The Truth's Out

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Dash just dropped me off from our evening voyage around the city. We didn't do much after leaving the park, just talked as Dash drove wherever. It wasn't so much as us talking, as it was me asking him questions about his superhero life.

I know he's accomplished great things, but I only knew as much as the public knew, most likely less. I wanted to hear at least a few of his stories, ones that he was willing to share of course. And, boy was he willing to share.


Dash started with the time he was first genuinely allowed to use his powers, though he was more or less forced to. I heard about "Syndrome", but only from what he was revealed about him in the news. The biggest thing I could remember vividly was seeing the damage his Omnidroid caused in downtown Metroville. The Incredibles and Frozone stopped it, saving the city. That day was the day I really started liking them all, and superheroes in general.

Though, Mom and Dad weren't so happy. How they exactly acted slipped my mind, but I can recall them calling superheroes "tools"...whatever that meant.

It's only because of Syndrome and what he did, that Dash proved he could handle being in sports and not using his power to his advantage. That and how the government and some politicians started viewing Supers in a more positive light, were some of the only good things to come from the aftermath of Syndrome.

But superheroes were still banned, up until the Incredibles and some other Supers stopped Evelyn Deavor from killing the leaders of the some other countries. It was at that point, that people realized the world...needed Supers. At least a little bit. Dash told me Evelyn wasn't as unhinged as Syndrome was, or at least, she wasn't as zany. She was a smart cookie too, having invented advanced hypnosis technology that the world wasn't ready for. And wouldn't ever be ready for, in my eyes.

Regardless, it's thanks to Evelyn that Supers got unbanned. Ironic, since she did what she did with Devtech's Everjust to make the Super ban permanently in effect.

Dash told me about other criminals he and his family have come across. The Underminer, who they caught a few months after the Everjust incident. Bomb Voyage, who they caught a year later. Baron Von Ruthless, who's still at large. But he hasn't done anything in these recent two years, so the family is wondering if he's chosen to give up...or is planning something big. Only time will tell.

That was it for the villains who weren't jokes. The Incredibles have handled a lot of minor crimes, like heists and hostage situations. Those weren't minor to the eyes of the common, but to superheroes who've fought giant robots and brainwashed Supers, those types of crimes were tame.


My admiration for Dash grew, as it did with his family. He told me that after his family finds out I'm a Super, maybe his mom and dad would tell me stories about all the things they've done well before they had Violet and Dash. I greatly hoped so.

But in the meantime...I had to do this.

I closed the front door. Anxiety started creeping up my chest, but I tried to calm myself. Auntie would be ok with this...she had to be. It's not like I can get permission to date Dash from my parents. I wouldn't want them in particular to know anyway, for his safety.

I sent her a message informing her I was home, and went to my room to kick off my shoes. I undressed and slipped into my nightclothes: a shirt and simple pair of shorts. Auntie wouldn't be home for a while, as she told me in the morning before I went to school that she'd have to work til late, so I had time to myself.

It let me think about how I could tell her all this. Dash and me was still unreal. But, it all felt so right.

I glanced over at the teddy bear he gave me, it's Incredibles mini t-shirt now holding a lot more meaning. I picked it up from its seated position on the other side my bed, and pressed my face into it, smiling into its fur.


The distant sound of a door opening and closing stirred me from my light bout of slumber. I looked at my alarm clock to see it was past 10 pm. Geez, she really did work late.

I got off of my bed and walked out of my room, going down the hall. I met Auntie in the living room, as she was putting her purse down on a table in the corner of the room.

"Ah, Y/N. You're still awake?"

"I fell asleep, but I woke up when you came in."

"Oh. Sorry for waking you, dear." She apologized. I shook my head.

"No, it's ok. I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What about?" She apprehensively looked at me, and I cracked a smile. Yeah, I'm not feel that great right now either.

"About Dash. I" My mouth twisted up as a wave of nausea hit my stomach.

"What is it about Dash?" She urged me to continue.

"" Why was this harder than confessing to Dash?

