John Bs Girlfriend JJs sister

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"JJ." I rasp out. "JJ!" I say as loud as my voice would go. Which was not loud at all. My voice was completely gone. I text JJ.
-Send help. I need you.

— from the bathroom floor
He doesn't respond considering it was almost 3 Am so I call him over and over. Finally, he stumbled into the bathroom. "Woah you good?" He asked giving me a concerned look. "No." I whisper voice dying. "Alright. We done with the puking?" He asked motioning to the toilet. "Sorry." I rasp out. He shakes his head and flushes it. "So done?" I nod. "You want to shower?" I shake my head. "Ok. Let's get you to bed." He says grabbing my arms and helping me up. I go to thank him, but my voice is completely gone due to the strain of puking for several hours. "Voice gone?" He chuckles. I nod. "It's alright. Let's get in bed." He says laying the blanket over me. "You want some tea?" I nod exhausted.
He returns about 20 minutes later with a mug of mint tea. I pat my bed and give him my best puppy eyes. He rolls his eyes and lays next to me. I rest my head on his chest the tea soothing my throat. JJ didn't seem like the type but he was very good at taking care of people. He's taken care of me my entire life.

I wake up feeling nauseous. I put my hand over my mouth and go to slap JJ but realize he is not next to me. I stumble to the bathroom puking up the tea. Didn't taste as good coming back up. I feel someone gather back my hair. I assumed it was JJ but then I heard my boyfriends soothing voice. "You're alright Baby. There you go. Get everything up." He says rubbing my back. I go to speak but my voice is completely gone. "It's all right." He says chuckling at how frustrated I was getting over it. He flushed the toilet and grabbed a washcloth running it under water and wiping the sick off my face. "You, ok?" I nod tiredly. "Ok good." He says picking me and carrying me bridal style to my room. I rested my head on his chest happy he was here. "JJ called me this morning. Said you weren't feeling great. Figured I would come check on you." It's like he read my mind. I pat my bed and he lays next to me. He spoons me and I grab my phone opening a new Notes document and typing Best Boyfriend Ever passing it to him. He chuckles and kissed my forehead. "I love you crazy." 

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