Chapter 10: Battle for Sovigonia

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On the Sovigonian coastline, ICBM trucks were about to launch their nuclear warheads. Life in the Overworld was about to cease to exist. In front of the metal giants stood Collin, ready to give the signal to destroy all of what stood in the way of his cause. Just as he was about to give out the command, a volley of missiles destroyed every ICBM on the shore and an Outcast kamikaze drone attempted to kill him but was blown up when Collin effortlessly threw a grenade at it. The explosion didn't injure him but it did knock him off his feet. Once Collin stood back up, he looked to see thousands of aircraft and warships fast approaching. He ran to the closest airstrip and climbed into his fighter.
"Alright, listen up. Our mission is to get into the core building and destroy it from the inside out. If you look in your bags, you will find blackhole grenades. Don't get too close to these things when they detonate or you'll be shredded apart and instantly die," Aro stood at the front of the landing ship. Near him stood Rain in his Frostbourne outfit and Abigail in her tank top and camo shorts. The two feared losing each other during the attack. They hoped that all the pain and suffering would be gone soon enough. The ship stopped with a thud and the ramp lowered for the troops to rush towards the Sovigonian capital of Soranine. Deafening explosions and booming machine gun fire echoed across the battlefield. Aro's platoon stormed through the dust and ash that filled the air. Every soldier that stood in their way was slaughtered. As the group got closer to the core building, artillery guns fired upon them. Aro, Rain, and Abigail jumped behind a dirt mound.
"What now?" Abigail had fear in her voice.
"Well, we'll need to disable the artillery cannons and plant the explosives in the core. I'll take care of the artillery while you two destroy the core, got it?"

"Got it," Rain replied right before running to the core with Abigail as fast as possible. Aro set off to the defense system complex. He kicked the door off it's hinges and mowed down the dozens of pigmen and wither skeletons that waited inside. Having eliminated all the threats within the structure, he made his way to the top floor.
"Too easy," Aro tended to be unaware of other hostiles when thinking he had easily finished a task. A cold steel blade went through his back. He glanced back and saw Collin standing there, sword in hand. His sword wasn't just any old sword. It was icy blue in color with a cold vapor coming off of it: frostium, a titanium-like substance that is literally frozen. Aro drew his machetes and attacked. They clashed for a while, each gaining the upper hand in their favor every now and then. Collin didn't seem to be letting up.
"You'll fail just like you did all those years ago," he said with an evil grin. Aro hesitated, then started striking harder and faster. Collin began to get more and more frustrated. He was disarmed when Aro's machetes cut a gash in his wrist. He nearly killed him as he kept stabbing. The only reason why he didn't was because he believed that Collin could change. Aro carried him outside after shutting off the artillery systems.
Sovigonian troops tried their best to stop Rain and Abigail, but to no prevail. The couple marched to the core to plant the explosives. "Explosives are set. Now, we better get out of here bef-," Rain got slammed into a wall by a creature that triggered bad memories in Abigail's head. It was the armored wither skeleton that she had dealt with in the Nether. She charged towards him but got grabbed by the throat. Hardly able to breath, she could only let out grunts and coughs.
"Foolish girl," the armored wither skeleton laughed before smashing Abigail into the ground. She shook as she stood up. The wither skeleton prepared to finish her off when her eyes started glowing white and she shifted into her Nether form. She teleported behind him and began viciously slashing from side to side until he was decapitated. Her eyes returned to normal and she fell to her knees, clenching her stomach. Rain regained consciousness and ran over to her. Abigail let go of her stomach and saw a huge cut across her gut. Rain carried her outside where the battle was ending. Aro ran to them and led them over to a medical boat. Once onboard, it shoved off and sailed to the ships off the coast.

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