Sarah just found out she was pregnant and the morning sickness has been ROUGH.
"Are you alright Sar?" Kiara frowns sitting beside her friend. "Mhm." Sarah hums not lifting her head from the kitchen counter. The cool marble working wonders on the nausea. If she knew this is what pregnancy was like she would have never stopped taking her birth control, granted she was stranded on a deserted island but it was bad enough to the point where she regretted sex I'm the first place. She has never felt so sick, The doctor told her that the morning sickness should subside in another 2-3 weeks and she was counting down the hours. Another issue she had, whoever said morning sickness was clearly wrong. Morning sickness implies with feeling sick in the morning. Not spending the entire day wanting to puke your guts out. "Can I get you anything?" Kie offers with a sympathetic smile. "No. Im good." Sarah whispers slowly standing back up, finally feeling slightly better. That was until JJ, Pope and John B walked in with a cooler of fish they had caught on their fishing trip. "Get it out." Sarah snapped immediately putting a hand over her mouth. "Get it out! Now!" She shouted turning around and leaning over the sink. "Shit J get it out of here." John B said passing the cooler to JJ and hurrying to comfort his wife. "You stink." She whined the smell of fish clinging to his shirt and hands. He sighed and turned the water on. "Don't throw up on me." He mutters washing his hands and then tossing his shirt across the room. "Better?" He questions as she dry heaves. "Guess not." He sighs rubbing her back. "Do you want to move to the bathroom?" He offered not wanting to clean the sink. He has been trying his best to be there for her. Holding her hair or rubbing her back no matter how late it was. He also cleaned up every single time, never letting her do it. In his mind she was suffering from carrying his baby so it was his responsibility to make it as easy as possible for her. And because the smell would probably trigger a second round.
Just a short little blurb :)
Forgot how much I missed writing.
No Spoilers, but the fourth season WILL not be excepted in any of my chapters for obvious reasons
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