Chapter 1: A New World

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(A/N: Video above by MYTH & ROID)
(A/N: Song: Paradisus-paradoxum)

"Text" = Dialogue

Text = Character in thought

[Text] = Spell/item/ability

{Text} = Message spell

(~~Text~~) = Shift in time/location/POV

(A/N: This story is heavily inspired by another Overlord fanfiction called 'The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown', which was created by @abiboi666. Their story is incredible, and my favourite Overlord fanfiction that I've ever read, so please go check it out!)

Ainz Ooal Gown was an extremely powerful guild that existed within the world-famous DMMO-RPG known as YGGDRASIL, and was feared by everyone within Midgard. This guild was one of the most popular guilds to ever exist due to their numbers consisting of a World-Champion and World-Disaster, who were considered among the most powerful players within YGGDRASIL.

The guild of Ainz Ooal Gown spent many years conquering the world of Midgard, and gained many valuable treasures such as weapons, armours, jewellery and even World-Level items. For many, YGGDRASIL was a way to escape the horrors of the real world and find joy within a realm of fantasy and adventure.

However, after 12 years of playing, most of the 41 members had disbanded from the guild and gave their items to the Guild Master, Momonga, who continued to rule the Great Tomb of Nazarick in his comrades' absence.

Now, after so many years of service, the DMMO-RPG know as YGGDRASIL was about to end...

(~~Ulbert POV~~)

Ulbert Alain Odle was one of the first members to join after the original nine, and was also considered one of the most powerful in terms of 'MAG.ATK'. Due to his evil nature, many players viewed Ulbert as a psychopath that only wanted to spread fear throughout the land, and they were mostly right.

Ulbert Alain Odle is a demon with the resemblance a humanoid grey goat, crowned with a pair of wickedly curved golden horns. He is dressed in a black suit and velvet cape, with a rose pinned on his left shoulder. Upon his head is a beautiful top hat with a small pocket watch in the centre, and the right side of his face is covered with a golden mask with a crimson beak.

However, roughly three years ago, Ulbert was forced to leave YGGDRASIL due to personal issues in the real world, but promised that he would one day return to his beloved guild. Sadly, Ulbert had only managed to return to the DMMO-RPG for the first time in years during the game's final moments, and decided to search around the land of Midgard for the last 15 minutes of the game.

Originally, Ulbert had hoped to spend his last few moments at the Great Tomb of Nazarick and visit Momonga one last time to say goodbye. However, the Catastrophe Demon had spawned really far away, and he didn't have enough time left to reach his guild base,

What's worse is that Ulbert had attempted to contact Momonga to apologise for not arriving to the guild hall, but the message spell couldn't reach him. Considering that he had spawned far away from his original log-out position, and the fact that his message spell had failed to make contact with Momonga, Ulbert had come to the conclusion that the game was glitching. 

Ulbert: "Of course the game would break....Shitty Devs! Shitty game!!"

Ulbert raised his furry head to the sky as he continued to slander the 'shitty devs', who had once again ruined his gaming experience with their terrible game stability and obnoxious scripts that constantly clashed with each other.

However, this time, Ulbert found these glitches completely unforgiveable as they were preventing him from reaching a man he considered to be his closest friend. Honestly, he may actually be the demon's ONLY friend considering that he never fully trusted anyone else within the guild other than Momonga.

Ulbert: "Momonga...I'm sorry I couldn't make it in time."

The Catastrophe Demon released an exasperated sigh before staring at the expansive field containing beautiful roses that permeated the landscape, swaying in perfect unison with the calm winds that offered a gentle push towards the plants. Though the game couldn't process it, Ulbert was bearing a wide smile that was accompanied by a small chuckle.

The night sky was glistening with an illustrious flare of crimson and cyan, mixing together into a large display of colour and beauty that left Ulbert speechless. However, as the demon began to reminisce about the old days with his guild members, he soon began to feel immense pain inside himself at the thought of his favourite game coming to a depressing end.

Ulbert: "Heh. . .they do say that 'all good things must come to an end', but still. . ."

Ulbert noticed that there was only a few seconds left before YGGDRASIL's servers went offline, and his stomach began to writhe out of disgust; this game was Ulbert's only escape from the horrible, corrupt world he lived in. Now, after three years of burning desire to return to the game he loved so dearly, he was only able to come back when it was about to disappear.

Everything he built would be erased, and Ulbert would have no way to escape the real world's corruption that constantly forced him into a deep state of depression. Now, he would probably just kill himself and be done with this world. After all, what was the point in living if he had no way to enjoy his life anymore?




Ulbert: "I guess this is it..."

The Catastrophe Demon had nothing more to say; his entire world was falling apart before his very eyes, and he was utterly powerless to stop it. There was nothing Ulbert could do other than give in to fate and wait for the end, where he would then return to his polluted world and go back to working as a slave for the greedy mega corporations.