"...I like him...and I...wanted to know if it's ok for me him..."

"...Hm, is that it?"

My eyes snapped open at her casual tone. She directed a look full of amusement may way, smiling cheekily.

"I knew you two would get together. I just knew it."

Sweat welled up on my forehead as she laughed airily.

"Of course it's ok Y/N. You're 17. It's perfectly normal to date at your age, and Dash is 18, so there's no large age gap."

"But...But I've never dated anyone before. Is it...still ok...?"

"...Yes, it is." She became a little more serious. "Does Dash know that?"

"I told him. He said we could take things slow."

"That's good." In approval she nodded, and her smile returned. "I'm glad he said that. Shows that he knows he shouldn't pressure you."

She moved a strand of hair from my face.

"Dating might be quite the experience for you...I hope you'll enjoy it. Dash seems like a very good person who will treat you right." She chuckled. "I remember my first boyfriend. Things were fun, between us...I loved the time we spent together."

Sadness laced the tone of her voice. I don't know what happened between them, but...something tells me they didn't have a good end.

"It's been a while since I entered the dating world, but I'm here for you dear. If you ever have any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to let me know. Don't do anything silly."

I nodded, smiling when she came forward to hug me. I returned it.

Since it was late, I said goodnight to her, and went back to my room. I took my phone off of my dresser to pull up Dash's number and call it. He did say to call him after I talked to my aunt...but is he even still awake?

"...Hello?" A wide smile broke out on my face at the sound of Dash's voice, but it dropped at how drowsy he sounded. I felt guilty then.

"Hey. Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"Huh? Oh, nah. It's cool." He sounded more awake now. Even though he said I didn't wake him, I'm sure I did.

"What's up?"

"I talked to my aunt. She said it's ok for us to date."

"Really? Nice."

I knew his face was beaming. I nestled down into my bed, holding my phone close.

"Did you...tell your parents about us?"

"Yeah. They're cool with it." Through the line, I heard rustling as he shifted.

"I didn't tell them you were a Super though. Did you want me to?"

"...Uh, no. I'll tell them." Tomorrow was Friday, I could go over again afterschool.

"You can do it tomorrow." Dash echoed my thoughts. "If that works?"

"Yeah, it's fine." I turned and looked up at my ceiling. This question's been on my mind...I have a chance to ask it now.



"Does this...mean I can call you my boyfriend...?"

I waited with baited breath for him to respond.


I exhaled. "Huh?"

"You can...only if I can call you my girlfriend." Oozing with playfulness, Dash snickered.

And my heart fluttered.

" can."

"Great. Then it's settled then~."

"...Y-Y...Yeah..." I turned over and sunk into my mattress.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"O-Ok..." Giggly, I answered.

"Hehe, why are you giggling?" By his tone, I knew he knew why I was. But I'm going to play dumb.

"No reasoooon..."

"Alright." He chuckled, and I was brimming with warmth.

"...Well, goodnight Y/N. Talk to you later. Sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams..."

I waited the disconnection click, before I hung up too. I put my phone over my teddy bear, then buried my face into my pillow, kicking my legs in glee.

It's still unbelievable. Me, Dash Parr's girlfriend? ME? Probably the most boring person on the planet? If this is a dream, I don't ever want to wake up.

I turned over, eyes drifting towards my dresser.

... ... ...

Out of nowhere, a thought hit me.

'The card.'

I slid off my bed and stood in front of my dresser, opening the lowest drawer. Under my socks sat that strange piece of plastic Dash and I got out of that letter addressed to my dad.

'I should've asked Dash about this...'

We both know each other are Supers now, his family is the Incredibles...we could probably look into this, right?

...But, we just got together. It's probably too early to start trying to get involved into superhero things. And, if we need to actually go out into the city or otherwise, I can't even wear my suit. It still has that hole in it, I don't know how to sew, and I can't ask anyone else to. Oh well....

I hid the card under my socks and closed my drawer, getting back into bed. I can worry about this another time.


