Clary eyes the swamp nervously. The black surface is as still as death itself—possibly even worse. The silence is so tense that Clary feels that even her breathing is too loud. Finally, though, a few bubbles begin to erupt on the surface. Clary watches as Luke aims his weapon towards the movement, only to step back in alarm as the small droid is suddenly spat out of the water, flying through the air. Clary stumbles back, letting out a shriek that echoes along with the droid's as R2-D2 nearly collides into her, landing on the patch of moss from behind them.
"R2!" Luke calls out. He rushes towards the scene, only to stumble upon both Clary and R2-D2. Clary blinks, meeting his surprised gaze. "Clary? What are you doing here?"
Clary doesn't answer as she rises to her feet. Luke puts away his lightsaber; his blue eyes watch Clary carefully as she turns towards the droid. She kneels beside him, pushing him upright. Luke stands on the droid's other side, helping to peel and wipe at the mud and roots sticking to his metal body.
"R2, are you all right?" When R2 replies with a feeble beep, Clary gives a small smile, petting the droid on its head. "You're lucky you don't taste very good," Luke continues. He looks up, meeting Clary's gaze, smiling when he notices that his comment has emitted a laugh from her. His attention flickers back to R2-D2 as he examines the rest the droid's body. "Is there anything broken?"
R2-D2 beeps again. Luke sighs. He then glances back at Clary, watching her for a moment. She tears her gaze away from the floor of the swamp as she meets Luke's eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Clary replies. Luke holds her gaze, expression not faltering. Clary lets out an almost defeated sigh as she looks away; she can't stand looking into his eyes for too long. "I...I don't know why I'm here. I just felt like I had to be."
Luke remains silent for a moment. Clary dares to glance back up and their eyes meet once again. To her relief, he smiles. "I did, too." He glances around the swamp and he reaches with his hand to scratch the back of his neck; Clary notices his cheeks darkening in color. "This is like something out of a dream, or...I don't know." He sighs as he looks back at Clary and R2-D2. "Maybe I'm just going crazy."
Clary doesn't reply; she glances around the swamp as well. The mist hasn't died down, and in fact, seems to be growing thicker and thicker. The area remains dark and ominous; Clary and Luke jump as R2-D2 lets out a short scream, ejecting a stream of muddy water from one of his cranial ports, breaking the silence. Clary exchanges an amused look with Luke, but the ominous feeling still hasn't left her.
The mist has finally begun to disperse, but only by a little. The more Clary looks around, the more gloomy the swamp appears to her. She feels uncomfortable, somehow, sitting on the floor of the swamp; despite having Luke and R2-D2 with her, knowing very well how terrible it could have been without them, she still feels uneasy. She watches as Luke pulls an equipment box from the shore to the clearing. He pulls out a small fusion furnace, heading towards Clary and R2-D2 before setting it down on the box he had pushed before them. He ignites it, warming his hands for a few seconds, before taking a power cable and plugging it into R2-D2.
"Ready for some power?" he asks. The small droid whistles his appreciation and Clary laughs. She meets Luke's gaze and she turns away, feeling her cheeks warm. She looks back up in time for Luke to sit on her other side. He opens a container of processed food, not taking a bite from it yet as he looks around the swamp jungle warily.
"Now all I have to do is find this Yoda..." He lets out an exasperated sigh, setting his food down on the box in front of them, before adding, "If he even exists."
"Yoda?" Clary echoes. Luke nods, meeting her gaze.
"Yeah, I—" He cuts himself off to look around the jungle once again. Clary finds his nervousness amusing as he meets her gaze again. He bites his lip, looking down at the ground, embarrassed. "There's something familiar about this place," he says finally, still not looking at Clary. "I feel like..." He trails off.
Clary frowns. "What?"
"I don't know..." He looks up, meeting Clary's gaze finally. "Like—"
"Feel like what?" a voice asks, but it isn't Clary. Startled, both Clary and Luke scramble to their feet as R2-D2 lets out a screech of terror. Luke stands in front of Clary protectively, immediately grabbing for his lightsaber as he ignites it, looking around suspiciously. Clary grabs his arm, lowering it along with lightsaber, as she nods towards the small creature standing in front of them. It leans against a low branch of one of the twisted trees, watching Clary and Luke with curiosity. It nods to the lightsaber.
"Like we're being watched!" Luke snaps, eyeing the creature with dismay. It's unfazed by Luke's tone.
"Away with your weapon! I mean you no harm."
Clary can feel Luke's hesitation as his muscles tense. She grips onto his hand. He turns his head, meeting her gaze, before reluctantly looking back at the creature. The lightsaber shuts off and he pockets it quickly.
"I am wondering," the creature starts, "why are you here?"
"I'm looking for someone," Luke states.
