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The first thing Jisoo does is release her hold on Jennie's hand, almost yanking it out, but to her utter surprise Jennie clutches on, keeping their fingers tightly entwined if not more so. They move forward, closer to Nayeon, and the door closes gently behind them, engulfing them in privacy.

"Hey," Jennie speaks first after a moment of dead silence in which Nayeon's glances interchange between their linked hands and their faces.

Nayeon just stands there. She purses her lips, trying to register the scene in front of her, and it makes Jisoo's hands clammy with guilt. Shaking her head slightly and blinking in a sort of disbelief, she finally cocks her head to a side and pops her lips, "Wow. So... you two, huh?"

"Look, Nayeon, I can explain -"

"Yes," Jennie states at the same time and cuts Jisoo off, who whips her head to look at Jennie with wide eyes. Can't you be more tactful?

Then, Nayeon fixes her gaze on Jisoo, and Jisoo swears her blood literally runs cold. She wants to apologize but Nayeon comments, akin to a revelation, "No wonder you've observed more about Jennie in mere months than I have in years. I've always found it baffling, how much you know about her, but now the puzzle pieces fit."

"I'm sorr-"

Jennie tugs hard on her hand in reproach at the same time Nayeon interrupts her, "Don't apologize, Jisoo. You don't have to."

Jisoo isn't sure she heard it right. "You... you're not angry?"

"No," Nayeon shakes her head and lets out a soft chuckle, "this is unexpected but I can't say I am surprised. Come to think of it, there must be a reason why anyone notices someone to that extent." She smiles, and sadness seeps through, "If anything, I'm surprised I didn't pick that up sooner."

Although nobody seems to be blaming her, Jisoo still feels compelled to clarify, "I didn't mean to hide anything from you, I swear! A-and this certainly isn't how I intended to break it to you, I just-"

"Jisoo, it's really alright," Nayeon shifts her eyes to Jennie, "I've missed the train long ago, when I chose to alight."

Nayeon's smile is one of longing, nostalgia, and maybe a hint of regret, and Jennie reaches out to squeeze her shoulder, "You're still my best friend."

With a chuckle that is lighter now, Nayeon pats Jennie's hand atop her shoulder and motions towards Jisoo with her chin, "Take care of her -- she is a real keeper."

Nodding, Jennie returns the sincerest smile to her best friend, while Jisoo blushes profusely.

Nayeon releases a light laugh presumably at how red Jisoo is turning, and she gives Jisoo's forearm a squeeze, leaning in to whisper in her ear, "Treasure her more than I ever have, okay?"

Before Jisoo can reply, Nayeon has moved past her and out the door, without turning back.


A month passes and Jennie decides to hold a little reunion on her private island, under much persuasion, pleading and some threats all by Lisa. The four of them -- Jisoo, Jennie, Chaeyoung, and of course Lisa -- are here, along with Soojoo, Nayeon, Yeri, Bobby and a handful of his crew. Quite miraculously, Lisa has somehow managed to rope everyone into her very elaborate and advanced nerf war around the island with unnecessarily complicated rules -- everyone except Jennie and Jisoo because Jisoo wants to take Jennie on a tour around the villa, to make up for her absence at the unveiling of it.

"And here's the atrium skylight as you can see..."

"I know!" Jennie laughs again with her head thrown back and her hand pulled along by Jisoo.

"Oh? Is that so?" Jisoo pretends to be surprised, "Well then, let me show you the backyard."

Jennie giggles and lets herself be tugged away, "I've seen that too! I've seen everything in here, without you." She sticks out her tongue and Jisoo jerks her head forward in an empty threat to bite it off. Stumbling a step back, Jennie widens her eyes and gasps in mock offense before hitting Jisoo's shoulder playfully and chuckling in pure joy.

"Ah, so you think you've seen everything eh?" Jisoo smirks and bops Jennie's nose, causing it to scrunch cutely. "Then... have you seen the secret park?"

That piques Jennie's interest considerably. "What secret park?" Her eyes are eager like a child's.

"Kiss me and I'll show you," Jisoo puckers her lips.

"You're baiting me," Jennie narrows her eyes, "there isn't any secret park at all."

