Shiiit I forgot to put who is in what rankkk imma do it quickly
Bakugo (wolf dragon prince)
Shinso (magician)
Todoroki(half n half fox)
Touya(blue fire fox)
Himiko(vampire wolf)
Izuku(two-tailed fox)
Uraraka(brown Deer )
Kendo(orange Deer)
Fuyumi (snow fox)
Inko(nature fox)
President Mic(parrot)
Keigo(red-winged Hawk)
Natsuo(blue-white fox)
Jirou (wolf)
Yumi(OC) (wolf)
No one's POV:
Izuku Midoriya:
Izuku Midoriya...cousin of the Todoroki siblings and Nephew of Enji and Rei Todoroki..Son of Enji's sister who is now Inko Midoriya
Izuku is a very kind soul..he helps anyone, he sticks up for anyone and can be very Feisty even though he is a omega..but he is not the only omega there in the palace
His mom,Rei, Uraraka, Fuyumi are Omega's as well..shoto, Touya and Enji are alpha's and Natsuo is a beta
Touya, Natsuo and Shoto protect Izuku and Fuyumi from any harm but Fuyumi stays in the palace so she only goes to the library and eat etc
But Izuku...let's just say he loves animals since he was born
You see Izuku has always loved animals even mythical animals..he would always spend his free time in the mythical forest
His favorite animals are dragons, phoenix's and Wolves
Actually he and his cousins has a pet phoenix he and shoto got theirs on their 14th birthday same goes with Touya, Fuyumi and Natsuo, it's like a tradition of some sort for royals
Shoto, Uraraka,Lida(their knight) and Izuku are now 18 and Fuyumi is 19, Natsuo is 20 and Touya is 22
Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya cousin and nephew of the Todoroki' and my mother is actually living in the palace with the Todoroki's I am a omega..but I don't care if I am I will stay strong for my mom! I never really met my dad but I don't best friends names are Lida and Uraraka..she is also a omega and Lida is a Beta they are not mate's Lida is gay and Uraraka is Bisexual but prefers Girls..I am also gay like Lida!
Let's start the story now!! >.<
So we are going to start in my room..
*Knock knock*
"Come in.."
"Good morning prince Izuku.." *bows*
"Good morning to you too Yumi" *smiles
That's Yumi our head maid. She is very kind to everyone
"King Enji is calling a family meeting and said I must let you know that their will be guest coming tomorrow afternoon and breakfast is already finished"
"Alright thank you Yumi!" *Gets up*
"No problem prince Izuku" *bows and leaves*
As Yumi closes the door I get up and wear (this⬇️)
I normally let out my tail and ears and I get to see my little green friend that came with my form..*giggles* I call him Minti cause he is green like me! He helps me be really fast and strong sometimes there would be lighting coming out of me..I don't know why though
As I am finish getting done, I make my way done stairs with my bag on my shoulder say
I.M: Morning everyone!
S.T: morning Izu..*hugs him*
I.M: morning shoto *hugs back*
T.T: oi where is my hug?! *Pouts*
I.M: *giggles* morning to you too Touya *smiles and hugs him*
T.T: *happily hugs back*
Inko: *clears throat* morning sweetie
I.M: *laughs a little* morning oka-san and morning auntie Rei *kisses both if their cheeks*
R.T: good morning Izuku dear..
I.M: morning Fuyu and Natsu!
F.T and N.T: morning Izu!!
I.M: *looks at Enji* ...Uncle Enji...
E.T: Izuku...
I.M: *sits down and puts bag next to him*
*Everyone starts eating quietly*
As we all are eating our food uncle Enji starts to speak
E.T: as you heard from the maids that we are having guests I correct?
We all nod as we listen to what he is saying
E.T: well it's the Bakugo kingdom that will be visiting us later on today..before you say anything all they will be doing is looking around the village to see if they is interested in someone...and I want someone to tour him around the village
S.T: what do you mean by 'they'?
E.T: there are three children..Keigo Bakugo he is the age as Touya 22.. Himiko Bakugo she is the same age as you and Izuku but will be turning 19 and finally Katsuki Bakugo he is also the same age as you and Izuku..and Katsuki will soon to be King..
