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andreas pov:

its their last free day, and for december its pretty warm so we decided to go to the beach with the boys after their training.

i found out it was mia that took photo of nikola kissing me, and i swear to God i will ruin both of their lifes

"what should i wear" again i asked tina

"girl you are victoria secret model and you don't know how to dress on your own"

"you kinda got me there but i need your help"

"okay okay, don't go in a dress, bring your bikini, go in like shorts and tank top"

"thank you i owe you one"

we are going to the beach now, frenkie somehow managed to come with us, of course mia needs to be here.

yamal and i agreed on some kind of fake dating, but only when pablo is around , just to get on his nerves, and him just seeing us together is already too much for him.

i came almost last with tina because she needed to charge her phone, sira waved to us signalling to come there

tina went to say hi to pedri and i went to leave my stuff, i put my towel on the sand next to sira, and yamal already came up to me and he hugged me, i hugged him back and he took advantage of it and picking me up.

"put me down yamal" i yelled


hes running to the water, oh lord help me pleaseee, i accepted my fate of yamal throwing me in the water.

moments later my whole hair was wet, i hate when it gets wet because then i look like a wet dog and i hate that.

while yamal was throwing me somehow i pulled him down with me, payback time,im so proud of my self.

i sat back on my towel and wrapped the other around my body.

sira took a few photos of me in the water so i decided to post some of them bc why not


liked by 99 people...

@notandrea  in another world 👾

@teomateo whoever took that 3rd picture is the best photographer ever
—>teo we talked about praising yourself..

@valentinaa ay that 1st picture is just😮‍💨

@pedri and not a single photo of your brother, really?

—>be careful what you wish for pedro

@joaofelix79 dayyyym
—>@pedri excuse you?


skiptime: 23.11

today is the first game, against Costa Rica, im so excited to go, I have been to some Spains matches but this is different, it's world cup.

yamal called me to bring him his charger which he forgot in my bag when we went to the beach.

i got to their hotel, as i was busy asking yamal in which room he is, i bumped into someone, again.

i looked up and it was pablo, why it always has to be him, we both stared at each other.

"what are you doing here" he spoke first

"none of your business" i scoff back

"ookay" he laughed

"good luck tonight, you know on your game"

"if i score tonight"

"continue" i say leaning against a wall

"you will have to talk to me"

"hmm, but you need to dedicate your goal to me"

"deal" he put his hand out

"deal" i shake hands with him

i missed his touch.

in this exact moment yamal went out of his room, probably to meet me.

"oh there you are andrea"

pablo just looked at me, turned around and walked away, i was left there standing, looking at him while he walks down the hall.

"what happened there tell me everything"

i told him everything.

"oh my God yess"

"that doesn't change the fact that i hate him"

"no you don't, you still love him andrea"

"no i don't.." i said quietly

"you maybe can lie yourself but you can't lie me"

"okay i still love him" i confess "but he still hurt me, and i don't forgive him"



"yall need to make up because this girl mia is getting on my nerves"

"how you didn't even speak to her"

"its too much even seeing her in my sigh"

"you are right"

"tonight at 7pm don't forget, and don't worry pablo will score, mark my words"

"i won't byeee"

there was a football field in front of our hotels, and i saw boys playing football, i sat on the bench that was near them and watched, i loved watching football since i was little, my mana teached me to love red star (belgrade) and dad teached me to love barcelona, as i was growing up my love for these 2 clubs growed more and more, and i still love both clubs abnormally.

now that's called a royal fan of an club.

"heyy wanna come with us to get ready for the match" sira approached me with tina

"what time is it"

"uhhh its" tina took out her phone "4pm"

"3 hours to get ready, are you sure we will have enough time"

"yes chill out" sira said pulling my hand

we went back to our hotek, and i wanna wear gavis jersey so bad but i have a deal with pedri.

"i see you glancing at his jersey" tina saw me..

"no im not"

"yes you are, wear it who cares, i will explain it to pedri"

"but pablo and i still don't talk, nor we talked since our break up"

"who cares, confuse him"

"yeah about that, call sira to i have a funny story to tell"

she rushed to call sira, and they both jumped on my bed.

"start" sira said

"well from where do i start,today  yamal asked me to bring him his charger he left in my purse, ofc i was being a good friend and i went to bring it to him, i wastexting him, asking where is his room, when i bumped no one other than pablo gavi, he asked me where i was going and i said none of your business, he laughed at my words, i wished him good luck for today's game, he said if he scores we will need to have a talk after the game, and i said only if he dedicates his goal to me, and we have a deal now"

"wasn't the deal you wear pedris jersey and only if we reach finals you wear pablos jersey" tina said

"yea she's right" sira added

"pedris jersey it is then, if we reach finals i can wear it as a good luck"

"yess" was answer from both of them

we all started getting ready for the game.

Pablos pov:


was going to ferrans room, when i bumped into andrea, is it normal that she's the only person im bumping into.

"what are you doing here"

"none of your business"

that was sharp,i tried to play cool with laughing it off.

"good luck, you know on your game"

now or never pablo.

"if i score"

no going back now, i need to finish what I started

"continue" okay okay

"you will have to talk to me"

"hmm, but you need to dedicate your goal to me"

everything for you.

"deal" i put out my hand looking into her eyes, i swear i saw them smile.

"deal" she says shaking my hand

i missed her touch.

in this exact moment yamal walked out of his room, i suppose she's bringing him a charger, since she has one in her hand, i just looked at her and turned around to go to ferrans room.

"no way you guys finally spoke" ferran said shocked

"yeah me too"

"it's all because of me" he laughed

"it is man thank you"

"wanna go outside and play football, there is a football field in front of our hotel"

"im always up for football"

we went out and everyone was already there, we divided into 2 groups and started playing, i saw andrea sitting on a bench near the pitch, watching us play, i tried my best for her to notice me, but sira and tina approached her and after few mins they went to the hotel, probably to get ready for the game, we all now went to get ready and head to the stadium.


will pablo score?

i tried my best 😇

i have a friend, I will not mention her hame but she was once a red star fan, but we lost an important game and she started supporting our biggest rival, partizan, so that's why i added the loyalty part, bc how can you swith clubs like that 😦😦
btw partizan and red star are just like read madrid and barselona, expect both barselona and red star are better 🥰🥰🥰

mia i miss you💘


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