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scott has sent a message to "ROAD TRIP BITCHES"

scott: hello hoes


kira: yeah

kira: i'm tired

scott: aw sleepy baby

kira: ;)))

lydia: stop

theo: stop

malia: stop

stiles: stop

allison: stop

isaac: stop

scott: stop what

stiles: stop ur coupley stuff

theo: i'm gonna drive home with my parents bc we're doing this thing in a half hour or so. have fun on the way home!

isaac: thanks thehoe we will

theo: thehoe

lydia: have fun we will see u soon

theo: i have to go now BYE

scott: alright so is everyone packed

isaac: yup

lydia: yes

allison: mhm

stiles: yes

kira: yes

malia: yep

scott: alright let's get CRACKING!!!!

scott: meet at the car.

5 hours later...

Kira looked at her phone.

12:17  a.m.

"Scott, how much longer until we're home?"

"Like, one and a half hours, why?" Scott replied.

"We need to sleep. Let's just take a short break and—"

"Aw, damn it!" Scott said as everyone in the car heard a loud noise. "Car broke down."

Everyone groaned.

"Call a repair guy. Until then, let's just get some rest, alright?" Kira tried to calm everyone down.

After about thirty minutes, Scott attempted to sleep but couldn't whatsoever.

He looked around him to see Allison and Isaac curled up together in the back, and in the middle, Lydia's head was on Malia's shoulder and Stiles' head was on Lydia's shoulder.

"Can't sleep?" He heard a voice coming from next to him. It startled him.

"Yeah, and I'm not sure why." Scott smiled down at Kira.

"Do you want to come outside with me? Take a walk? I can't sleep either." She said.

Scott smiled and nodded.

They began walking down the street together, hand in hand.

"So did you hear what happened with Stiles and Lydia?" Scott asked.

"Yeah. It sucks."

"I can't believe Lydia would say there's another guy. That's so bitchy of her—"

"Hey!" Kira unwrapped her hand from his. "Lydia is my best friend, Scott. I'm not gonna let you talk about her like that in front of me."

"Oh... I'm sorry." Scott looked down at his feet. "I love her and all, but don't you think it was just a little rude?"

"No... no it wasn't. Lydia told Stiles the truth. At least she didn't have to lie or anything. There was nothing going on between them before, and Stiles had a right to know. So she told him. I think she did the right thing, thank you very much."

"I guess you're right." Scott said to Kira. "I'm an idiot, sorry. When I'm with you, my mind just blanks."

"I can see that." Kira and Scott kind of laughed.

"You know I love you, right?" Scott asked her. Kira softly nodded.

"Thanks." She smiled.

"Thanks? Why thanks?"

"Thanks for loving me." Kira looked at him. "I love you too."

"Oh my god." Scott laughed. "We're so cheesy."

Kira laughed along with him. Scott took her face and just as he was about to kiss her...

"Scott? Is that you?"

He looked up. "Aiden?" he smiled. Kira rolled her eyes as Scott pulled Aiden in for a bro hug. "What's up, man?"

"You and Kira? Nice." Aiden smiled. "We—Me and Ethan—were driving home, but we ran out of gas. I'm looking for a gas station. There's one a couple of miles that way."

"Oh, hey, it's fine! Our car actually broke down but the guy is coming in an hour. You guys can just join us." Scott said. Kira sighed.

"Awesome, dude!" Aiden said. "Ethan! We got hooked up!" Aiden yelled.

Once Ethan caught up with the three, they all walked up to the car. Stiles and Lydia are quite light sleepers, so they awoke as soon as they heard them. "Aiden?" Lydia hopefully said, biting her lip.

"Lydia." Aiden smiled. Lydia walked out of the car and gave him a hug. "Boy, am I glad you're here."

Stiles started furiously eyeing him.

"I'm sorry... i-is this your boyfriend?" Aiden asked.

"Please. That lasted, like, 2 days." Lydia rolled her eyes and Stiles looked down. "No, he isn't my boyfriend."

"Great." Aiden laughed.

The next morning...

"Lydia, your stop!" Scott yelled throughout the car, waking up everyone.

Lydia smiled. "Thanks, Scott."

Lydia began to walk out the car, when Aiden grabbed her arm. "Wait."

"Wha—" Aiden smashed Lydia's lips against his, and stayed in the same position for a minute or so, deepening the kiss.

Stiles' anger was through the roof. He had to look away.

"Bye, I'll text you." Aiden bit his lip. Lydia waved goodbye and walked into her house.


God damn god damn.


Yours truly,
I love Seth Cohen
He's from the OC omg I love him so much

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