As Ulbert opened his eyes, he expected to be sitting in his gaming chair whilst staring at the empty screen of his VR headset. However, once his eyes were completely opened, Ulbert found himself surrounded by a lush, green forest that was permeated by a dim light.

Ulbert was left astonished by this unnatural sight, and didn't know how he should react. After all, this forest was completely new to him, meaning that he was currently not within any known territory in YGGDRASIL.

Ulbert: "U-uhm, am I still in YGGDRASIL?"

However, as Ulbert began to question his current circumstances, he suddenly placed a hand upon his mouth, shocked by the deep, raspy voice that had protruded from his mouth. Ulbert was certain that his voice didn't  always sound so intimidating, and he couldn't help but yell to himself troubledly.

Ulbert: "Is that really my voice!? What the fuck!?"

Suddenly, Ulbert began to completely freak out as he felt his face, taking notice of the soft furr that enshrouded his demonic form with a shield of warmth. The Catastrophe Demon was left utterly speechless as he began to brush his grey hair, releasing a satisfied growl from his thick lips.

Ulbert: "Wow...this is great!"

However, as he finished brushing his hair and began to ponder on his current circumstances, Ulbert thought of something; quickly, he attempted to bring up his character sheet to confirm that his stats had transferred from the game.

As Ulbert raised his hand forward, a small translucent box appeared presenting all of his stats and character details. However, Ulbert quickly noticed that there was something wrong with his stats and levels, quickly falling backwards in utter shock.

Ulbert noticed that his level had increased to Lv1000 and all of his stats were much higher than before. However, the weirdest part was that he now had an indescribable amount of levels invested between his racial and job classes, and he could feel an immense amount of power radiating from his body.

Ulbert: "T-this...c-cant be real!! Why am I so powerful!?"

Suddenly, as Ulbert continued to monologue about his new power, he suddenly saw a dim light originating from the other side of the lush forest, as well as people screaming for help. Honestly, Ulbert didn't care who was screaming for help. Why should he care?

However, Ulbert was also aware that he needed information about this new world if he was stuck here, and his best option would be to save whoever's in trouble and use their generosity to find out more about the surrounding area.

With his decision made, Ulbert took off into the forest, the sun finally beginning to rise from the large hills behind him, and made his way towards the desperate screams that originated past the thick line of trees.

(~~10 minutes later~~)

After roaming through the forest, Ulbert finally located the source of distress and found a small village being attacked by armoured knights who were riding horses, slaughtering anyone who came close enough for them to swing their blades and cut through their flesh.

The villagers continued to run away in desperation, the knights laughing at their pitiful struggle to survive. Usually, Ulbert would enjoy the suffering of others, but these villagers were clearly the lowest of the low when it came to the class system.

As such, Ulbert felt pity for the poor villagers, and soon walked out from the shadows towards the village with the intentions to make contact with these humans. However, he was also hoping to test his new powers on the lower lifeforms that appeared to view themselves as invincible.

Ulbert: "More humans who think they can do what they want..."

Ulbert released a loud sneer from his nostrils before glaring at the armoured knights who began to round up the surviving villagers in the middle of the burning village, intending to torture them before finally slaughtering them.

Ulbert: "How pathetic."

In response to the mysterious demonic voice that echoed through the surrounding area, all of the knights turned towards the forest, their eyes widening at the sight of the goat man that stood ominously between the forest line.

Knight: "W-what is that thing?"

Knight: "...I..I-I don't know."

All the knights stood dumbfounded by the creature that stood before them, but they could all feel the immense power that radiated from it's furry body. However, the strange goat man suddenly spoke to the armoured knights as they began to slowly walk towards them.

Each advancement the demonic figure made towards them filled them with immense fear, their armour rattling from their trembling bodies as they continued to ponder what the monster was planning to do to them for attacking the villagers.

However, one knight appeared to be extremely confident that he could take down the monster, and began to brag about his power towards the goat-like monster, seemingly oblivious to the massive influx of magical power that continued to discharge from it's slim body.

???: "This beast looks like nothing special. He's an easy kill!"

The mysterious knight was a middle-aged man with short, blonde hair. Though he wore full silver armour, his body was noticeably skinny compared to everyone else, revealing his lack of experience compared to the other knights.

This man was Belius, a rich Noble from the Slain Theocracy. Like most Nobles from the continent, Belius was a man who believed he could have whatever he wanted simply because he was rich. That included killing and raping women simply because he felt entitled to it.

Overall, Belius was the type of man that Ulbert despised; rich and greedy, as well as a man who refused to abide by the law, yet isn't punished for his transgressions simply because he was worth more than the lower-class citizens in the eyes of royalty.

Belius: "Hahaha! What sort of demihuman are you!? You're just an overgrown goat!"

