Ch.16 (Break the endless nightmare Part 1)

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Me: HeLlo EveRy OnE...

Lenora: Light!!!!!! Can't you speak like a normal human?!

Me: Sorry... I am just too angry...

Lenora: Why?

Me: I am not going to talk about it. (this really happen today) and start the story first.
Silver P.O.V

As me,Shadow and blaze finally defeat Marionette and she collapse on the floor.

Tails: Guys!!!! Little help here...

I see he,Amy and Cream are still can't win the fake Sonic.

Silver: You guys need to fight for your fear or else you can't even safe anyone!!!!

Blaze: Silver is right!!!! Just face your own fear!!!!

And then Tails took out the lazer gun and point it to The fake Sonic's head.

Tails: I'm sorry,Sonic...

And he pull the triger and the Sonic is disappeared.

Scourge's P.O.V

I never see a animatronic that fast before!!! But it not as fast as me and I block the attack from the fox.

Scourge: Game Over!!!!

And I sent it a kick but someone block my attack and I see its the bear again.

Foxy: Freddy? Why you save me?

Freddy: Althouge you are not on our side,but we are friends.

Foxy: Freddy... (hug him),I'm sorry... (crying)

Freddy: (hug back) Thats need to worry...

So,I walk away to help the others because I think they need some alone time.

Rouge's P.O.V

The white gox is so annoying!!! And I see the others are all defeat their enemy.

Mangle: Heh,you can't avoid my attack forever.

Rouge: Who said I am avoid it.

And I kick her on her head.

Mangle: grrrrr............... and she try to punch me on my face but I grab her arm and throw her to the floor.

Rouge: Who's the loser now?

I turn around I saw the puple bunny and theyellow chicken finish the fight as well. And the other animatronic are all broken.

Shadow P.O.V

I am still looking at Marionette,because she still passout.

Shadow: Sonic.........

Silver: Shadow... Sonic is still missing.

Shadow: He is not missing. (Point at Marionette) She is Sonic!!!!!!

All of them: WHAT?????!!!!!!!

Amy: Thats impositble!

Shadow: Its the truth

And I pull out the chaos emerald .

Shadow: Anyone??

Scourge: Who are you talking to?

And A light apear and I see EXE and SD apear from the light.

EXE: (smirk) I see you found her.

Shadow: Can help me how to wake her up.

SD: She is stuck in a endless nightmare from her own,well we can help but I think you still have one enemy left.

Silver: I don't know who you two are but if you say so then who.

Shadow: I remember!!!!

Rouge: who?

Shadow: Golden Freddy...

But then I see a golden animatronic show up behide EXE and it stab her right on her chest.

SD: What the...

Amy: Oh my god!!!!

Cream: (crying)

But EXE kick him away.

EXE: Why you look at me like that?

Cream: It just kill you.

EXE: *sign* I don't have entity,it can't hurt me,even a little.

Shadow: Thank god...

EXE: Wow... I forgot to take my weapon. (look at Scourge)

Scourge: What?!

EXE: Can you come here please?

And that Scourge walk toward her,but what is she planing?

EXE: Excuse me...

Then she stub her hand inside Scourge heart.

Shadow: WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!!

Tails and Knuckles: She is killing us?

But I saw her took out something in Scourge cheats and its a arrow.

EXE: I didn't kill him,I can took different weapons from different people and hes fine if I put the arrow back he will be fine.

And she shoot the arrow to Golden Freddy and it shoot sticke to its body and it broken as well.

EXE: Really?

SD: I think it destroyed.

So she put the arrow back and Scourge start to wake up.

Scourge: aw... what happen?

EXE: Nothing,I think we should help Sonic get out from the nightmare now.

Blaze: How?

SD: We need to go into her brain and distroy her nightmare.

Shadow: You sure need to do that,SD?

SD: Yes,EXE can open the main door that can go to her brain. But some people need to stay here.

All of them: *look at each other* then who?

EXE: cream and Amy you guys should stay here... this is too dangerous for you two.

Amy and Cream: Why???

EXE: Cream is too young for that and Amy you should take care of her,you know.even me can't go with them.

SD: We need ti go now...

EXE: Öppna hjärta...

And a door apear in fount of us and it open itself.

SD: Now follow me...

EXE: Good luck!

And we go through the door.

To be continued..........

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