"Looking?" the creature echoes. It nods its head, stepping out into the light of the fusion furnace. Clary examines it quickly; it can't be more than two inches tall, and from the dim light, its skin appears a dark, nearly dull, green color. "Found someone, you have, I would say, hmm?"
He lets out a laugh and Clary exchanges an amused look with Luke. She notices the ends of his lips twitching as he tries to refrain from smiling as he holds the creature's gaze evenly. "Right."
"Help you, I can." The creature nods as it jumps off from the tree. R2-D2 beeps warily as it backs away, twirling its head in frenzy. "Yes..."
Luke shakes his head. "I don't think so. I'm looking for a great warrior."
"Ahh! A great warrior!" It laughs again, shaking its head. "Wars not make one great." It steps forward with aid from a walking stick, moving towards one of the cases of supplies Luke had dragged out from his trapped X-wing. The creature begins to rummage, much to Luke's dismay and Clary's amusement.
R2-D2 moves to the edge of one of the cases the creature is looking through. It stands at eye-level with it, squeaking with disapproval. The creature picks up the container of food Luke had been holding on to earlier, taking a bite from it. Clary giggles, covering her mouth as Luke starts forward, frustrated.
"Put that down—hey! That's my dinner." He takes the container from the creature with ease; Clary watches as the tiny, strange newcomer chews before spitting out the bite he had taken. His nose wrinkles in distaste.
"How you get so big, eating food of this kind?"
Clary bites her lip, trying to hold back her laughter. Luke sighs exasperatedly, glancing back at Clary. He jumps in alarm when the creature knocks down one of the containers, beginning to rummage through it easier with it on its side.
"Listen, friend," Luke begins, "we didn't mean to land in that puddle, and if we could get our ship out, we would. But we can't, so why don't you just—"
"Aw, cannot get your ship out?"
Clary snorts when she realizes the teasing tone in the creature's voice before he turns back to rummaging through the container, throwing out various supplies with no care. Luke stumbles, attempting to grab everything before it can land in the swamp, setting them down.
Spotting something that sparks interest in the creature, he backs out just in time before Luke grabs the case, pulling it away from him. His jaw is clenched and it's obvious he's losing patience, but Clary remains standing to the side, watching the scene unfold with amusement. The creature examines a small lamp, eyes wide with delight.
"Hey, you could have broken this," Luke exclaims. "Don't do that!" The creature dodges Luke's grasp, knocking over one of the cases, causing several items to fall to the jungle floor with a clatter. "Ooh, you're making a mess! Give me that!"
"Mine!" The creature jumps out of Luke's grasp again. "Or I will help you not."
Clary laughs loudly, earning a frustrated glare from Luke.
"Clary, do something!"
She smirks. "He did call dibs."
Luke's eyes narrow and Clary continues to giggle, glancing back at the creature. Luke steps towards him, causing him to step closer to R2-D2. He clutches the lamp tightly.
"We don't want your help," Luke states. "I want my lamp back. I'll need it to get out of this slimy mudhole."
"Luke!" Clary scolds. He ignores the tone of her voice as he watches the creature with narrowed eyes, holding out his hand for the lamp. The creature watches him for a moment before backing up once more.
"Mudhole? Slimy? My home, this is."
Clary opens her mouth, about to apologize for Luke's attitude and to tell the creature he can keep the lamp, but she's cut off when R2-D2 lets out a triumphant shriek, grabbing a hold of the lamp with its extendable claw. The creature turns angrily, tugging fervently with the droid over the lamp.
"R2, let him have it!" Luke sighs exasperatedly, obviously exhausted from the whole situation; Clary smiles, reaching forward to squeeze his hand reassuringly. He glances her way but she doesn't see the look in his eyes when she nods to the creature.
"Just give it to him, R2—he found it fairly."
"Mine, mine!" the creature yips angrily.
"R2!" Luke yells warningly. The creature reaches forward with his walking stick, poking at R2-D2 angrily. R2 lets out a startled squeal, releasing the lamp, causing the creature to fall back with a huff. Luke steps towards him as he stands up, glaring haughtily at R2-D2.
"Mine!" he snaps.
"Now will you move along, little fella?" Luke pushes the creature forward and he stumbles, glancing back, confused. "We've got a lot of work to do."
"No, no, no!" Luke jumps back as the creature hits Luke several times with his small walking stick. "Stay and help you, I will." When Luke turns to look at Clary, he adds, "Find your friend, hmm?"
"I'm not looking for a friend," Luke says, meeting the creature's gaze. "I'm looking for a Jedi Master."
Curiosity sparks in Clary. She begins to grow concerned, suddenly reminded of the whisper that had told her to head to Dagobah. Could it have been for the same reason as Luke as well? To find a Jedi Master?
"Oooh." The creature nods understandingly. "Jedi Master—Yoda. You seek Yoda!"