Ulbert: "Demihuman? I'm not a Demihuman, you fool!"

Belius shared a curious glance with Ulbert before scoffing directly in his face, causing Ulbert to grit his teeth in pure rage. However, Ulbert quickly regained his composure and offered a stoic face towards the foolish Noble, who merely rolled his eyes in boredom.

Belius: "Fine then! Who, or rather what, are you?"

Ulbert left a long pause, allowing the tension to rise between himself and the knights, before raising his head high and spreading his arms by either side of his body, leaving him standing before the humans in a state that made him seem like royalty.

Finally, Ulbert gave his response, showing a small amount of his full power which caused the air to become heavy and tense. The humans found themselves unable to move as they continued to watch the horrifying power of the demon.

Ulbert: "I am Ulbert Alain Odle: The God of Catastrophe."

The whole world seemed to stop moving as Ulbert offered his introductions to the fearful knights, a menacing grin appearing on his goat-like face that showed off his dangerous fangs. However, both the knights and the villagers were left completely awestruck by the man's statement.

Belius: "B-blasphemy; you are no god! Soldiers, kill him!!"

Ulbert: "If any of you are smart, you will ignore his gutless whining."

Sadly, Ulbert's words fell on deaf ears as the armoured knights released a loud battle cry, charging at the God of Catastrophe with every ounce of strength they could muster. However, to the eyes of Ulbert, they were extremely slow and lacked any form of professional training that was on par with YGGDRASIL players.

Ulbert grew tired of the knights' pointless resistance, and the God quickly began to chant a mysterious incantation that caused the world around them to glow a vibrant red. Suddenly, the knights stopped moving and appeared as if they were mere statues.

Ulbert: "[Catastrophe Aura, Lv1]!"

The aura of the Catastrophe God spread like a whirlwind, causing a group of 100 knights to fall to the ground like lifeless puppets. Now, only 10 knights remained, and they instantly fell backwards out of fear for what the demon had done to their comrades.

At this point, Belius was about to piss himself from fear, and quickly noticed his fellow knights backing away from the evil deity. Enraged, and also fearful for his own life, Belius began to scream at the top of his lungs for the knights to attack Ulbert.

Belius: "What are you knights doing!? Hurry up and kill that monster!"

None of the knights appeared to move. They weren't willing to throw away their lives for the sake of one arrogant Noble who thinks he can use them as meat shields. Instead, the remaining 40 knights took two steps back before a small handful began to sprint away from the village.

In response to their cowardice, two large leather claws protruding from Ulbert's cloak began to grow in size, chasing the runaway knights who began screaming for mercy. However, Ulbert had no mercy to offer; he planned to give them the same treatment they offered towards the villagers.

Without hesitation, Ulbert raised both his hands in a twisting motion, causing both of the monstrous claws to rip the knights into bloody pieces as their own comrades watched with horrified expressions on their faces. This filled Ulbert with great joy.


Knight: "W-w-what the FUCK!?"

Ulbert: "Their corpses will make for great demons."

Everyone stared at Ulbert in complete shock. This monster is able to create demons from magic? No one wanted to believe it, but the mere thought of such a feat was enough to send shivers down their spines.

Ulbert: "[Summon: Demon Emperor]!"

Ulbert raised his hand in front of him before releasing a mysterious red flame from his palm, pointing it towards the pile of dead knights. Suddenly, the flame began to envelope a random knight's corpse, changing his lifeless form into a disfigured monster.

After a few moments, the strange blaze suddenly extinguished completely, leaving a large Lv100 demon draped in heavy grey armour standing in it's place. The monster had two fiery points flaring within it's large helmet, giving off a dangerous aura of despair.

The Demon Emperor stood at two meters tall, and their bodies appeared to be more muscular than before. In the creature's right hand, they held a short sword made from dragon bone, along with a wide cross guard with spikes protruding from it. To complete the terrifying presentation of the Demon Emperor, they had a deep voice that sounded like cold whispers from the grave.

Demon Emperor: "My master, Father to all demons! I live to serve!"

Ulbert: Wait! They can talk now!? Whatever, I don't have time for this shit!

Ulbert: "Demon Emperor, kill the knights."

After Ulbert had finished giving orders to his new summon, he watched as the Demon Emperor advanced towards the small group of knights, who had now began to prey for salvation in the face of such an unbeatable foe.

Knight: "Please! God no please!"

Knight: "I don't wanna die here!"

Knight: "NO, NOOOO!!"

As the Demon Emperor finally reached the horrified knights, they began to scatter in every direction like mindless animals, their cries for mercy echoed through the entire forest. However, the Demon Emperor would simply take three large steps towards each knight before swinging his blade, killing them instantly.

With each swing, a body of a knight would fly through the air, their guts flowing from their upper body before they descended towards the

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