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allison has sent a message to kira, malia, and lydia!

allison: we're goin on that trip with the guys tomorrow right? we should do something tonight

allison: but like just us

kira: i'm in, pizza anyone?

lydia: i love pizza

kira: i've had pizza so much lately but i love it more than i love my family

malia: i mean it's nothing compared to deer but i still love pizza

allison: okay let's meet at that pizza place whatever it's called it just opened up on the pier

allison: in an hour

lydia: i'll see y'all then! lol

kira: see you guyssss

malia: yay!!

isaac has sent a message to scott!

isaac: hi scott

isaac: can i ask u something

scott: yeah sure

isaac: do you still like allison??

isaac: because i really want to share a hotel room with her, and u r one of my best friends i don't want to get in a love triangle or anything

scott: i kinda like kira. yes i like allison but we're not dating anymore and i want her to be happy, she seems to get that from you

scott: but to answer your question, you can share a hotel room with her because we aren't dating anymore and she likes you

isaac: i just don't want things to be awkward between us

scott: they won't be

isaac: yeah and i just looked at allison's phone and it says that her and the girls are going to get pizza on the pier

isaac: should we crash

scott: devious, i like it

scott has added stiles to the chat!

scott: stiles, we're gonna crash the girls' hangout at the pier

stiles: HAH YES

stiles: tell me the DEETS

isaac: they're leaving in an hour

scott: yay can't wait HASHEHID

stiles: honestly we're just a bunch of savages

scott: my friend kinda has a thing for malia, should i invite him?

stiles: who?

scott: his name is theo

stiles: that shady bitch from the 4th grade

isaac: malia said she thinks he's hot

scott: lol how would u know isaac

isaac: idk

isaac: i'm isaac, i know everything

scott: true

stiles: okay just bring him, but he's not coming to the mountains tomorrow

scott: yeah okay i'll see u in an hour ;)))))))))))

One hour later...

"Hey, guys!" Lydia walked through the door and saw her friends sitting at a booth. They all greeted her and they got up to order. Once they got their food, they found a place to eat outside.

Since they live in California, it's pretty much warm year-round. Even though it was nearly winter, it was still quite warm for them. "Do you guys know Theo?" Malia asked.

"No, who's that?" said Allison.

"He's the hottest guy at school. How do you not know him? Here's a picture of him." Malia whipped out her phone and showed a picture from his Instagram.

"Damn, nice Mal!" Lydia said. "Get it girl."

"Yeah, he's..." Malia began and her expression instantly changed. "Right there?"

"Why is he here?" Allison said. "And why is he with the guys?"

All the girls looked at each other. "Isaac." they laughed and rolled their eyes.

"Oh my god, hey!" Stiles laughed, mocking a Californian accent.

"This was supposed to be a girls night, guys." Kira said. "We're gonna see you plenty all next week." her eyes caught Scott and she smiled. "Y'know what? Nevermind. I'm glad you guys came."

"We brought a friend." Isaac smiled, sliding into the booth the girls were in. They ended up all squeezing in... making it very uncomfortable for those with claustrophobia. "This... is Theo."

Theo waved, catching Malia's eyes. She somehow felt starstruck in a way. "Great to meet you, Theo." she said in a sultry way. "I'm Malia. This is Lydia, Kira, and Allison." Theo nodded.

"You guys wanna go on the beach?" Scott asked.

"I'm down." Lydia smiled. They scooted out of the booth and Lydia grabbed Stiles' hand out and ran out the door. Allison did the same to Isaac. Malia & Theo and Scott & Kira traveled behind them, too hesitant and awkward to hold hands.

They each spent the rest of the night flirting with each other and hanging out on the beach.



Btw the boat trip you're probably imagining in your head is way different than what it is. It's basically just a plane but on water lol literally no one can get seasick on it.

Yours truly,
Satan's cousin
Update Sharkira

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