Poor Choices

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Warning: This chapter contains a section having descriptions of vomiting. If you have emetophobia, I marked the place where it happens and ends so you can be aware.



A door was closed, and a light was flicked on.

It wasn't intense enough to brighten the whole room, but it was enough for the man to walk to his worn desk without the risk of hitting anything. He sat in the old, cushioned rolling chair in front of it, and moved the hanging end of his white coat to a more proper position so it wouldn't pull on his body.

As he put the stuffed folder he held under his arm down on his desk, his free hand went to pull a drawer open, taking out a small device.

He opened the folder, re-arranging the documents in it before carefully reading over them all. After a moment, a click sounded as his thumb pressed a button on the device, which he then held up to his face.

"Development Log: X-MH01. Number 2-8." He began to speak.

"Experiments initiated by Dr. Guld on Subject had mixed results. Augmentation sessions were successful. Resiliency tests ended in failure. Subject struggled to regenerate in an expected period of time. More examinations on Subject's DNA and further alterations may be required."

He moved a page aside to look at a different one.

"When placed in the training chamber, Subject passed the given objectives and exceeded them. Subject's combat ability has improved by an estimated 30%. Subject has demonstrated a higher understanding on how to cause incapacitation. Subject did not show hesitance in attacking all simulation targets, regardless of appearance or size. When requested to use lethal attacks, Subject complied."

He held up another sheet.

"Due to the improvement, Mr. Celent has requested for Subject to be prepared for deployment, occurring in an estimated 3 months. Subsequently, obedience training and sanity tests must be made more frequent and thorough. We cannot allow Subject to enter the field without assurance that control will be maintained."

The man placed the sheet back down into the folder, and leaned back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. He moved his hand up to drag his fingers through his hair, and a somewhat shaky breath was quietly exhaled.

"...End log."


~Reader's POV~

I woke up Monday morning, with my skin chilled.

The first thought to cross my conscious mind, was if Mom would get mad if I tried to turn on the heater again...

But then I remembered, she was still gone.

I sat up from my previously lying-down position on my bed. Following the same routine I always did, I looked past the scattered rays of sunshine shining past my closed curtains and looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand. It was just past 7 am.

Huh. Why didn't my alarm go off? I have it set to 6 am...did I sleep through it? Seemed likely, but I've never done that before.

Whatever, I could tinker with it later. I had less than 30 minutes to get ready, before the school bus came. I pushed my comforter off of me, exposing more of myself to the cold air hanging in my room, which caused me to shiver lightly. I paid no mind to it, and got along with my morning routine.

During it all, my stomach rumbled. It reminded me that I didn't eat a lot yesterday, and I honestly didn't feel like getting anything to eat now, but potentially dealing with a rumbling stomach up until lunch didn't sound fun. Guess I'll grab something to snack on before I leave.

After I showered and made my hair presentable, I went downstairs, feeling the chill follow me. The whole house was freezing, which wasn't unusual, but it seemed worse this morning...or was it just me?

I didn't have anyone to ask, so I didn't think too hard about it.

I went through the fridge and some of the cabinets in the kitchen, but a sigh noiselessly left my lips as I found hardly anything. Dad didn't go grocery shopping before he left, and didn't way before he even left at that, so I had been wearing down on all choices I had. It seems that TV dinner I ate yesterday was the last one.

All we had now were food items I had to actually prepare on the stove or in it like I was a chef, which I was not. Microwavable foods and simple things I could slap together were the only culinary skills I had.

I didn't want to possibly burn the house down, and I didn't have time to try experimenting with anything anyway, so I resumed searching. I opened the cabinet where my parents kept the canned goods, and settled on one of mixed vegetables. Better than nothing.

I peeled the top of the can off and ate the slightly salty but mostly bland mish-mash hastily. I cringed as the cold, smelly mouthfuls went down my throat as I swallowed. No time to put in a bowl and microwave it, so I had to bare it. On a whim, I checked the can, and saw that it was well past its expiration date.

