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Hi KIDS don't play the music until I say! Good luck reading!

"Lyds." Kira smiled. "Hi. I just wanted to come and say... I love you, alright? Do you ever just have a feeling that... everything will be okay?" Kira couldn't keep her cheesy grin off of her face. "I have that right now. You'll be just fine, because, guess what? We love you so much. And it will get better. Promise." she whispered the last part.

"Ready to go, Kir?" Scott peeped into the room. "Hey—why are you so smiley?"

Kira traced over scars on Lydia's left hand. She gently grabbed her wrist and kissed them. She smiled once again and hugged Scott. "We're gonna be okay..." she blissfully whispered.

"That's true." Scott chuckled. He took Kira's hand and they walked out the door. Kira blew a kiss to Lydia and Scott did the same.

Allison and Isaac were caught kissing in the elevator as Scott and Kira walked up to them. "Hey, love birds." Kira teased and Isaac rolled his eyes.

"Kira, you look great when you aren't wearing a hospital gown." Isaac snapped back and Kira spit her tongue out at him. "Any news on a certain strawberry blonde?"

"We wish." Scott mumbled. "Not yet. We're gonna head out. I'm sure Stiles will text us once there is news."

Scott and Kira walked into the elevator with Allison and Isaac. "So, we heard the big 'I love you' from one of you..." Kira smiled.

Allison blushed and grabbed Isaac's hand. "We're officially in love." Allison laid her head in the crook of Isaac's neck. Isaac nodded and kissed her on the nose. "Hey, any news on Malia and Theo?"

"Nope. I wish... they're a cute couple." Kira said.

"Maybe they're just on a break because of all this stuff going on." Isaac stated. Kira nodded and the elevator door opened. Scott and Kira waved as Allison and Isaac went out the other exit.

15 minutes later...

"Scott, I love you." Kira bit her lip. She sat down on Scott's bed and stared into his dreamy brown eyes.

"I love you t—" Scott was cut off by Kira tackling him into a passionate kiss. He was surprised at the action Kira had took place in.

She pulled away from the kiss and stripped her blue cardigan and black t-shirt to reveal a beautiful, lacy, light pink bra. Scott's eyes widened. "Kira..."

"It's okay. I want to do this, Scott. I do." Kira stared at Scott's lips and kissed him again.

He pulled away and sat up. "It's not that..."

"Well, what is it?" Kira chuckled annoyingly.

Scott hesitated. "You don't want to do this, Kir."

"Of course I want to do this, Scott. Would I be... half-naked on your bed right now if I didn't?" She rolled her eyes.

"C'mon... your best friend—she's in the hospital."

"So? She's going to be okay. I know it." Kira proudly nodded.

"But Kira..."

"But what?!"

"What if she doesn't get better?! What if she's not gonna be okay?!" Scott snapped and Kira winced.

"I... I know it..."

"Kira, just because you 'know' she's going to be okay doesn't mean she is, alright?! It's just not a good time for sex!"

Scott noticed Kira's eyes welding up with tears. She broke eye contact and grabbed her shirt. She furiously put it on and ran out of Scott's room, slamming the door on the way out.


Play the music hehe

"Lydia, I like you a lot, okay? I really like you! If you wake up, maybe we can give it another chance. Sound like a deal?" Aiden said. "Look, I'm really sorry for... for slapping you. I was drunk, but you already know that... I want to be with you, Lydia. We can forget about Stiles, we can do whatever you want." He hesitated and rolled his eyes. "Look at yourself, Aiden. You're pathetic, you're literally talking to a... a corpse... God damn it." Aiden kicked the chair he was sitting on and began walking out.

He started hearing rapid beeping coming from the machine Lydia was hooked up to. His voice started shaking. "Lydia?"

He ran to her aid and the rapid beeping became one solid beep. He was overwhelmed and didn't know what to do. "Lydia!"

Nurses came flowing in. They pushed Aiden out of the way. One started yelling: "Code blue! Code blue!"

"Code blue? What does that mean?" He stared at the nurse who was yelling the phrase and one signaled for him to get out. "What does it mean!?"

"Someone get him out!" A doctor yelled. "Paddles." he ordered as a nurse pushed Aiden out.

Aiden saw Stiles sprinting his way. "What did you do." He whispered with shaky breaths. "You did this... what the fuck did you do?"

"Charge to 200!" they heard the doctor order.

Paddles shuttered on Lydia's body.

"No pulse. Charge to 250!"

Stiles was afraid to look... he paced outside the room, sobbing.

"No pulse! Charge to 300!"

Stiles tried to pick his phone out of his pocket but only managed to text one thing before the iPhone slipped out of his sweaty fingers.

stiles: help pleadsw

"No pulse again! Charge to 350!"

Aiden glanced at the crying boy and ran down the hall, tugging at his hair.

"No pulse!"

Paddles shuttered...

"No pulse! We on the highest charge?!" The doctor panicked.


"No pulse... one more time, crew."



Stiles cried into his palms.

She can't be...

"...We have a pulse!"

Stiles gave an enormous sigh of relief and laid his head against the wall, letting out a huge sob.

He could hear the cheers coming from inside the hospital room. "Great job, Doc." he heard a nurse say.

A few minutes later, Scott, Isaac, and Allison came running through the elevator. They noticed Aiden in the hall, panting.

Scott knew it was bad... he ran as fast as he could over to his best friend. Before he could say anything, Stiles pulled him in for a huge hug.

"What happened?" Scott asked, hugging back. He felt Stiles crying on his shoulder.

After a minute or two, Stiles pulled away and wiped a tear from his eye.

"She lived." he smiled through his bloodshot eyes.

Allison and Isaac, who already had begun to cry, pulled Scott and Stiles into a heartfelt group hug.

Kira was the most nervous out of them all... she was convinced Lydia was dead.

She took the stairs to get up faster. She sprinted through the door and down the hall. Her eyes were drowning in tears. "Is she okay?!" Kira screamed bloody murder.

She ran as fast as she could into Scott's arms. Scott hugged her with all his strength back. "Lydia's okay. You were right."

Kira pulled back and looked at him in disbelief. She used her cardigan sleeve and wiped away her tears and smeared mascara.

Her cries then turned to tears of happiness. She hugged him again and laughed.

"She's okay..." she whispered.



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