JJ Sun poisoning

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I wake up to the sound of retching. I don't know if it was my brother or my father. Just in case it was my brother I walk down to check. I sigh seeing my big brother hunched over the toilet throwing up. I go get him a glass of water and sit next to him. He spits and took a sip of water swishing a few times around and then spitting again. "Thanks." He calls out voice very hoarse. I put my hand on his back and he winced. "J..." I say going to the worst. "No he didn't touch me I am fine." He says swatting my hand away. I give him a sharp look and lift his shirt. "JJ!" I shout in shock. His back was covered in awful sun burn. It was purple in some spots peeling in huge chunks and the rest bright red. "Nice tan?" He asked laughing. "No not nice." We laugh a minute. "Alright let's get you in bed." I say helping him up. "I am fine. I am your big brother. Go be the little sister and be annoying." I roll my eyes. "Let's go." He flops down on his bed. "Take your shirt off." He groans and take it off wincing. I grab my aloe and pour a glob on his back. He winced again but then calmed down when it cooled the constant burn off. I rub it on and when I stop he was snoring softly feeling a lot better. "What am I going to do with you..." I chuckle.

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