The Next Day:

After a dreamless night of sleep, I woke up with renewed energy. I remembered that I was going over to the Parr house later today to tell them all the news, which amped me up even more.

I did my typical morning routine, and after eating breakfast Auntie drove me to school a little earlier than she usually did, because she had to go in for her shift. That was fine with me, I could wait around until it was time to head to class.

There weren't nearly as many people in the halls as I was used to, probably because the buses haven't arrived yet. It was oddly peaceful, walking to my locker. I wished all mornings were like this.

Spinning in my combination, I opened my locker door and started moving my books around. It was quiet in the hall, so when I gradually heard someone's footsteps approach, I turned my head out of sheer curiosity.

A man with long black hair that was tied in a ponytail was walking by, on his lonesome. He didn't look familiar in the slightest, which made me tilt my head. I doubted he was a student; he looked way too old to even be a senior like Dash and I. He was dressed in casual clothing though, super casual with a sweater, t-shirt, and sweatpants, so surely he couldn't be a teacher? I haven't seen all the teachers in school, so there was a plausible chance.

He passed by me, with not so much as a glance in my direction, going down the hall at a leisurely place before turning a corner and disappearing. He made my eyes squint, but I soon let it go, figuring it wasn't important to think deeply over.

I closed my locker in the next minute. Seeing as I had nowhere to be at the moment, I leaned against my locker silently, looking down at the linoleum tiles with my arms crossed.

More and more students entered the halls as the minutes creeped by, and soon, I heard a familiar voice.


Dash stood there, looking surprised. Some of his friends were behind him, talking among themselves but curiously looking at me. I paid them no mind.

"Hey." I greeted him, as he started to open his locker.

"What're you doing here so early?"

"My aunt dropped me off, since she had to go to work early."

"I see."

After swapping his books, he closed his locker, and turned to me.

"I can walk you to your class, if you want?"

"Yeah, I' that." Just in that second, a question leaped into my mind.

"Uh...can..." I twiddled my fingers, as Dash looked on in interest. He smiled, as he waited for me to speak.

"Can we...hold hands?"

Asking this felt silly, we've held hands before but a couple. What if he's not comfortable with it?

But my inner panicking was shut short by he extending his left arm, as his expression lifted.

"Sure." He gave a simple answer, but his red, cheerful face showed me that he was delighted to do this. I promptly reached out with my right hand to grab his left, and our fingers intertwined. Electricity shot right up my arm, and my heart sung.

He started walking in the usual direction towards my class, I followed closely behind him. But we both stood when we heard a voice call out.


We, along with other people in the hall, turned to see it was one of Dash's friends...Leo. He, along with the other boys, looked confused.

"Are you two dating?"

"..." Dash and I shared a quick glance, a knowing one.


We answered simultaneously, before continuing on our way. I fought against the giggles that wanted to come out, as I heard Leo shout: "Wait, SERIOUSLY?"

Basically, everyone in the hall watched us as we passed, and in that moment I's begun.


"You're the talk of the school!"

Cam chirped as we made our way to the cafeteria. I hummed, ignoring how people stared at me and talked to their friends. This has been going on all day, and I'm already used to it. Frankly, as long as no one tried to start trouble with me, they can talk about me behind my back as much as they want.

"I mean, before people were kind of talking about you...but now I swear EVERYONE is!" She laughed.

"I'm not surprised." Was all I stated, grabbing my lunch tray. Upon going into the lunchroom, I almost couldn't believe my eyes, but about half of the people in the room, seated at the tables scattered around all put their eyes on me. Dozens of eyes, all scrutinizing me.

Now, this was a little ridiculous, but whatever.

"You should go sit with Dash." Cam nudged me.

"I know. Where is he?"

"Ooover there." Cam pointed, and I followed it. I literally looked right into Dash's eyes. He was grinning.

I smiled, though when I noticed everyone at his table was also staring at me, it turned into one of nervousness. But I was surprised to see Cam was following me, she was going to sit there too? I guess it'd look weird, if she went off somewhere else.

