Always Protect You | John B Routledge

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Word Count: 2.1 K

"Baby, I'm in trouble."

"What the hell do you mean, you're in trouble, John B?" I demand, dropping the rag I was cleaning with. "What happened?"

"Well, this morning I promise Peterkin we would stay out of the water in exchange for her helping me out with DCS. And JJ convinced me we needed to go out to look at that boat, so we did. I went down and I found this bag. The cops were talking to JJ, Pope and Kie while it was happening, but that's another thing entirely. Anyway, I came back up and we find out it's a compass. My father's compass." I suck in a breath. That compass meant everything to his father. "And then, we're getting out of there when all of a sudden, these guys are following us. And then they start shooting at us. And fuck, baby, I was scared I was never going to get to see you again."

"Shit, John B. You know by now not to listen to JJ. Why did you now?"

"I know, I know. I just. . . I thought it would give me an idea of how to find my father. And I think it did."

"Okay. So what does this mean?"

"I think I have an idea of how to find my dad."

I sigh. "JB. You know I believe you, I do. But think about your dad. You and I both know he wouldn't want you to spend your summer searching for him. He would want you to have fun with your friends, relax and live the Pogue life. He will come back when he's ready. Just give him time."

He makes a grunting sound, which tells me he disagrees. "I'm not giving up until I find him. I know you wouldn't, either, if it was one of your parents, and don't tell me different." His voice is harsh, telling me I upset him.

"Okay. You do whatever you feel is right. I've got to go before Kie's dad fires me for not working. I love you. Stay safe, okay?" The last bit is more of a demand, and he knows I mean it. This boy is constantly testing my patience.

"I'll do my best. And I'll try to stay out of trouble. That's different when I'm with JJ, but I'll try. I love you, too, gorgeous. Work hard."

"I will. By, JB."

I finish wiping down the table and head inside to get any orders that are finished.

. . . . . 

"Okay, I'm at the house." I tell John B over the phone. I put him on speaker before opening my camera, taking pictures of everything he asked me to.

"Just send those to me, and we'll look over them. Thank you so much, baby. You're the best."

"I know I am." I retort teasingly before stopping in my tracks. I glance out the window. "Uh, JB?"

"What's up, gorgeous?"

"Someone's outside." I tell him, panicked, and rush to lock the door. Whoever it is has a gun, and I'm terrified. "They have a gun, John B. Shit."

"What? Someone's there with a gun? Fuck, baby, get out of there. Quick."

My hands are shaking, and my heart is beating out of my chest. I'm terrified. Here I am, alone in the house. Someone is breaking in, and they have a gun.

"Routledge! Open up, boy! I know you're here!" A man calls through the house. I press my back against the wall and slide down it, my entire body shaking now. Shit. How do I get out of this. Can I get out of this?

"Y/N? Are you there? Baby!"

"I'm here." I whisper. "What do I do? They're in the house. I don't know how to get out of here, John B."

His voice is muffled and it sounds like he's yelling at Kie, JJ and Pope. "How the hell is she supposed to get out of there without getting shot?" He demands worriedly.

Pope's voice comes over the line. "Can you hear me?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply quietly, scared the men are outside of the room. I hear them rummaging around.

"Okay, is there a window?"

"Yes." The window shows me the front yard. Why didn't I think of using it before?

"Go out of there. Just open the window, climb through, and run like hell. And make sure the door is locked." He advises.

I stand and rush over to the window. I unlock it and start trying to open it, but it's painted shut. Fuck. I look around the room for something that will help me open the window. If one of the guys was here, they'd probably be able to pry it open, but it's just me, and I don't have enough strength to do that.

I spot a pocket knife a few feet away and grab that, using it to cut through the paint. Just as I almost am able to open the window, there's a bang on the door and I yelp, dropping the knife and cutting my palm open.

"Y/N? Y/N, are you okay?" I hear Pope ask. I hang up the phone and shove it into my pocket, focusing on the task at hand. These guys knows I'm in here and are trying to get to me. I need to get out.

Ignoring the stinging in my palm and my buzzing phone, I finish cutting through the paint and quickly open the window. I'm barely through it and a few feet away when I hear the door burst open. I make a run for my car, hoping they don't see me or hear my car.

I start it up as quickly as possible, continually glancing up at the house. The second I start to back up, I see one of the men come out of the house, gun in hand. He starts shouting at me, and I have to slam on the breaks and suck to avoid getting hit. I look back up and see he's getting into his truck and quickly resume backing up, knowing I need to get out of here.