Instantaneously, I felt nauseous, but I kept eating.

'We don't waste food in this house.'

A pair of eyes, an unflinching glare, suddenly cut through my vision and my head whipped around, feeling sweat well up on my forehead and my heart jump with a burst of nervousness. But I calmed down, when I saw that I was alone in the kitchen.

Mom wasn't here. I forgot for a moment there.

I eventually finished my breakfast and put my spoon in the sink, throwing the can away. I checked my backpack to make sure I had everything, and left the house to go to the bus stop with haste.


People often make bad decisions without realizing it. I'm no different.

In this moment, I can say with full assurance, that eating that can of veggies was a bad idea.

By the time history class ended, my stomach was twisting and turning. A dull jolt of pain traveled through it, but nausea crawled upwards and was playing with the back of my throat.

As Cam and I walked down the hallway to the cafeteria, she talking to me, I silently pleaded with myself to keep everything in my stomach.

"Did...you talk to Dash today?" Cam skipped along, keeping an even pace with me. She smiled wide, revealing her white teeth, and I wished I share in the happy mood she was always in.

"No. He wasn't at his locker this morning...when I went to mine."

Which I was a little disappointed about, but I was also glad. I enjoyed his presence, but sometimes, being around him was...difficult. I don't know if it's because of how attractive he was, or because of the knowledge how he was out of my league.

Because, that did get mentally taxing at times.

"Ah. Well, he was in my English class earlier so I know he's here. Unless he went home suddenly, but I doubt that." Cam chirped, and went quiet for a moment before asking another question.

"So, how was your weekend?"

"...Fine. Didn't do much. Stayed home, watched TV, slept." I swallowed, fighting the bile that was battering at the base of my tongue. I involuntarily placed a hand on my abdomen, feeling my guts cramping.

"Same honestly. I mainly just watched TV...did a little drawing...oh, and I helped my mom out with her garden. I planted more Morning Glories."

Cam looked pleased at her latter statement, gaining a little proud smile and seemingly puffing her chest out. The sight was a little endearing. Too bad it didn't help in me fighting the chaotic storm going on in my body right now.

I sincerely hope I didn't give myself food poisoning. Again.

Cam and I reached the cafeteria, and I listened to her ramble about her mother's garden as we fell into line to get our trays. We found a table to sit at, and while Cam started eating, I poked at my food.

The pain in my stomach worsened, but the nausea especially did. I gagged, and put a hand over my mouth. Cam paused in her nibbling on a piece of fruit.

"Hey, Y/N? Are you ok?" Her head tilted slightly as she looked at me with concern, noticing I haven't eaten a bit of my food so far. I nodded, and immediately regretted it, as the ill feeling jumped to my head and made me feel light-headed.

"Yeah." I quietly said, still attempting to hold myself together. But when my stomach convulsed more painfully, I knew I lost this battle.

I quickly got up, and told Cam where I was going before she asked. "N-Need the restroom. Be right back."

"Ok...?" She turned to watch me leave as I hustled out of the cafeteria, not wanting to run and draw attention to myself but obviously wanting to get to the restroom as soon as possible.

'Just not in the hallway, not in the hallway...' I silently begged myself as I neared the closest female restroom, which was thankfully right next to the cafeteria. I hobbled into it, and I only managed to get a glimpse of a girl standing at one of the sinks putting makeup on before I ran into a stall and slammed it shut.

(If you're emetophobic, skip this section! You won't miss much.)



As soon as I leaned over the toilet, the pain in my stomach spiked as it all came rushing out of my mouth. I gripped the toilet seat, struggling to breath as my throat convulsed and vile fluid with bits and pieces of the vegetables I ate this morning splashed into the bowl.

This was almost surreal in a way. It's been a while since I've vomited, so I've forgotten how god-awful it feels.

After I stopped, I didn't leave the position I was in at once. Discolored water stared back at me as my breathing stabilized and my stomach ceased its rampant convulsing. My eyes began to sting as more water welled up in them. Internally, I felt just as icky as the toilet looked right now. Shame, and the smallest feeling of sadness, made my tears flow more freely.