Grinning, Jisoo shrugs, "If you say so. Don't say I never offered you a park." She lets go of Jennie's hand to tinker with the coffee machine, "I guess I could offer you an americano as a consolation prize, a far cry from the gorgeous park though." Since her back is turned to Jennie, she doesn't bother to suppress her cheeky grin.

"Where is this park?" And when Jisoo merely shrugs again, Jennie whines, "Tell me!"

It's so adorable that Jisoo almost gives up everything to pander to her girlfriend. "I'm going to record that and send it to all your employees."


Jisoo hears Jennie literally growl but before she can turn around, she feels something latch onto her head.

"Are you supposed to be munching my head?" Jisoo laughs merrily at the silly behaviour.

"Tell me!" Jennie's voice is muffled by the silky hair she has buried her face in. "Tell me now!"

Extremely tickled, Jisoo announces between giggles, "Aww you're so cute. I shall call you Je-gwi." The om-nom at the back of her head pauses.


"Yeah, you know like, Jennie-monster in Korean?" Jisoo places the completed americano aside, inserts another empty cup, and presses the button to start the brew for a cappuccino.

"Then you shall be..." Jennie must be thinking as she hums, the vibration tickling Jisoo's scalp, "Shu-mon."

Jisoo releases a chuckle, "Shouldn't it be Chu-mon?"

"No, Shumon."

"Okay," Jisoo smiles and butts Jennie backwards a little so she can turn around safely with their coffees in hand, "Shumon I am. Never knew a CEO could be so cute."

She pecks Jennie's lips before handing the girl her drink. The cute blush that dusts Jennie's cheeks swells Jisoo's heart with pride, knowing she can have such an effect on this famous entrepreneur.

"Thanks," Jennie's radiant smile is partially hidden behind the cup, "can I have my secret park now?"

"Where's my kiss?" Jisoo teases with a tilt of her brow, eliciting an eye-roll from Jennie.

"You've just claimed it ten seconds ago."

"Oh? The deal was for you to kiss me in exchange for the secret, not the other way round."

"Fine," the CEO holds the architect's gaze as she places her cup down and licks the foam off her lips, so agonizingly slowly that Jisoo has to physically swallow at the sight. "Never knew an architect could be so bossy."

With that, Jennie wraps her arms around Jisoo's neck, pulling her into a deep, open-mouthed kiss, the kind that bursts the balloon of anticipation in Jisoo's heart and shoots stars to the back of her eyes. The kind that weakens her knees and ravishes every nook of her soul. The kind that, when Jennie pulls away with a lingering tug of her bottom lip, Jisoo yearns for infinitely more.

But as Jisoo leans in for more, Jennie stills her with a palm on her chest right above her heart, breathing out in the huskiest voice, "Nuh uh, I gave you what you asked for. Now it's your turn to fulfil me."

"I'll do it in more ways than one."

"Show me," Jennie smirks and kisses Jisoo's cheek, whispering into her ear, "the park first."


"I knew it, the waterfall is your secret park!"

Jisoo merely shrugs with a teasing smirk, tugging Jennie along by the hand, "You'll see."

Through her faux whining, Jennie wears a splitting grin and her melodious laugh, and Jisoo can't help but stare for a second, because she's right from the start - Jennie is a work of art.

They reach the waterfall indeed and Jisoo pretends it is their destination, "Ta-da!"

It earns her an eye-roll and a nudge in the ribs from Jennie, who tilts her head back, closes her eyes and takes a deep audible breath before exhaling it fully.

"That's me trying to control my urge to push you over the edge and drown you," Jennie jokes.

"Push me over the edge, and drown me," Jisoo smirks, suggestive and mischievous. "Sounds amazing already."

In the middle of Jisoo's reply, Jennie picks up on the implied meaning and she scoffs with another eye-roll. She takes her lower lip between her teeth subconsciously and releases it, unaware of the heat this little action of hers stirs up in Jisoo.

When Jennie proceeds to playfully push Jisoo closer and closer towards the edge of the rocks they are on, both of them laughing and giggling, Jisoo raises her hands, "Stop, stop, have mercy!" She pauses to catch her breath as she holds her aching sides, "I'll show you where it is, for real this time."

