Chapter 5

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No One's Pov

Albedo: According to Aura's report of surrounding areas, there has yet to be any contact with other Yggdrasil players. She is in the process of increasing the area of surveillance to the great woodlands near Nazarick. Also, it seems that the man we captured named Nigun was the commander of the special ops unit for the Sunlit Scripture of the Slane Theocracy.

P/n: Ah, I had fun killing that guy over and over again.

Ainz: Slane Theocracy...Goblins, Ogres, Lizardmen, and the like. A theocratic nation that believes humans must unite against all races if I remember correctly. It may be dangerous to come in contact with them right now.

Albedo: And lastly, what should we do about that village?

Ainz: Carne Village is the only foothold we obtained on friendly terms. Avoid creating a negative image as much as possible.

Albedo: Understood. That was the last of my daily report. 

Ainz: Good work.

Albedo: Thank you Supreme One.

Albedo walks over to me.

Albedo: Is there anything you wish me to do my love?

I look at Albedo's sexy body.

Me: Hhmmm, maybe...actually yes. Next time I call you to come into my room, perhaps we should have some fun.

Albedo madly smiles and starts breathing hard and fast as her face shows pure ecstasy.

Albedo: Yes, my love I will do anything you want!

Albedo stops smiling and breathing hard and fast as her face changes to disgust when she hears the door open as Shalltear walks in.

Shalltear: Lady P/n, and Lord Ainz, I hope you are doing well.

Me: I'm doing fantastic!

Ainz: You as well, Shalltear. And what brings you to my room today?

Shalltear: Of course, I am here to lay my eyes on your exquisite forms, mainly Lady P/n's.

Albedo: Are you satisfied now? Leave, Shalltear.

Ainz: Huh?

Albedo: Lord Ainz and my love Lady P/n and I are discussing important matters right now.

Shalltear: This is why older ladies are such a problem. They have so much free time since they've passed their expiration date.

Albedo: So you're telling me that you're ripe for the picking? The goods you put on display seem quite nice but in reality...?

Shalltear and Albedo start releasing their power or aura or whatever.

Shalltear: They are real! I'll fucken kill you, bitch!

Albedo: Who are you calling expired, whore?

P/n starts chanting them on.

P/n: Fight, Fight, Fight!

But quickly falls to the ground in sadness as Ainz stopped it.

Ainz: Both of you! Stop your childish fighting.

Albedo and Shalltear stop.

Albedo/Shalltear: Yes, Lord Ainz!.

Ainz: Anyways state your business, Shalltear.

Shalltear: Yes. I am about to join Sebas, who has already departed on your orders. I believe I may not be able to return to Nazarick for a short time. So, I came to give you and Lady P/n my regards before I left.

P/n instantly attaches herself to Shalltear's body when she hears Shalltear was leaving.

P/n: Nooo, Ainz, why didn't you tell me my favorite vampire is going to leave Nazarick for some time.

P/n starts rubbing her head against Shalltear.

Ainz: Because I knew you would cling to her like this. Now let go.

P/n: Noooo.

Ainz just sighs.

Ainz: If you don't get off now, at the first chance I get I will send you down to Kyouhukou.

P/n instantly backs far as she can from Shalltear.

P/n: I'll be good.

Ainz: Y/n, find someone to be your partner.

P/n: Partner?

Ainz: Were going to become Adventurers to learn more about this world, I'm going to bring Narberal. Find someone to bring, and meet me at the towns guild hall tomorrow.

P/n: Hmmm okay I got it, bye. Oh, side note call me Y/n when we start adventuring...wait a second is Fox and Shade here?

Ainz: Fox and Shade eh? ...I honestly forgot those guys existed they always pop in and out without us noticing and it never shows them online even though they are online.

P/n: Where the hell do you think they would be lurking?

Ainz: The library.

P/n: I'm go check the library then.

P/n instantly disappears and appears in a Library.

(Author's Note: I'm adding myself again :P)

P/n: Yo Fox are you here if so come out, I want to talk to you.

Fox appears in front of P/n.

Fox: Yeah, P/n?