Luke blinks, his frustration finally dissipating as he nods eagerly to the small creature. "You know him?"
"Mmm." The creature nods again, walking past Luke, holding the lamp with one hand and using his walking stick with the other. "Take you to him, I will." He lets out a laugh. "Yes, yes...But now, we must eat. Come! Good food. Come." He scurries out of the clearing, laughing merrily. Clary stares after him, amused, before looking back at Luke. She starts after the creature first, and hears Luke stumbling behind after her after telling R2-D2 to stay put, much to the small droid's dismay.
By the time the two reach the creature's hut, thunder sounds from above them, and almost immediately, a downpour of rain follows after, hitting them on their heads. Clary ducks first into the house, following after the small, strange creature.
She's greeted by a very plain, but cozy, dwelling. Everything is small, like the creature, and Luke grunts in frustration as his head bumps against the low ceiling, which couldn't be more than four feet tall. Clary smiles as the creature gestures towards what appears to be a living room, telling the two to sit. Following his commands, Clary and Luke sit cross-legged on the floor of the living room, exchanging looks with one another. The creature stands in his little kitchen, adjoined to the living room, humming a tune happily as he chops, shreds and showers a steaming pot in various exotic herbs and spices. He rushes back and forth and Clary finds herself smiling at every action the creature performs. Luke, on the other hand, is as impatient as ever.
"Look, I'm sure it's delicious," he says as the creature lays various platters on the table in front of Luke and Clary. Luke shifts in his place and Clary feels her face warm as he presses closer against her from the small confinement of the living room. "But I just don't understand why we can't see Yoda now."
"Patience!" the creature snaps suddenly. Luke's eyes widen slightly as he adds, "For the Jedi, it is time to eat as well. Eat, eat! Hot," he warns, gesturing wildly towards the pot as he moves out of the way. "Good food, hm? Good?"
Clary smiles, glancing back at Luke, who meets her gaze with a look as if he's ready to throw himself off the planet. Clary lets out a sigh, moving with some difficulty towards the pot near the fire. She serves herself, tasting the food with some hesitancy; although it burns her tongue, the taste isn't bad, but pleasant in fact. Luke attempts to maneuver towards the small space, but Clary stops him, taking a serving from her food, holding out her spoon to him. He hesitates, but takes it, holding a similar reaction Clary had to the food. He turns as the creature walks by them once again.
"How far away is it to Yoda?" Luke questions. "Will it take us long to get there?"
"Not far," the creature shakes his head. "Yoda not far. Patience," he repeats. "Soon you will be with him." He shoves his way between Luke and Clary to taste from the pot as well. He nods to them. "Rootleaf, I cook." Clary's nose wrinkles at the unfamiliarity of the food as the creature squeezes past them again, heading back towards the adjoined kitchen. "Why wish you become Jedi?"
"Mostly because of my father, I guess," Luke starts. Clary attempts to move past him but stumbles over Luke's feet, collapsing on him. The two struggle against the small space as Clary grunts, pushing past him finally to sit back at the table.
"Ah, your father," the creature says, not taking notice of the small space the two are struggling with. "Powerful Jedi was he...powerful Jedi, mmm." He nods his head, deep in thought. Clary watches him with interest; Luke's eyes narrow angrily.
"Oh, come on! How could you know my father? You don't even know who I am!" He moves to the table as well, bumping his head against the roof of the hut again. "Oh, I don't know what we're doing here! We're wasting our time!"
Clary sighs, feeling her ears grow warm from Luke's complaints. She watches the small creature turns away from Luke, making his way towards the pot once again.
"I cannot teach him," he mutters. "The boy has no patience."
Clary frowns as she watches the creature. He glances up, not looking at the two sitting before him, but rather, sitting farther ahead. Clary follows his gaze, still frowning at the sight of nothing there. Luke's head spins in the direction of the creature, watching with equal confusion.
"He will learn patience."
The voice is familiar. Clary's eyes widen. Ben.
"Much anger in him, like his father..."
"Was I any different when you taught me?"
Realization begins to settle in Clary and Luke as the creature laughs. He glances over his shoulder at the two watching him with interest. "He is not ready."
"Yoda..." Luke's eyes widen as he bites his lip, growing frustrated when the creature only gave a small nod in reply. "I am ready. I...Ben! I can be a Jedi. Ben, tell him I'm ready—" Clary leans back as Luke attempts to stand, only to forget the height of the hut again as his head collides with the low ceiling.
"Ready, are you?" Yoda scoffs. "What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained!" He hits his walking stick against the floor of his hut sternly as he continues, "A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind." He turns his back towards them. Clary finds herself enlightened by his words; she can feel Luke fuming with silent anger from beside her, though.
"This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away...to the future, to the horizon...Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph! Adventure. Excitement. Heh! A Jedi craves not these things." He turns
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