"I don't trust you."

But the way Jennie slips her hand behind Jisoo's and laces their fingers together clearly tells a different story.

And it makes Jisoo swell with love.


Trudging past the waterfall and a few metres of trees and bushes, Jisoo stops and squeezes Jennie's hand, giving her a smile that gets Jennie excited all over again, "Ready?"


Jisoo chuckles at the eagerness and then lifts the veil of long fern leaves in front of them, to reveal a crystal blue lake seated in the middle of an expanse of richly green grass, a leisurely winding pavement wide enough to skate with benches and lamp posts, a verandah and picnic table and an old-fashioned swing under a big oak tree, and all of these surrounded by hills of varying heights in the distance.

Jennie gasps in utter surprise. It is nothing like she would have thought.

"So, uhm," Jisoo rubs her nape as she leads Jennie slowly down the pavement towards the lake, "happy belated birthday, Jennie. Sorry I'm late."

"Oh my god... Jisoo, this is...," Jennie sweeps her eyes around the place and she purses her lips to contain her burgeoning emotions, "wow, this is really amazing..."

They stop right beside the lake and the sheer peacefulness of this place envelopes Jennie like a sanctuary. She imagines her idle summer weekends with Jisoo reading and skating and strolling along this very lake, and inviting their friends over for ice-skating during winter when the water is frozen, and watching their children play on the swings as she relaxes in Jisoo's embrace in the shade of the oak trees. Their children. A life and family together with Jisoo.

It's scary and comforting at the same time. Nobody else has ever made Jennie envision a commitment so early on in the relationship. Not even Nayeon.

And Jennie tears up with this gift of a woman squeezing her hands and smiling at her and pulling her into a tight, warm hug.

She has never wanted to love someone so much, and she wants Jisoo to know this.

So she kisses Jisoo, slow and tentative at first, then firm and aggressive, and the moans Jisoo releases are tantalizing candies swirling and vibrating in Jennie's mouth. It's evening and the sky is that beautiful greyish blue, and Jennie wants to push Jisoo to the ground and straddle her and show her just how madly in love she is with her; but it is evening and it is getting dark and perhaps she should be patient till later.

Breaking the kiss with reluctance, Jennie watches as the architect's eyes flutter open and Jisoo draws out a long sigh of what sounds like satisfaction.

Jisoo's throat moves as she swallows and her lips pull up into an endearing smile, "Wow indeed."


"Oh hey! Look who's back," Chaeyoung grins and waves from the couch.

"Oooo tell me tell me," Lisa shoves the bucket of popcorn into Chaeyoung's lap and leaps over the back of the couch excitedly. "Do you like it, Jennie?"

Shrugging out of Jisoo's black leather jacket, Jennie lets out a chuckle, "I love it, Lisa. It's truly the greatest birthday gift I have ever received." She smiles and pokes Lisa's cheek, "Thanks to you, Chaeyoung and Bobby for helping Jisoo with it."

She scans the villa, "Speaking of Bobby, where is he? And everyone else?"

"They were frightened of someone's wrath after the Nerf game, so they've gone home right after," Chaeyoung chews casually on a mouthful of popcorns.

"You lost? At your own invented game?" Jisoo widens her eyes incredulously at Lisa.

"Hey! I didn't lose! It was a draw!" Lisa whacks Jisoo with a cushion plucked out of nowhere. "Take it back!"

Jennie scurries to Chaeyoung's side for safety while Jisoo tries to fend off Lisa's attacks, "Okay okay I take it back! Draw, it is! Jeez!"

"Good," Lisa stuffs the cushion into Jisoo's chest and struts back to the couch, dusting her hands off victoriously and plopping next to her girlfriend.

"Shall we go for a skate and a picnic tomorrow at the Jensoo park?" Chaeyoung pipes up calmly.

"We don't have skates here though," Jennie turns to look at Jisoo, "do we?"

Jisoo sports an impish grin as she walks over to the sofa and collapses horizontally across their laps, erupting everyone into groans and giggles. Just when Lisa and Chaeyoung are about to launch a tickle attack on their intruder, Jisoo pulls out a large duffel from underneath the sofa.