P/n: Wow you're actually here, thanks for letting us know. Anyways tomorrow you're coming with me to become an Adventurer to learn more about this world and such, I'm mainly bringing you as my partner since...I hate learning. Also is Shade around too, I would like to bring him too.

Fox: Up there.

Fox points upward and P/n turns and looks up to see Shade upside down quietly reading a book while sitting on the ceiling.

(Author's Note: I'm adding my brother to this.)

P/n: Hey! Shade! Down here! Talk to me! Stop reading the book! Hey! Hey!

Shade closes the book and looks up.

Shade: What are you Navi?

P/n: Maybe.

Shade: Fine, what do you want.

P/n: New world, new murder want to come?

Shade: Sure only to keep you from killing the innocents, and to explore our new world.

P/n: How nice.

Le Timeskipo

Momon and Nabe are looking in front of the Quests waiting for P/n and her partner.

Unimportant Adventurer #1: Hey. His full armor is amazing. Just how much did that cost?

Unimportant Adventurer #2: Even though he's just a copper plate...

Unimportant Adventurer #3: I'm sure he's come, rich kid. A present from daddy?

The Unimportant Adventurers start laughing but stop when they hear a door open and see three people walk in.

Y/n: Hey, Brother!

Momon turns around and waves to her sister but instantly sighs when he sees Fox and Shade.

Momon(Mind): Of course very typical of them to let us know that they are here. (Sarcasm) 

Y/n, Fox and Shade walk up to the board alongside them.

Y/n: Same mission or two different missions?

Momon: Same quest...I really don't want to deal with the concern for our "safety" again.

They look at the board realizing they can't read the language, besides Fox and Blade but they weren't going to tell them that. Momon suddenly grabs a Mythril level quest and gives it to the quest of accepting a lady person.

Momon: I'd like to take this job.

Quest Accepting Lady Person: I'm very sorry, This is a request for a Mythril plate adventurer.

Momon: I know.

Quest Accepting Lady Person: Huh?

Momon: That's why I brought it here.

Quest Accepting Lady Person: But, there are rules that must be followed.

Momon: It's a stupid rule.

Quest Accepting Lady Person: If you fail the request, there is a chance a lot of people will lose their lives.

Momon: Hmph. My partner is a third-tier magic caster.

Random Unimportant Adventurer #1: Third tier? At that age?!

Momon: And I am a warrior that is equal to her level. The mage with the staff is a fourth tier magic caster.

Random Unimportant Adventurer #4: Fourth tier?! That's impossible at his age!

Momon: The dark-haired individual is a brawler equal to his level. The H/c might not look like it but it also equals in terms of combat with their level. We want to do a job that is worthy of our skills.

Quest Accepting Lady Person: I am very sorry. According to the rules, you cannot take this job.

Momon: I see. Then it can't be helped. Sorry for sounding selfish. If that's the case, give us the hardest request in the copper level.

Quest Accepting Lady Person: Oh, yes! I understand!

The Lady walks away to get the quest when a team comes up to us.

???: Then, would you like to help us with our job?

Momon: Huh?

We go to the upper level and sit down at a table.

???: Then, let me introduce ourselves. I am the leader of the Swords of Darkness, Peter Mauk. And that is the team's eyes and ears, the ranger Lukrut Volve.

Lukrut: Hi!

Peter: This guy deals with healing magic and the manipulation of nature, the druid Dyne Woodwonder.

Dyne: Nice to meet you.

Peter: And lastly, this is our magic caster and the brains of our team, Ninya the Spell Caster.

Ninya: Nice to meet you. But, Peter, can you stop calling me such an embarrassing nickname?

Peter: Huh? Why not?

Lukrut: This guy is a talent holder.

Momon: Oh, a talent holder. Hold up one second.

Momon quickly looks at Y/n who is quietly sleeping even though she has a mask on he can still tell.

Momon: I knew it, no wonder why it was so quiet.

Momon hits Y/n on the head to wake her up.

Y/n: OW! What was that for?!

Momon: To wake you up, they are introducing each other it would be rude sleeping through it.

Y/n: But-

Momon: No buts!

