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She go out from the room and saw Mrs. Jung and her daughter at the kitchen. She greeted them and stand at the kitchen counter.

"I'm sorry I cant help...I overslept" Lisa feeling sorry "no need to...you can rest as much as you want, we're okay" Mrs. Jung.

"Ah can you wake Hoseok up?" Mrs. Jung continue "ah nee sure thing..." Lisa "w-where is he by any chance?" Lisa "he's sleeping at your bedroom" Mrs. Jung.

"Ah nee..." Lisa go to her bedroom.

She widen her eyes and jaw dropped when she saw him sleeping on the couch.

She walk fast to him and wake him up "Oppa...oppa wake up" Lisa. He open his eyes slowly. After saw her, he immediately sit up.

"Why did you sleep on the couch? There's bed!" Lisa "Ummmm...actually" Jhope.

Before go to sleep, he check her room first. Except her closet to keep her privacy.

He sit on the couch and smell her vanilla scent on it "Why is she smell so good?" Jhope. Without thinking twice, he take the pillow and blanket and sleep on the couch.

"Aniya...I accidently fall asleep here" Jhope "with a pillow and blanket ready?" Lisa "Kenikka? I-I dont know who put it on me" Jhope.

"Sorry...I fall asleep in your room" Lisa "gwenchana..." Jhope "Why dont you wake me up?" Lisa "I felt bad" Jhope "just wake me up...I'm okay" Lisa.

"Geurae" Jhope "I'll go help them" Lisa "who?" Jhope "jiwoo unnie and your mother" Lisa "you dont call my mother eomma?" Jhope.

Lisa chuckle nervously "waeyo?" Lisa "didn't she told you to call her eomma?" Jhope "Nee but...I felt like I shouldn't" Lisa "aniya...you can call her that" Jhope.

"G-geurae...I'll go now?" Lisa. He nodded and she go out from the room.

They all gathered at the living room before go out from the hotel to have fun outside.

"Everyone's ready right? Kajja" Jiwoo. They go out and get in the car that they rented for 5 days.

Like last night, his father sat beside him and Lisa sat beside his mother on the right and his sister sit at the back with her husband.

before go to the actual place they wanted to go, they stopped by at the beach to take a pictures.

"Stand there...I'll take your pictures" Jhope. Lisa stand at the spot he told her to stand at and he take her pictures.

"Paba..." Lisa hold his hand and push it a little down bcs she cant see it "Ooohh you're a good photographer tho" Lisa "Aniya...I just take at a angles that look good" Jhope.

"I'm touched" Mrs. Jung "why would you?" Mr. Jung "our son look the most happiest when he's with her" Mrs. Jung "maybe he had his first love?" Mr. Jung.

"But...what if her parent dont wanna except him? You know...her father is a president" Mrs. Jung "Yeobo...you always had a negative thinking" Mr. Jung.

"I hope there's a happy ending between them" Mrs. Jung "Ah and...I heard a rumor said that a president's child have to wait until their parents find their own partner" Mrs. Jung continue.

"They cant pick their own partner but they'll be the second one" Mrs. Jung. Mr. Jung just shake his head. He also want the best for his son.

"Wanna go grab coffee?" Jhope "is there is here?" Lisa "Nee but...we have to walk a little" Jhope "geurae" Lisa.

"Eomma!" Jhope called his mother who is not to far from them. Jhope and Lisa walk to them.

"We'll go grab a coffee first can you stay here for a few minutes?" Jhope "Oh geurae, palli come back" Mrs. Jung "Nee" Jhope. Lisa bowed a little at his parent and followed him.

"Paba...she's so polite and pure, I want her to be my daughter in law so bad" Mrs. Jung "Yeobo...if their really meant to each other..." Mr. Jung.

"Nothing can stop them to be together" Mr. Jung "yeah yeah you're right" Mrs. Jung.

While their own their way to the cafe, they sometimes stopped by to take pictures.



"What do you want? I heard that you dont drink coffee" Jhope asked her when they already at the counter "Nee...I want latte" Lisa.

Jhope started to order in English that make Lisa laughed bcs of his cuteness "You're so cute...did you practice this?" Lisa.

"Aniyo...I'm cool right? I ordered it right without any mistakes" Jhope with his arm on the counter and look at her.

"Okay okay" Lisa with a smile, she rolled her eyes playfully. Few minutes later, their order came and they immediately go out from the store.

Lisa sat beside Jhope at the passenger's seat now. They'll have a long road today. Everyone already sleeping except for Lisa and Jhope.

Ofc he cant sleep bcs he's the one who is driving. Lisa stay awake bcs she scared he might be bored and alone when she sleep.

"You can sleep if you're sleepy...no need to stay awake" Jhope while focusing on the road "aniya...I'm okay" Lisa.

"Do you have my pictures in your phone?" Lisa "that we take earlier?" Jhope. She nodded "Nee...waeyo?" Jhope.

"Can I have it?" Lisa "Nee ofc you can, no need to ask for my permission, its your pictures" Jhope "where's your phone?" Lisa.

He gave his phone to her "what your password?" Lisa "your birthday" Jhope "Nee?" Lisa "your birthday" Jhope "Ah o-okay" Lisa feeling shy.

Jhope giggle at her cuteness when she's shy. Lisa opened his phone and go to the gallery. She send all her pictures they took today.

After that she put his phone down and change to her phone.




"Are we there yet?" Lisa "1 more hour, I told you if you're sleepy you can sleep" Jhope "how about you? Aren't you sleepy?" Lisa.

"I'm not and I'm okay..." Jhope "Okay..." Lisa get herself into a comfortable position to sleep. Jhope take her hand and hold it. Lisa raised her head look at him.

"You can sleep...like this" Jhope. She smile and lean her head again. She hold his hand back.


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