"I brought you gifts~," Jisoo smirks, knowing this will most certainly catch their attention. "New skates, picnic mats, additional Nerf ammunition, and more~"

As expected, the three of them eye the bag like cute little eager kittens. What's not expected is how they rolled her off their laps to rummage through their gifts.

"Ow!" She whines and pouts but Jennie pretends not to notice as she digs through the bag with the duo.

"Hmph!" Jisoo snorts indignantly, but again Jennie ignores.

Getting up by herself, Jisoo stomps off like a kid throwing a tantrum, except that she is pretending as much as Jennie is.

Jennie follows Jisoo quietly but loses her when she turns a corner. Eh? Where has she gone?

Wandering into the bedroom, she checks the walk-in wardrobe and that is when she hears the soft shut of the door and the turn of the lock. She probably would have freaked out if not for the scent she has unknowingly memorized along the way of falling in love with Jisoo. It wafts towards her and intensifies as familiar curves press up against her from behind.

She relaxes in the warm embrace, yet shivers when a whisper of hot breath sighs along the length of her neck. She allows the impatient arms to snake around her torso to pull her back flush against Jisoo's front.

"Never knew an architect could be so brazen," she can't help but moan and tilt her head back to lean on Jisoo's shoulder, as soft lips mark her pulse point with purpose.

"This is hardly brazen." The vibration of Jisoo's hum against her skin raises goosebumps all over.

"Then...," she swallows hard, "what is?"

Pressed into the skin of her neck, she feels Jisoo's lips stretch into what must be a smirk.

"I'll show you; no, I'll fulfil you, as promised."

The anticipation built up within Jennie manifests itself irrepressibly out of her mouth in a long exhale. Her knees weaken and she can barely utter a response.

"You've got your gifts, haven't you?" Jisoo's husky voice and hot tongue fondling her ear lobe turn the ache in her unbearable. "Now, it's my turn."


The next day, as they rest on a picnic mat under the big oak tree, watching Lisa and Chaeyoung make a mess in the lake, Jennie leans her back into Jisoo's chest as Jisoo wraps her arms around Jennie's shoulders.

Chaeyoung has climbed onto Lisa's back and is wielding an imaginary sword as she commands her good stead to gallop. And when Lisa intentionally falls backwards to dunk them both into the lake, a piercing shriek is heard followed by giggling and laughter and death threats.

Both Jisoo and Jennie clap their hands and erupt into laughter too at the comical sight.

"Sometimes I forget they are adults," Jisoo shakes her head.

"Hard for me to disagree," Jennie chuckles and adjusts the snuggling position of her head in the crook of Jisoo's neck. It's warm, safe and comfortable, and she could stay here like this all day.

Sticking her hands out and forming a box with her thumbs and index fingers, Jisoo looks like she is taking a mental picture of the quirky duo in the waters.

"What are you doing?" Jennie chuckles.

"Hmm?" Jisoo peers down at her. "Oh, I'm thinking of capturing this into my sketchpad later on."

That surprises Jennie. "You have photographic memory?"

That tickles Jisoo as she scratches the side of her face shyly, "I wouldn't call it photographic, but I guess being an architect has really honed my memory."

Springing up to sit face to face with Jisoo, Jennie is bursting with curiosity and amazement, "Wow, so you can, like, draw based on pure memory? Do you do that everyday? What do you normally draw?"

"You're looking at me as if I have superpowers," Jisoo laughs and shrugs. "Well, I draw a little bit of everything, I suppose."

"Can you... draw me?"

Now this stumps Jisoo for a while, as she mellows into a smile stripped of any cheekiness or humour. The kind of smile that holds the rawest emotions. Then, Jisoo gently thumbs the stray strands from Jennie's face and tucks them behind her ear. "I can, anytime."

Carefully, delicately, Jisoo takes Jennie's hand and places it above her heart, "Because everyday, in here, it has become a habit to sketch the outline of you."


A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this and just being so enthusiastic about my books! <3 I love you all extremely much and I can't wait to come up with a new story to quench your Jensoo thirst ;)

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