11 - Decisions

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I don't know how to feel, of course I'm happy but the look on my doctors face makes me want to be sick.

"What's wrong?"

"Well Ashley in your past history you lost your baby, that's why we believe it's very dangerous for you to go through with the pregnancy. If you do choose to go through with the pregnancy the likelihood of both mum and baby making it through is slim to none. I believe the best way forward is to have an termination."


"I know this is very hard to process but we believe it's best for your health. I only want to keep you safe and with the pregnancy there will be more than likely a few complications. I'm not trying to scare you off I'm just saying what I think is best."

"So you're saying there's no way both Ashley and our baby will make it..."

"There is a chance but we believe it's one not worthy of taking. The pregnancy could put too much stress on Ashley's body making her miscarriage which is something nobody here would like to see. One thing most people in your situation like to do is some research so I've got a leaflet for you to read more about your options."

"Okay Thank you, so once we know our choice do we ring the doctors or what?"

"Either way you'd ring us, either to book a doctors appointment or a termination."

"How long do we have to decide?"

"As you are 4 weeks pregnant we recommend before the eight week mark."

"Okay, if I choose to keep it what happens?"

"You will have an appointment every two weeks to keep a close watch on both you and baby, but like I said earlier most parents like to do a little research before making up their minds. Do you have any more questions?"

I shook my head and so did Joe.

"Okay if you need anything feel free to call in and make an appointment."

"Thank you."

My doctor got up and left, I turned to Joe with tears almost flooding my face.


"We can't go through with this pregnancy, I'm not losing you."

"I'm sorry Joe but I just can't get rid of my baby."

"But Ash you could die!"

"Don't you want a kid, it's worth risking anything to me. There's a chance I could die every time I leave the house."

"Please Ashley, think about this."

"I have and I've made up my mind, I'm keeping this baby. Now if you aren't happy with my decision you can leave."


"It's my final choice."

"Okay...I'm just scared."

"I know, I am too but we've got each other."

"Mmm Yeah."

"Oh come here will you."

I pulled him into my embrace and kissed his tear stained cheeks, I hope I've made the right decision.

Scared. I'm more than scared, of course I want kids but not at the cost of losing Ashley. I love her too much to lose her but she's made her choice, I'm not going to protest it any more. I just hope to god everything will be okay because I need Ashley more than words can describe. She's my rock and the
love of my life.

"Let's go home."

"When do you want to tell people?"

"Not for a little while Joe, I want to make it past the twelve week mark first."

"Okay, let's go now."

I lace our fingers together as we walk out of the doctors, I feel her squeeze my hand just before she let's go so we can get in the car. The drive is silent we only share a few gazes with each other, I know she's just as terrified as me but she's doesn't want to show it. I know she wants to be strong but I can see through that, she's petrified and that's okay.

"Joe can we pull over please."

"Yeah sure."

"Like now."

I pulled over and she jumped out of the car and was sick, oh poor thing. She got back into the car looking pale as a ghost.


"Just drive, please."

I nodded my head and drove us home, I chucked her the house keys and watched her run off inside. I get out of the car and see a 'SOLD' sign on Ashley's old house. I wonder who's bought it, I hope it's someone nice I can't deal with anymore nightmare neighbours. I walk into the house and into the bathroom.

"Do you need anything?"

"Uh a glass of water and I should probably eat something."

"Okay, I'll go get that sorted then."

I walk into the kitchen and grab out the chopping board, I'm just going to make her a sandwich because I can tell she doesn't actually want anything to eat.

"It's done!"

I place her plain ham sandwich down on the table alongside her glass of water and await her. She walks out with a bucket in one hand and a flannel in the other.

"Do you need anything else?"

"I'm okay a minute, wait could you go grab me a bobble or something."

"Yeah, they're in the mirror box thingy upstairs."


I ran upstairs and grabbed her a bobble, I was leaving our bedroom when I saw a smashed frame on the floor. I bent down to pick it up and saw it was a picture of Ashley and her dad, with Reid in the background. I wish they would make up but I don't think either of them want to, they've got an unfixable bond after all the things Ric has said.

"Joe are you bringing me my bobble?"

"Yeah I'm coming now."

I pushed the frame back under the bed and walked back downstairs.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."

She tied her hair up and I sat down opposite her and saw she's only taken a tiny bite out of her sandwich.

"You enjoying the sandwich."

"Not really, sorry Joe."

"It's alright, do you want something different?"

"Uh ice cream."

"We don't have any."

"Go buy some then."

"Okay I'll be back soon. If you need anything just call me."

"Sure, I'll keep my phone ready."

She smiled at me and I kissed her, she did have bad breath but it's alright, it's what I signed up for really. I slid my shoes on and left the house, maybe we've made the right decision. I do hope we have because I can't go through pain like I have before and I don't think Ashley can either.

Hehe he's never actually gone to buy me ice cream before when I've asked, guess this pregnancy comes with some perks.

"You probably can't hear me but I love you so much, we've only just met but that doesn't matter. Although your making me sick I love you to pieces and I can't wait to meet you in eight months. Try not to have too much fun in there and mummy and daddy will be eagerly waiting your arrival."

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