Y/n: Fine.

Momon: Sorry about that.

Peter: It's fine anyways he has the talent, Magic Affinity. It takes you four years to learn magic that normally takes eight, right?

Momon: That's amazing.

Ninya: I feel very lucky to be born with this talent. It allowed me to take the first step toward realizing my dream.

Peter: Either way, he's a famous talent holder in this city.

Ninya: Well, there is someone even more famous than me here.

Dyne: You must be talking about Master Balear.

Momon: Hoh? Oh, this is Nabe. I am Momon. This is my sister Y/n.

Fox: Fox.

Shade: Shade.

Momon: Please take care of us. So what kind of talent does this person named Balear have?

Peter: I see. Since you don't know, you must not be from around here.

Momon: Yes, I just arrived yesterday. They arrived today.

Peter: Nphirea Balear is the grandson of a famous pharmacist here. His talent allows him to use all magic items.

Momon: I see.

Y/n: Are we done yet? I really want to murder some monsters.

Momon: Almost.

Peter: And, about our current job. Our objective is to eliminate the monsters near this city, E-Rantel.

Momon: A monster-hunting expedition?

Y/n: Yay murdering monsters finally this conversation is interesting. 

Peter: Um, actually it's not a job that was particularly requested.

Momon: What do you mean?

Peter: Depending on the strength of the monster, the guild will receive money from the city to reward us with. That will be our reward this time around.

Dyne: It's a necessary task in our way of life.

Lukrut: But it still puts bread on our table. It also lessens the dangers for the people around us. It's a win-win situation!

Peter: Well, that's how it is. We're going to hunt around the forest south of the city. How about it? Will you join us?

Momon: Yes, please take care of us. Since we'll be working together, I should show you my face.

Momon takes off his helmet to show his face even though it's just an illusion.

Peter: I heard of a country where your face is common to the south, Mr. Momon.

Lukrut: He's a lot older than I expected.

Ninya: That's rude!

Momon: It could cause problems if others knew we were both foreigners, so I have been hiding my face like this.

Lukrut: By the way, what kind of relationship do you guys have?

Momon: Nabe is my Ally, Y/n is my sister, Fox and Shade are my friends and they are brothers.

Y/n: I swear to god if this doesn't end soon, I am going to break something. I hate collecting information.

Lukrut: I'm in love! It was love at first sight! Please go out with me!

Nabe: Shut up, slug. Talk to me once you know your place. Shall I cut off your tongue for you?

Y/n: Ah, Nabe you're always so nice.

Lukrut: Thank you for such a harsh rejection! Then, let's start as friends!

Nabe: You maggot. Do you want me to spoon out your eyes?

Lukrut: That cold gaze of her is so...

Peter hits Lukrut.

Y/n: Your friend has a problem.

Shade: I agreed.

Peter: Yeah, he does but sorry for my friend's rudeness.

Momon: No, I'm sorry as well.

Y/n: For?

Momon: Nabe was being rude.

Y/n: Really? She seemed nice to me.

Momon: I can never understand you.

Y/n: Thank you.

The group gets up and walks down the stairs.

Peter: Since we're both already ready, let's leave immediately.

Momon: Yes.

Quest Accepting Lady Person: Mr. Momon. 

Momon: Hm?

Quest Accepting Lady Person: You have been requested for a specific job.

Momon: Who in the world requested it?

Quest Accepting Lady Person: Mr. Nphirea Balear.

Y/n: No. No no no no no no no no no no no! I am not sitting down and learning more information. Brother, I'm chill outside and wait for you, I will not listen to any more information, my head already hurts.

Momon: Fine.

Y/n leaves and wait on the outside for Momon. After a couple of minutes of waiting the group finally walks outside.

Y/n: Finally are we ready to go? I really want to kill something.

Momon just sighs.

Momon: Yes now come on we're going to Carne Village.

Fox: Oh by the way Momon remember that Mythril quest you picked?

Momon: Yeah?

Shade: Right next to it was the highest difficulty copper quest.

Momon:...You guys are dicks.

Shade: Mu Ha Ha Ha.

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