JJ *Car sick*

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I glance at JJ again. I didn't know what was going on with him. He was irritable, moody, and in a shit mood. Worse of all he was silent. I glance at him again. "Stop. I am fucking fine." He says annoyed. "Woah. JJ chill." John B said looking in the rear view mirror. I ignore JJ's scowl and sit next to him. "Hey don't be mean. I am trying to help you." I whisper. "I don't need help." He says angry. "It's ok to need help." He opens his mouth to speak but quickly closes it. We hit a bump and his face pales. "John B!" Kiara yells angry she was woken. JJ's arm goes around his stomach in a protective manner. "J..." I give him a sad smile. He avoids my look. "John B pull over please." He looks back and I cock my head toward sick looking JJ. He nods and quickly pulls over. "Come on." I say pulling JJ's hand. He stumbles out of the car. We walk a little distance away and he puts his hands on his knees. "It's ok. Let it out you will feel better." I go to touch him and he swats me away. "Hey." I say sternly. I rub his back as he throws up the little he had for breakfast. "There you go." I say gently. He walks back to the car ignoring me. John B drives us home in silence. He lets JJ and I out at his house. I am staying with him for a little bit. Before we even make it to the porch he stops and leans forward. Vomit splashes All over the concrete. "Fuck!" He yells and kicks the trash can looking at his puke stained shirt. "Hey it's ok. Just take it off and we can wash it." I say getting worried. He takes off his shirt and throws it on the ground. I pick it up and sigh before I follow him as he staggers into his bedroom. "Let me get you some water." I say gently. "Stop fucking helping me!" He snaps. I bite my lip and he looks at me with a pained expression before turning his head.  I get him some water and find him laying down with his head in his hands. I pull his boots off and place them on the floor. "Baby?" I question seeing his shoulders shake a little. He pretends he is sleeping. "Babe. I know your awake." I say sitting next to him worried . J hardly ever cried. "I am sorry." He says hiding his face. "What do you have to be sorry for?" I ask running my hands up and down his back. "I am being such a dick. And I am ruining your day by being fucking car sick." I realize the point to his strange behavior and gasp. "J, babe..." I say waiting for him to acknowledge my existence again. He sits up. His face stained red from tears. I look him in the eyes and see the shame he is feeling. "I am not your father. I will never get mad at you over things you can't control. And if you are sick I am here to take care of you. Always. You don't need to be embarrassed or snappy. It's ok to not be ok sometimes. You don't need to hide anything from me. It's ok that you get carsick sometimes. I will never ever be mad at you or more importantly hurt you over this kind of stuff. I love you JJ." He rests his head on my shoulder and cries. He eventually falls asleep. I tuck him in  and lay next to him savoring the soft snores.

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