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After a large argument me and Claire decided to go out and look for The Indominus.


After a few minutes later Claire's radio goes off."What is it?"She asks."Thank god...""The raptors?!"She exclaims.Now I'm worried."What's wrong?"I ask concerned."Hoskins is using the raptors to find the asset."Now I'm pissed.

"Come on!Lets go!"I say as we hurriedly get on my bike and zoom to the raptor cage.When we get there Hoskins says"Ahh lookie here.The moth-"I punch him in the face."Wow.Nice punch mama bear.""What the fuck are you doing with my raptors?!"I ask angrily."I'm just putting them out to find the monster you created."

After two minutes of fighting I gave up and we started to leave.

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