I just wanted to go home more than anything now, but I still had the rest of my classes to sit through. Had to tough it out. I grabbed some toilet paper to wipe my mouth, and tossed it in the bowl before flushing it.



(Section's over!)

I walked out of the stall, now being able to fully see who surely listened to all of that. Not to my surprise...it was one of the girls in the school who loved to insult me at whatever chance she could get.

Then again, Iris Mitchell liked being a nuisance to just about everyone who wasn't in her social circle, so I wasn't anyone special.

I went up to a sink to wash my hands, hoping she wouldn't comment on what she'd heard. Naturally, she did.

"Geez...that sounded bad. You alright, Y/N?" Over to my right with two sinks in-between us, Iris kept her eyes focused on the mirror as she applied eyeshadow.

One would think the question was sincere, but I could clearly hear the condescending tone she used. Underneath the rush of water, my soapy hands clenched into fists for a second.

"Peachy." I stated, low but loud enough for her to hear it. She snickered.

"That's good." She finished her eyeshadow, placing the brush and lid back into its tube before closing it. An amused grin, carrying an aura of cruelness I think only I and a handful of other people could see, spread across her face.

"Hopefully it won't happen again, if you ate something bad...but if you're sick, I guess it can't be helped. Unless...hm..." Her eyes widened as her grin broadened.

"Wait, are you pregnant or something?"

I flinched, and the water still coming out of the sink's faucet splashed erratically in it, but Iris fortunately didn't see that.

"No!" I was much louder this time, embarrassment and irritation making my eyes narrow. She was unaffected, and chuckled.

"...Yeah, I believe you. It makes sense. After all..." She started placing her makeup back into a little green pouch on the sink.

"You couldn't be pregnant. No guy would knowingly come within 5 feet of you, let alone hit the sheets with you." She giggled loudly, as if she was told one of the best jokes she's ever heard by a comedian.

Ice spread throughout my veins, and my breath hitched.

"Anyway, I'll see you around. Try to watch what you eat, ok? Trash cans and dumpsters aren't good places to dine from." Iris tittered, fluffing her black hair and placing her pouch into her backpack. She zipped it up and grabbed it, walking past me with a carefree smile I wanted to claw off of her face.

The heavy, foul atmosphere that was in the restroom left with her. However, my mood was absolutely ruined regardless.

I stared down into the sink, at my hands, before unconsciously looking up into the mirror in front of me. I didn't notice it before, but my eyes were glistening again. Bitterness blooming in my chest and setting my heart on fire made my teeth clench, but I refused to cry because of Iris. I'll never give her the satisfaction.

She's lucky I cared about my identity and not getting in trouble with the school authorities. I'm sure a Super using their powers to mess with others, no matter the circumstance, is against some major rule. I never read the student handbooks they gave us at the beginning of every school year, but I assume they have the rule in there.

Otherwise, I would've doused her with every available source of water in here. From the sinks and toilets.

I dried my hands and left, taking my time in walking back to the cafeteria. The cramping of my stomach stopped, but there was still a feeling of stress present, and my gurgling bowels in general didn't feel good at all. I had no appetite whatsoever, and if I really did have food poisoning I wouldn't be able to keep anything down anyway, so I knew I wouldn't be eating a thing from my lunch tray.

I entered the cafeteria with my head down, feeling many pairs of eyes on me. I didn't know if I was imagining it or not, but I didn't want to peek upwards and check.

I got back to the table and sat down. Cam looked up from her phone.

"Hey there. You were gone for a while...how are things?" She asked, tilting her head, and I groaned.

"...Fine." That was a lie, I felt miserable, but she didn't need to know that. "How much time is left for lunch?"

I didn't feel like getting my phone out. Since she already had hers, she quickly glanced down.

"Uh...about 10 minutes? Give or take."

