You have type 1 diabetes in this one
"Woah! You good?" JJ grabbing my arms as I almost collapse. "Yeah. Got dizzy a second." I mumble sitting down. "What's your sugar at. Ten bucks says it is low and you forgot to eat something." My sister Kie says rolling her eyes. "I did eat this morning. I had a banana." I scoff. She laughs. "That's why you pass out 24/7. Check your sugar." I roll my eyes pulling out my phone to check my Dexcom. "What's it say?" She says in her know it all voice. "Fuck you." I snap. "You're just cranky cause your sugar is low." She chuckles. I take my book and throw it at her. "What the fuck!" She screams shoving me. "Enough!" JJ shouts getting in-between the two of us. He glares at both of us. "What's it at?" I bite my lip. "58..." he looks to Kie not knowing if that is good or bad. "That's bad. She needs to eat." Kiara says rolling her eyes. "Sit down and eat something." JJ says kicking the cooler toward me. I roll my eyes and grab a hug container. "Love you Sis." Kiara taunts. "Fuck you too!" I growl. "That isn't what she said!" JJ said done with our fighting.
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