Conveniently, or maybe he told his friends to make room, there was a space right next to Dash. I planted myself there.

"Excuse me boys." Cam said before squeezing herself in-between Tim and Daniel. They grunted, surprised at Cam's forcefulness, and moved to the side to let her actually fit. It was honestly pretty funny, seeing her wedged in-between two guys who I'm pretty sure were in the football team. She was small compared to them.

The rest of lunch went by without much incident. I picked at my food while listening to everyone at the table chat about a variety of things. I guess I had to get used to everyone here, excluding Cam, since I was probably going to be sitting with Dash from now on. I don't feel the urge to try and make friends with his own friends, but becoming familiar with them couldn't do any harm. I'll think about it more later.

Sometime during lunch I realized I was instinctively leaning into Dash, since my shoulder was resting against his. He didn't seem to mind, so I stayed where I was, smiling to myself all the while.


"Don't think about it. Just say it.'"

"Should I really blurt it out, not bring it up?"

"I think so. Least it'd be funny."

I pouted, prodding Dash in his stomach as he laughed. I was feeling more calm about this now, but the anxiety was still there. As Dash unlocked the front door, I swallowed in an attempt to push the bile in my throat back down.

Violet was in the living room when we entered, sitting on the couch and watching TV.

"Hey." She greeted us, but it was lazily, and she didn't look away from the TV.

"Hey." Dash merely said in response before he went to the kitchen. I took a seat on the sofa off to the side.

"Hi Violet...slow day?" I asked, referring to her current mood.

"Yeah. Just the same old same old." She answered, and brushed some of her black hair from her face. Behind her, in the kitchen, I could see Dash grabbed a glass cup and was filling it with water from the sink's faucet.

I saw that Violet was curiously looking at me, and I directed the same towards her.

"You seem...calm. I thought you'd be freaking out."

"Over what?"

"Us being Supers." Violet casually stated. "The Incredibles at that."

I forgot about that, Dash must've said that he told me their identities. But he didn't tell them about me, so...

"I was freaking out about it at first, but now I'm fine. Especially since..."

Now's my chance.

Violet stared at me, curious. "Since what-"

"I'm a Super." The words came out, spurred by a sudden rush of adrenaline, cutting her off.


Violet became filled with more energy then, as her back straightened and her eyes widened. Dash came back into the living room, casually sipping at his glass and shooting an amused stare my way. So I wouldn't lose my confidence, I ignored him.

"I'm a Super. Just like you all."

"No fooling?" She blinked. "What's your power then?"

Right, the proof. I needed water, but it seems Dash was way ahead of me. He walked forward and put his glass on the coffee table, gesturing at me with a smirk afterwards.

I half-hearted rolled my eyes, and as Violet looked on in high interest, I wagged two of my fingers. Two streams of water rose then, twirling about. Violet's eyes couldn't open any wider than they were, watching the water move up from the glass.

I then had them combine and spread out to form the shape of a flower, before clenching my hand and freezing it.

The small ice statue bobbed in the glass and rested against the rim, appearing like a decoration a bartender would put in your drink before serving it.

"Wooow." Violet grinned. "So, controlling water's your power? Moving it and freezing it?"

"Yes." I responded, twirling a thread sticking out of my shirt's hem. Dash sat down next to me, putting his arms behind his head.

"I can boil it too, and control its pressure."

"Cool." I felt pleased at seeing her impressed expression. Hopefully Mr. and Mrs. Parr would feel the same.

" show me?" Violet's held suppressed excitement. I laughed.

"Sure. Is there a pot I can use?"


I don't think I've ever used my power this much in one day. I've practiced every now and then back home when my parents were out. Now, I've played with water far more than I probably ever have.

Making the water in the pot Violet set up boil took no more than about 30 seconds, something I noticed was faster than my previous time of doing this. I think it took me a minute then.

Now, I was just showing off my degree of control with it. Violet filled up one of the kitchen sinks and I was pulling water from it, having the tendrils slowly move about in the air, with some small dolphin-shaped mounds swimming alongside them. I occasionally

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