JJs Little Sister ED

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You are six years old.

Dad was in a good mood. Which meant he bought us Chinese food and wanted a family dinner. Pretty much just get validated by his children that he beats on 24/7. "Eat your food. It's good." My dad says smiling at Y/N. I then notice she was just twirling it around on her fork and hasn't actually touched a single thing. "No thank you." She mumbles. My Dad gives me an annoyed look. "You're ruining our family dinner." He growls. "Y/N please eat your food." I sigh. "I'm not hungry." She whines looking to me. "Eat your fucking food! God Damnmit!" Luke screams. Y/N crawls into my lap and her lip quivers. "Take a bite please." I say rubbing her back. "I can't." She says putting her head on my chest. "Why not?" I ask her trying to keep my patience. "I can't." She repeats. "Why the fuck not?!" He Luke screams. "I'm going to take Y/N to get her back pack. She left it at John Bs." I lie practically running over to John Bs.

John B opened the door. "Hey." I sigh. "Hey. Can we stay for the night?" He nods welcoming me in. Kiara and Pope were sitting on the screened in porch. I sit Y/N on the counter. "Why can't you eat?" I ask her drawing attention from the guys and Kie. "Lisa said I can't eat." She says pouting. "Who the fuck is Lisa and why can't you eat?" I say annoyed. "Lisa is my friend and said I'm fat. And if I don't eat then I won't be fat and I can play with her." She says playing with my shirt. I hesitate. "You're not fat sweet pea... You need better fucking friends..." I mutter. "JJ!" Kiara shouts slapping my arm. "It's true!" I shout back. "Talk to her!" Kiara says rolling her eyes. "Ok... Y/N listen... you are beautiful. Perfect just the way you are and all that bull. You need to eat. You CAN NOT starve yourself. It's dangerous. You would have to go to the hospital." I say knowing how much she hated hospitals. She nods quickly. "You need to eat something. I don't give a flying fuck about what Lisa says. Make new friends. Play with other people. If Lisa says anything to you punch her right in the face. You might get in trouble at school but you won't at home." I say putting her on the ground. "So I can have my brownie." I nod and roll my eyes.

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