Inko: So who will be giving then a tour? And are they staying here?
E.T: I was thinking if Izuku would do the honors.. and to answer your other question, yes they are here for a few days..
I.M: *eyes widen* why me?! And how come Katsuki gets to be king if he is the youngest?!
E.T: because I know you are very responsible enough and you know this village from the back of your hand.. and besides you are also going to the forest again am I correct? Also it's their tradition of some sort if the royals have 1 child they get to be king or queen but if they have more than 1 child the youngest gets to be king or queen
I.M: *sighs* you got me there..fine I'll do it..
Inko: Izuku..are you sure?..
I.M: oka-san I will be fine..I promise..*smiles* besides I can fight back if tries something even though I am a omega..
Inko: *sighs in defeat* alright then..*looks at the clock* Izuku dear I think it's time for your daily visit in the forest *points to the clock*
I.M: oh shoot! I gotta go! Thank you for the food *bows and rushes out as he takes his bag with him*
~after he ran to the spot~
I am sitting on the grass under a tree surrounded by dandelions in my favorite forest
Me and my phoenix I call Emerald always come here! Speak of the devil here he is!
"EMERALD DOWN HERE!!" *Waves for emerald to come down*
*Happy phoenix noises and lands on Izuku's shoulder*
*Giggles* "hello to you too emerald"*pats emerald*
*Leans into Izuku's touch*
"*Sits down against the tree and looks at the view* emerald..can you sit on lap? "
*Nods and flew to izuku's lap*
~few minutes later~
"*Sighs* I'm bored..."
"!!!! I know I can sing that song I've been working on!"
"..kinda weird that I'm talking to a bird that hardly understands me-"
*Offended look*
"Ok ok I'm sorryyy *pouts*"
*Snuggles into Izuku signaling that he forgives him*
*Giggles* now can I sing?
*Nods head*
*Takes out notebook from bag*
"Let's start...*breathes in and out*
[it's on top⬆️ of the chapter]
Note book:
Songs I have
Book 2:
OG: Ruth B]
[Singing: Izuku Midoriya]
Maybe it's the way you say my name~
Maybe it's the way you play your game~
But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you!~
But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you~
And..~ I've heard of a love that comes..once in a lifetime~
And..~ I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine!!~
'Cause..I'm in a field of dandelions~
Wishing on every one..that you'd be mine~,mine~
And..I see forever in your eyes..
I feel okay when I see you smile~, smile~
Wishing on dandelions all of the time..~
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine~
Wishing on dandelions all of the time~,all of the time~
I think you are the one for me~
'Cause it gets so hard~ to breathe~..
When you're looking at me..~
I've never felt so alive! And free!~
When you're looking at me..~
I've never felt so happy!!~
And..~ I've heard of a love that comes..~ once in a lifetime~
And..~ I'm pretty sure that your are that love of mine~
'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions~ Wishing on everyone that you'd be mine~, mine~
And..~ I see forever in your eyes~
I feel okay when I see you smile,~ smile~
Wishing on dandelions all of the time~
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine~
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, All of the time~
Dandelion into the wind you go..~
Won't you let my darling know?~
Dandelion into the wind you go..~
Won't you let my darling know..thaaat!~
I'm in a field of dandelions~!!
Wishing on every one!!~ that you'd be mine!!~, mine!!~
And I see forever in your eyes!!~
I feel okay when I see you smile!!~, smile!!~
Wishing on dandelions all of the time~!!
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine!!~
Wishing on dandelions all of the time,~ All of the time!!~
I'm in a field of dandelions...~
Wishing on every one..that you'd be mine..~, mine..~
*Clap* *Clap*
That was a show! *Smirks*
Katsuki Bakugo..
Katsuki of the strongest alphas in the land, is a hot headed prince and looking for a mate
His mother Mitsuki Bakugo and his father Masaru Bakugo or the king and Queen are in a meeting with some other royal has a brother and sister named Keigo Bakugo and Himiko Bakugo or known as the omega prince and princess
Let's start now shall we?
One day ago..