I can manage that. Then, it's just the matter of keeping it together during the rest of my class. I don't think I'll need to go to the bathroom again, but the urge to lie down and take a nap is something fierce right now. Doubt it's going to go away.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Cam asked. I shook my head, before crossing my arms on the table and lying it down on them.

"'M not hungry." I answered, closing my eyes. I bunched up, closing my arms into a circle and hiding my face.

"Alright..." Cam trailed off. Silence fell across our table, while I assumed Cam went back to doing whatever she was doing on her phone, not attempting to talk any further. She could probably see I wasn't in the mood for it, which I appreciated. I listened to the surrounding ruckus from the students at their own tables around us, as a thought crossed my mind.

I wonder what Dash is doing right now. Is he here in the cafeteria? I haven't combed through the tables to see. If he is in here, I hoped he didn't see me dart out earlier. If he did, I hope he wouldn't ask me about it.

I was half-asleep by the time the bell rang. My movements were sluggish as I pushed my chair out so I could stand up and grab my backpack, as Cam did the same. I threw my tray into a trash can, and I turned back around...

"Hey Dash."

Cam greeted the teen that had approached us when I wasn't looking. The blond flashed a smile at her, adjusting the black backpack strap slung over his shoulder. He wasn't wearing his letterman jacket today, instead wearing a red t-shirt with black stripes.

Red and black look good on him.

"Hey." He said to her, then turned to me. I didn't meet his eyes.

"Y/N...walk with me for a bit? We can go to your next class. English, right?"

Cam shot me an "Ooh~!" look from behind Dash, her green eyes sparkling. I didn't return the enthusiasm, instead tightly gripping my backpack in nervousness.

"Y-Yeah. And, sure..." I couldn't say no. Cam looked delighted by that, and was very happy to leave the both of us alone.

"I'll see you later, Y/N." She grinned, then turned to skip away with the last remaining stream of students walking out of the cafeteria.

I kept my eyes angled down as I stepped out from behind the table and started towards the exit, knowing Dash would fall in line with me.

"So...are you feeling ok?" He asked, and I clenched my teeth. How did I know he was going to ask? But, I couldn't be mad at him. He sounded genuinely concerned. And, part of me knew he was.

"I saw you rush out earlier...you looked sick."

"...I was. A little. Had...a bad breakfast earlier." I left it at that. We walked side-by-side through the hallway, and it didn't escape my attention that people were watching us.

I bet they were trying to think up a reason as to why Dash Parr was walking with me. If Dash noticed the attention we had, he didn't comment on it. Then again, he was used to people gawking at him, I presume.

"That explains things."

I took a peek at him, having to crane my neck and look up since he was taller than me by almost a flippin foot, seeing he was...frowning.

"Iris...came and sat at our table. She started talking about how you went into the restroom and ran to a stall."

Oh of course she did. I should've expected that.

"She said you...you know..." I understood what he implied, regretfully so. Dash moved his head so he could look me in the eyes, and I swiftly averted them.

I've thought about this before, but now, I was reminded of it. Why were they so...intense?

Not by color alone, or in the unfriendly way, like he was the sort to give everyone scowls. Dash had those kind of eyes that you knew just...have seen things. What type of things I couldn't guess, but I'm willing to believe they got to him, altering him in a manner not a lot of people experienced. At least, not at his age.

His eyes were soft, non-glaring, but they were unwavering. They also carried the unmistakable light of confidence, confidence he either naturally felt or developed over the years. Could be both.

All in all, they were eyes I loved looking into, but were afraid of at the same time. It was like, if we made eye contact long enough, Dash was capable of seeing past my demeanor and into me in a way, gauging just what my character is. The kind of person I was at heart. I don't know if other people ever thought the same, and I could be conjuring it all from nothing with my weird imagination, but I knew he affected me so much in such a trivial way.

It was stunning, but creepy. He was an odd one. I guess that's one of the reasons why I like him so much.

"Yeah...it was a really bad breakfast." I quietly snorted, speaking with a touch of light-heartedness to help take away some of the worry he felt. I knew he was worried. I could sense it, despite how well

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