I call John B's phone again, needing to talk to my friends about what to do.

"What the hell were you thinking, hanging up on us?" John B demands first thing. "I was so fucking worried. You can't do that to me, baby."

"JB, I know you're upset, but you need to help me. I got to the car and now one of them is following me." I glance in the rearview mirror. I can't see them. Not yet, anyway. "I can't see them at the moment, but they were right behind me. What do I do? Where do I go?"

"Listen, we're at The Wreck. Drop the car somewhere and then come here. We can call the cops if we need to, okay? Just stay safe, you have to promise me."

"I promise." I tell him before telling him I love him and that I have to go. I'm only about a quarter mile from The Wreck now. I glance in the rearview and, since I don't see the truck, I stop the car and quickly turn it off. I grab my phone, wallet and keys and stuff them in my bag before taking off. I run as fast as I can and go through the woods as much as I can. I don't stop until I'm flying through the doors, immediately scanning the area for my friends.

My boss, Kie's dad, stops in front of me. "Y/N, are you okay?" He asks worriedly and takes my arm, leading me to sit down. "I'm going to get you something to drink and let your friends know you're here."

Not a minute later, the guys and Kie are busting through the back doors and rushing over to me. John B picks me straight out of the chair and hugs me tightly to his chest. I wrap my legs around his waist and hug him just as hard, knowing how close I was to never seeing him again just a half hour ago.

"Fuck, baby, you had me so worried." He whispers, running a hand over my hair and smoothing it down against my back.

"I know I did. I didn't know they were gonna be there, John B, I had no idea, I swear—" I'm rambling and sobbing at the same time, but my boyfriend saves me. 

"Sh. It's okay, baby, it's okay. I'm gonna carry you outside, okay?" I nod against his shoulder and I feel him start to walk. After a minute, he takes a seat, me in his lap. I stay cuddled up to his chest, not ready to leave my little safe haven that he's always been for me. What happened is only just now hitting me, and now that it is, I'm having trouble coping, understanding what happened.

I hear the JJ arguing with Kie and Pope over something and sigh against John B's neck. His scent envelops me, calming me. I feel like now that I'm with him, I can breathe again.

"Everyone, quiet." John B tells the guys and Kie seriously. They stop talking and I know they're all looking at us. "We're not focusing on revenge right now," I already know he's giving JJ a stern look, because he's JJ, "because that isn't the priority at the moment. Making sure Y/N is okay is my main priority right now, so knock it off."

I hear someone sit down beside us and glance over to see Kie. "You okay? Did you get hurt?" She's my best friend and knows me better than anyone, beside John B. She can likely tell how much this is freaking me out and wants to make sure I'm okay.

"I'm okay." I whisper and sit up slightly. John B takes the time to wipe the tears from my cheeks and give me a kiss on the nose with a small smile. I turn my attention back to Kie. "They didn't hit me or anything; I got out in time. They didn't catch up to me in the truck, either, but that's what scares me. I don't know where they are, or what they're planning. They could be waiting for us to come back to the chateau right now for all I know!" I throw my hands up in exasperation, feeling fearful tears building in my eyes again.

Kie sighs and pulls me into a hug. The only reason I pull away from John B is because I need my best friend right now. She hugs me tightly, and I can't help but be happy. Her and John B are the only ones that can make me feel better.

"It's gonna be okay." John B says after I sit back down on his lap, locking his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. JJ, Pope and Kie pull chair up so we're sitting in a circle.

Pope nods. "I'll have my dad drive by there and take a look, just to see if they're still there. None of us are going back until we know it's safe." He assures me.

As JJ starts to talk about revenge—yet again—John B sweeps my hair off of my shoulder before he leans down so his mouth is near my ear. His warm breath hits my skin and I slightly shiver despite the heat of the summer.

"I'll always protect you. I love you." He places a kiss on my temple, leaning back in his seat, and I can't help but smile. My knight in board shorts and a hat. I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I know you will. And I love you." I assure him.

He glances down and sees the blood seeping out of my hand. Shit. I forgot about that. He calls for Kie's dad, keeping his eyes locked on mine the entire time. "Jeez, baby, you gotta be more careful." He teases, making me laugh and smile. Thank God I have this boy. I don't know what I'd do without him.

. . . . .

Another update for all of you! I hope you enjoyed it. Comment which guy is your favorite and I'll make sure to write about them next! Anyway, make sure to vote and comment what you think (and follow me please 🥺). Love y'all ❤️


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