Katsuki POV
Hi my name is Katsuki Bakugo..I am a soon to be king of Draconia.. uhh I have a brother and a sister named Himiko and Keigo Bakugo
I am currently at my mother's office since we are having a 'family meeting'
M.B- Mitsuki
MA.B- Masaru
K.B- Katsuki
Bold: everyone
MA.B: I know you all wondering why I called you here?
*Nods in agreement minus Mitsuki*
MA.B: *looks at Mitsuki*
M.B: *sighs* we will be visiting the Todoroki Kingdom cause you all don't seem to be interested in any of the ranks here..
*Kids nod their heads yes*
K.B: tch...when do we leave?
M.B: tomorrow morning now go and pack some clothes we are staying there for a few days..
As we all leave to pack our bags..I make my way to my room and see my dog I call Ren sitting patiently for me..and by his reaction he just looked at the door
"Hey boy..*ruffles his fur*"
~time skip when he is done packing clothes for himself~
*Knock knock* (I don't know who's at the door right now!!) Eh I'll ignore it..
"CALM DOWN OLD HAG!.. *Opens the door* what?!"
M.B: are you done packing? Cause we are about to eat and hit the hay cause we are waking up early
K.B: tsk..I fucking just finished packing right fucking now and I'll come down soon..
M.B language brat and get down quickly the food is almost down..
~when he was done eating I'm lazy at this point~
Kirishima- E.T
Kaminari- D.K
S.H- Sero
Mina- A.M
K.B- Katsuki
E.T: BAKUBRO!! Hey man!!
K.B: *grumbles* ugh..
A.M: Hey Bakubabe!!
K.B: stop calling me that you idiots!!
K.B: go and pack your shits we are leaving tomorrow morning
S.H: Where are we going?
K.B: We are going to the Todoroki Kingdom and will be staying there for a few days..
D.K: ohhhh ok! But why do we need to go there?
K.B: to find me,Himiko and Keigo a fucking mate!!!.
E.T: whoaaa calm down bakubro..
K.B: TCH! I'm leaving!!and go and pack your stuff Now!! And Shitty hair... DON'T FUCKING CALL ME THAT!!
A.M: WAYY A HEAD OF YOU.. PRINCE *nervous laughter*
[As they all left to pack some clothes for the small trip.. Katsuki went straight to his room and started to lay down and Close his eyes]
The next morning Katsuki got up,showered and dressed into his blue genes with whatever shoes to match with it and his signature red cape
Once he was finished he and Ren went down stairs for breakfast
H.B: morning Katsuki!!
K.B: hmmm.. morning.. Himiko
Kei: breakfast is on the table
K.B: ya..thanks *grabs plate.amd sits down
M.B: morning brats..
Morning mom
M.A.B: Katsuki..can you please tell the guards to set up our dragons?
K.B: ya sure..
As Katsuki finished his breakfast told the guards to set up their dragons
When the guards finished...they sent one of the guards to inform them that the dragons are ready..
Guard: *comes in* your highnesses*bows*
M.B: rise..and speak..
Guard: *gets up* the dragons are ready to go...
M.A.B: alright..let's go..
[Just so you know..Himiko and Keigo don't have a dragon Keigoare going to shape shift into a Hawk and Himiko will fly with Masaru]
Katsuki's ⬆️
Mitsuki's ⬆️
[When they arrived at the castle]
[The kingdom and the village is at the bottom]
Katsuki POV:
s we entered the castle..which is fucking huge we were escorted to the throne room and there we see the Todoroki family with another lady with green hair?
Must be a relative..
[That is how it looks]
E.T: welcome to the Todoroki Kingdom..Mr and Mrs Bakugo..
M.A.B: hello king Enji .*bows* it's an honor to be here
E.T: one of our maids will show your children's rooms
M.B: uhm king Enji...I'm sorry to interrupt there something wrong with the greenette? I can tell she was worried about someone or something..
Inko: OH! I'm sorry to Make you worry!! It's just my son he has been in the forest for a bit longer than usual
M.B: Ohh ok..and it's fine and I will be happy to send one of my kids to go and find him!! *Smiles*
Inko:?!! No no no you are a guest it's fine!!
M.B: we it's a good pay since you allowed us to come and pick a mate for my kids
Inko: *sighs in defeat* alright..
M.B: Katsuki your are looking for her son no arguments!
K.B: tch!!
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